The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 903: Mission difficulty upgrade

In the entire sparse grove, there are some monster refresh areas in many places.

But the whole forest is not particularly dense, and at first glance, it seems that there is no special situation.

While checking all the way, Mo Xie let his mount come to the front of the small forest and continued to march towards the depths of the forest.

Walking into the small forest, there are low trees everywhere. On the ground between the trees, piles of rocks are randomly laid out, forming many easy-to-hide positions.

No, this place looks like a great ambush location!

Mo Xie looked at the surrounding scenes and was suddenly alert.


Just when he felt that the woods were a little weird, there was a burst of light breaking through the air. From the three directions in front of the woods, those random rocks rang out from behind the other side's rocks, and dozens of flashing cold lights flew straight towards the target. All come for Moxie!

Damn, there was an ambush!

Mo Xie was so frightened that he hurriedly released the riding state. The mount still followed the order and continued to move forward along the center of the small map leading to the attack, and he had fallen on the ground, continuously rolling away from his mount...

Puff puff!


He only heard a screaming howl from the mount, and countless cold lights all hit the mount's body, a white light slowly and magically, and his mount suddenly rolled to the ground.

On the mount icon, the big word death made Mo Xie shocking.

Fortunately, he didn't feel right when he saw the terrain, and he reacted a little faster. Otherwise, not only the mount will be dead now, but he himself will not escape!

What's the situation? Didn't you come to find the spies of the enemy country? How did you become ambushed?

Lying on the ground, watching the offensive from afar no longer appeared, Mo Xie was extremely curious.

He seems to have reacted now, the **** City Lord actually gave him a task of suppressing the enemy as a task of tracking down the spies!

The difficulty of the mission suddenly increased by hundreds of times. Not to mention, there are actually **** mission time limits and failure penalties...

Mo Xie is now too weak to spit out, sending out tasks randomly, and the system does not care?

But he also understood that perhaps because he refused to accept the request to change the mission route, the system would randomly increase the difficulty of his mission.

Therefore, even if this task has such a big deviation, he can only bite the bullet and complete the task conditions according to the task requirements, otherwise what awaits him must be the punishment for the failure of the task!

But in the situation just now, Mo Xie could see clearly that there were at least dozens of enemies hidden in the grove, and they were all long-range attacking professions. How could he deal with them?

For the first time, Mo Xie thought of asking someone to help. Unfortunately, no one in the God Realm League has entered the imperial city. Even if Mo Xiaolang and his teammates reach level 50 to come to help, this is after all his own main task. , Once a helper comes, I am afraid that group of enemies will not appear.

This is really a big trouble!

It's okay to say that one person is only exploring tasks, but one person's task has become to deal with a large group of enemies, then it is still unknown whether or not to kill this group of enemies to get the task clues.

The other four coordinate points must be in the same situation, so the task time that seems to be ample 24 hours is not enough now...

Knowing the difficulties, you have to complete the task, and you must never let the city owner have the opportunity to wear shoes for himself!

Mo Xie lay on the ground, although his posture was embarrassed, but he quickly made a decision in his heart.

To deal with so many enemies, you must first figure out their attack distance and hatred range.

From the small map, the place where the mount hangs is less than 20 meters away from the mission coordinate point, and the opponent's ambush circle is exactly ten meters away from the coordinate point.

The bows they fired have a range of ten meters. It is easy to judge that these are all enemies of the longbow class. Among the various archer class classes to be continued, only the longbow has such a long range.

You know, the archer profession is just a big concept. Under the archer profession classification, it also includes the division of professional weapons such as longbows and shortbows.

The longbow has the longest professional range and medium damage. The advantage is that it can set fire to suppress the enemy remotely. The disadvantage is that the attack cooling time is longer.

The short bow has a medium range and has the highest damage. The advantage is that it has the best effect on sniping a single enemy. The disadvantage is that there are too few group attacks.

The crossbow has the shortest range and average damage. The advantage is the fastest attack speed, but the disadvantage is that it is easy to get close to the enemy.

The offensive just now made Mo Xie quickly understand the enemy’s occupation. After each longbow attack, there needs to be a 3-second interval between attacks, because the longbow archer’s arrows are too long, and it takes one second to remove them from the quiver. Moreover, the bowstring of the longbow is too tight, and it takes one second each time it is fully drawn, and it takes another second to determine the direction of the attack.

Mo Xie naturally has his way to deal with such an enemy.

Moreover, the opponent killed his mount in a flash of arrows, and it seemed that their attack power was not particularly strong, which is the same as the attack power of the current level 50 archer players.

I hope that the system will not be too bad, at least it can give myself some opportunities...

Mo Xie lay on the ground, quickly opened the package, and took out an item directly from it...

For a flash of black light, he was lying behind his body on the ground, and a square wooden shield suddenly appeared. This was the defensive shield that was not used up in the last city battle. It was used by players to block the edge of the city wall and resist the beasts. A self-made defense prop of the clan shooter, I didn't expect it to work now.

With the wooden shield behind it, it looked like a giant black turtle lying there.

Although the image is not elegant enough, Mo Xie now doesn't have to be afraid of being shot as a hedgehog by the archers. Next, he should find a way to deal with these mysterious enemies as soon as possible.

You know, the opponent is a group, and there is only one person. Even if you are close to the opponent, one person beats a group of people, it seems that the odds of winning are not too great.

But now that you encounter such a troublesome task, even if it is dangerous, you must try it first and see the situation before making plans.

Mo Xie rested on the ground for ten seconds, and began to crawl forward slowly with his hands and feet supporting his body...

With his heart beating violently, he crawled forward step by step, and gradually approached the place where the mount hung up. With less than three meters ahead, he would enter the range of those archer ambushes.

No matter what, just die!

Mo Xie gritted his teeth, crawled quickly with his hands and feet, carrying a heavy wooden shield directly forward, and rushing towards the corpse of the mount that hadn't been refreshed...

Boom boom!


In an instant, the bowstring bounced and the sound of breaking through the air suddenly sounded again.

Countless cold lights shot out from behind the pile of rocks, the target locked on the moving black figure on the ground...

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