The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 904: It turned out to be a summoned beast

In an instant, a large rain of arrows and cold light gleamed, all thrusting towards the ground.

Clang clang!

The muffled sound sounded one after another, and the wooden shield was filled with dozens of long feather arrows in an instant!

Now it looks like Moxie is like a porcupine, with spikes all over his back...

As soon as all the arrows fell, he abruptly got up, opened the wooden shield on his back, and strode behind the pile of rocks on the left.

Mo Xie knew that he didn't have much time and had to rush into the enemy group as soon as possible. On the one hand, he could avoid being attacked by the arrow rain again, and on the other hand, he could figure out the enemy's situation as soon as possible.

He rushed forward and leaped to the top of the rock pile. There were nearly twenty black archers crowded behind the pile. Their faces were covered with black scarves, and their surprised eyes fixed on Mo Xie's body. The enemies in the platoon swept toward Mo Xie with their long bows nearly two meters high.

In just a moment, Mo Xie's eyes were locked on the heads of the nearest black-clothed archers, and the names on their heads were also clearly revealed in front of them...

Holy Moon Empire Dark Night Wing

summon monster

Level: 50

Physical Attack: 450-510

Armor: 230

As soon as Mo Xie saw the name on the top of the opponent's head, his finger was already remotely clicked on one of the black-clad masked archers. The attribute view function took effect immediately, and an attribute interface quickly popped up.

Since the opponent is also a level 50 monster, Mo Xie can clearly see all his attributes.

What the **** is this?

Looking at the four silver prefixes of the Holy Moon Empire above the opponent, it is first of all certain that these monsters are indeed the hostile camp of the Holy Moon Empire, but now they appear outside the Imperial City of the Sun Empire. What are they not spies?

What puzzled Mo Xie was that this black-clothed archer actually didn't have any rank and strength description, that is, there was no division of elites and monsters. Behind the name of Dark Night Youyi, there was no ability to identify them.

But the three words in the attribute interface immediately solved Mo Xie's doubts... Summoned Beast?

It turns out that these black archers are not monsters or, let alone enemy soldiers, but summoned beasts summoned by the summoner...

Everything can be explained. I did not expect that the large groups of enemy archers I encountered were all pet babies who were hostile to the summoner!

You know, the summoned beast that a summoner can summon is not only the type of beast, but also the human-shaped summoned beast.

Moreover, the Summoner profession can summon more than one kind of pets. They can select different types of summoned beasts in the skill list according to the battle situation. There are long-range archer professions and mage professions, as well as melee attack and defense classes. Occupation.

It is now certain that these archers are all combat pets recruited by the summoners, so their owners must be remotely commanding them at the task coordinates.

With such a large group of archer summoned beasts, there must be a lot of summoners, no less than 6 people.

Why is this analysis? Because Moxie has studied the game for a long time, and after the unfinished service is to be reopened, in order to know himself and the enemy, he is constantly studying the characteristics of each combat class.

The Summoner profession is a very powerful profession in leveling monsters and legion battles.

Especially in terms of leveling and spawning monsters, a 500-person summoner group is enough to lead a team of thousands of people to happily level up. Even if other professions don’t need to participate in attacks, the pets recruited by a 500-person summoner will You can easily spawn monsters to share experience with everyone.

Because of the unfinished setting, the number of summoners that can be summoned by the summoner class increases with the improvement of their level and skills. From the first one only one summoned beast to fight, to the last wave of one. A large group of summoned beasts help fight, this is very simple matter.

The summoner itself has no attack skills. The leveling and fighting of monsters all rely on the combat ability of the summoned beast, and the strength of the summoned beast is far behind the player's combat power, so the game designer will give the summoners more summoned beasts to enhance their strength. , To achieve professional balance.

From the perspective of player occupation, as long as the summoners reach level 50, some new skills will appear again in the skill talent tree. Among them are the skills that increase the number of pets in battle. After learning, the summoners can summon at least level 50 8 summoned beasts...

And the number of these black archers was about forty to fifty people, and Mo Xie could get the number of summoners in an instant.

At the coordinate point, there are at least 6 enemy summoners.

Maybe if you kill them, you may get the quest props, so you don't have to worry about being worn by the city lord.

Mo Xie had already judged the current situation based on the monster's name and attributes at the moment of the lightning fire...

These archer summoned beasts are among the summoned beasts with extremely strong attack power but extremely low blood volume.

And their armor looks very brittle, only more than 200 points.

The so-called armor refers to the players' physical defense and magical defense attributes, but in some special cases, such as the two sides are exactly the same, the system will directly explain in the form of armor.

That is to say, the physical defense of the black archer summoned beast is the same as the magic defense data, all of which are more than 200 points.

This fragile attribute can be replaced by a 50-level player assassin class rushing into them, and one can be quickly killed in three or two.

But Mo Xie didn't plan that. Since he understood that this was the other party's summoned beast, he didn't plan to get entangled with these summoned beasts. He had to find their owner as soon as possible, otherwise the situation would be troublesome!

As we all know, there are many types of summoned beasts that a summoner can recruit. If the opponent finds that the archer baby has blocked the enemy, they will immediately recruit a new summoned beast to replace it.

But when the summoners use their summoning skills, they also have a long time. They don't want to summon the baby immediately.

For example, right now, if the enemy's summoner removes an archer, he is about to face a summon cooldown of several minutes. Only when the time is over can he recruit a new baby to help.

Mo Xie really understood this situation. With a heart move, his body jumped high, avoiding the sweep of the baby archer's longbow, and fell into the middle of the large black archers in an instant, and then drilled a way out of them, rushing towards the task Coordinate points……

At this time, those archer babies were still looking around, looking for the enemy.

After all, they are just summoned beasts with low IQ, not real archers. Under the hustle and bustle, Mo Xie quickly passed through the piles of rocks and rushed straight to the locked coordinates.

He took a big step from the top of the stone pile to another stone pile. On the flat ground between the two or three small trees in front of him, he was looking for the task coordinates.

And there, as expected, there were five or six slender figures wearing long robes and holding short staffs, waving their staff anxiously.

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