The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 910: Night hunter

After getting ready, Mo Xie was full of confidence and quickly approached the task coordinate point again.

The situation was the same as last time. Seeing that he was about to reach the mission point, the top of the nearby hills, black lights flashed, and six black shadows quickly became invisible.

Mo Xie turned around and ran away when he saw the black shadow appearing. He knew that the assassin was moving faster than himself. If he hesitated for a second, he would definitely be caught up by these assassins halfway. In that case, he was very likely to be assassinated. Siege is a dead end.

He withdrew quickly and continued to return the same way as last time. The slight footsteps behind him kept ringing, but there was no human shadow.

During the rush all the way, not far in front of Mo Xie was a row of hills where he set the mechanism. Among them, there were multiple passages, all of which were preset by him.

And where he was rushing forward, the arrest mechanism was set.

Quickly and cautiously rushing through the passageway between the hills on both sides, Mo Xie continued to flee forward while keeping an eye on what was about to happen.

Puff puff!

Just when he had just rushed out of the position less than five meters away, several assassins had been following the chasing assassins, and they rushed through various passages almost at the same time, constantly triggering the mechanism set by Mo Xie.

Five of them were blocked by Moxie with ropes between the hills, and there were still wood piles on the two hills. As long as the assassin touched the rope, the wood piles on both sides would roll down, let alone them. If you continue to rush forward, it is impossible to walk normally.

As the sound rang, the rumbling pile of wood rolled down, banging into the air, and black shadows appeared out of thin air, dancing and avoiding the impact of the wood.

And at the intersection behind Mo Xie, suddenly a faint afterimage flew onto the thin iron wire, slamming it not only to bring forced damage numbers, but also an iron net under the hood, and the wood piles on both sides also Crashed.

The poor assassin hadn't figured out what was going on yet, his body was already covered by the iron net, and two piles of wood fell immediately afterwards. It screamed and fell to the ground and was buried alive by the pile of wood.

This time, it even had no chance to break free of the iron net.

What Mo Xie wanted was this effect. Seeing that the assassins were being fooled, Mo Xie was excited to flee.

The other five assassins managed to escape the impact of the wood, but they were all knocked out of the round shape, each wearing a pitch-black leather armor with a black scarf on their faces, holding a pair of bright daggers in their hands, on top of their heads. It is also a red line name...

Special boss of the night hunter of the Holy Moon Empire

Level: 50

Hunting in the dark: The invisibility time is increased by 60 seconds, and the invisibility state will become invalid only after an attack.

Looking back at the attributes of one of the assassins, Mo Xie speeded up and fled to the edge of Luanhungang. Only then did the five assassins turn around and leave angrily.

This time he finally understood the situation of these assassin monsters. It turned out that their enhanced attributes were actually the invisibility time extended by one minute!

Fortunately, I have kept an eye on myself, otherwise I will suffer a lot from these assassins!

Because level 50 assassins, with the improvement of their skill levels, their ordinary invisibility can reach nearly 2 minutes, not to mention the 1 minute invisibility time has been increased.

And the system said very clearly that the invisibility of these night hunters is completely different from ordinary assassins.

Players all know that when an assassin is in the invisible state, once he launches an attack or is attacked, he will automatically reveal his original form, but these monsters are different. They attack in the invisible state and will not show up. They will only be released after being attacked!

This kind of assassin's ability is good, and it can stay invisible when attacking!

Watching the five black shadows go further and further, Mo Xie rushed forward again excitedly, and there was a sad guy waiting for him to clean up...

He quickly rushed to the timber area, and saw that on the ground between the hills, there was a dark guy in the entire iron net. He was lying there and was held down by a few pieces of timber, unable to move at all.

Demo, are you still playing with brother?

Mo Xie was very excited, and a little trick was done to get an assassin, so it would be easier to deal with the remaining guys.

Quickly removed a few pieces of wood and stepped on the chest of the assassin monster on the iron net. Mo Xie immediately waved his staff, and **** of black smoke continued to attack the opponent...

The leather armored assassin has a high attack, but the blood volume and defense are low, but the health bar is slightly stronger than that of the wizard, but its magic defense is not as good as those of the summoners just now. Mo Xie only shot, more than 100 points. The numbers kept bursting, and the opponent's health bar dropped rapidly.

Because this kind of assassin does not have the injury-free characteristics of the summoner monster, but the invisibility time has been prolonged. In the face of Moxie's continuous attacks, this sad assassin monster can only face the arrival of death...



A crisp voice sounded, and the black light slowly lifted into the sky. Amid the screams, the assassin monster ended its life, and three trophies fell on the side of the corpse.

A blue and white porcelain vase.

A token fragment.

A fragment of a bronze mirror.

There are three more strange things. There is no doubt that the blue and white porcelain vase is the poison of the deadly pill.

The token fragments and bronze mirror fragments are already obviously different from the summoner monster's burst. They are a whole token and another fragment on the bronze mirror.

Mo Xie hurriedly packed up the props, and now only got two pieces of the fragments. Don't rush to check it now, and solve the monster first.

He immediately waved his arm, put all the wood scattered underground into the package, and then put away the iron net.

Looking at the monster corpse lying on the ground, since he knew it could be used, of course Mo Xie would not let it go.

He immediately used the Devourer Soul skill, and finally turned into black light and rushed into the monster's corpse four consecutive times, successfully controlling the corpse.

Climbing up from the ground, Mo Xie waved the dagger in his hand with satisfaction, feeling that the assassin's body was lighter than before. Not only did he move lighter, he also seemed to walk a lot easier, and the ground gravity was reduced a lot.

Controlling the monster's body does not mean that he can fight the monster desperately now, he has to resort to the help of temporary traps.

Quickly restore the hunting mechanism here, he has already had successful experience, and his identity has been successfully disguised, as long as he attracts an assassin.

After bypassing the trap, Mo Xie rushed forward...

After a while, intensive footsteps sounded from the distant hills, and he quickly retreated, chasing the figure of an assassin behind him.

Because of the disguise of his identity, this time he went straight to the position close to the coordinate point, and the hidden assassins did not appear.

But he didn't dare to go directly to the mission coordinates, lest he might have new troubles, so he could only climb up a small hill to find the location of the assassin monster.

Sure enough, there was a concave pit at the top of the hill, and inside it was an assassin monster squatting.

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