The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 911: Strange spy

Once again successfully caught an assassin spy, but the system settings made Mo Xie feel very peculiar.

What is the situation? Why do these hostile spies have five strongholds, and each stronghold has a different monster class, and there are also these weird mission props?

What role do these props play?

As the mission progressed to the present, Mo Xie had been curious about some peculiar settings in the arresting spy mission.

After quickly solving this assassin monster, Mo Xie overhauled the trap and continued to attract strangers...

In a full 50 minutes, he led out the assassins again and again and killed them separately. There were also several broken tokens and bronze mirror fragments in the package.

In particular, the poisons of the deadly pill made Mo Xie very curious. This poison can directly cause death, but it can only be taken with the consent of the other party.

Is the other party a fool, who would voluntarily take poison to die?

However, players who take the Destiny Pill immediately enter a state of suspended animation, which can be evaded and traced. This is a good effect...

If there is nowhere to escape from being chased by the Protoss next time, he can save his life.

Killing all the six assassins guarding around the coordinate point, more than an hour passed. In order to save the mission time limit, Mo Xie rushed forward quietly, trying to figure out what kind of settings there is on the coordinate point.

Passing quickly through the hills, the center of Luanhungang ahead, which is the location of the coordinate, showed a small open space, with a huge brazier in the middle, and there was a raging fire inside, but nothing was visible around it. Silhouette.

The brazier is lit in broad daylight and there is no one around. What is the situation?

Mo Xie was curious, but instinctively told him that this brazier seemed a little abnormal. Don't approach it randomly until the situation is clear.

In fact, for the task of this coordinate point, after killing 6 assassin spies, enough quest props have been obtained. The situation on the coordinate point does not seem to have much effect on Mo Xie.

He hid behind a hill, staring at the open space in front of him, with great doubts in his heart.

Could there be any peculiar setting in this open space?

The open space in front is located in the center of the map of Luanhungang, and it seems that the location is a bit special, maybe there is any secret road there.

But Mo Xie always felt that the burning brazier seemed to be a peculiar trap, and there must be a dangerous situation around.

And above the brazier, there seems to be a line of small fonts, but the distance is too far to see clearly, I don't know what weird setting is.

To figure out the situation there, he must enter the center of the open space, but Mo Xie always feels vaguely disturbed. This dangerous instinct has helped him avoid countless dangers in the game, and this time I am afraid it is no exception...

In such a strange place, is it dangerous or is there something else hidden?

Mo Xie hid behind the hill and had no idea for a while, but decided not to go to this place for the time being. There are also three coordinate points. First, get all the quest props together and see the complete token and complete copper. After the mirror, I am considering exploring the situation here.

Enduring curiosity, he turned around and left immediately, called out to sit up, and set off towards the next coordinate point...

Fast forward along the way and received a private chat from Mo Xiaolang asking about the current mission situation.

Mo Xie told him a series of strange situations in detail, which also aroused Mo Xiaolang's curiosity.

"You did the right thing. There must be something hidden in that peculiar zone. If you haven't figured it out before, you must ensure your safety. When you get the quest props, there will definitely be clues." Mo Xiaolang said.

"That's what I think. Let's see what the other three coordinate points are like." Mo Xie smiled.

Ending the private chat, rushing all the way, the next coordinate point is getting closer and closer, this is a verdant forest, although the area is not very large, but the trees are dense, and there are countless monster refresh areas.

Jumped off the mount and entered the forest. After two mission experiences, the closer to the mission coordinate point in the center of the forest, Mo Xie became more careful.

Finally, under his careful investigation, he determined that there was no danger near the coordinate point. Then he climbed up a big tree and quietly looked forward...

The coordinate point at the center of the forest is an open loess belt with no grass growing inside. Instead, there are loess hills more than two meters high. On each loess hill, there are numerous holes densely distributed, and some hills still have them. Large circular holes are large enough to accommodate one person freely in and out.

This time the coordinate point is somewhat similar to the first one, except that monsters appear in the mission coordinate zone. Unlike the second mission location, the six assassins actually guard the periphery, as if they are actually protecting the coordinate location where the brazier is burning.

It seems that my analysis is correct. The second coordinate point must hide the most important mission secrets. Only when all the mission props of the five coordinate points are collected, can we safely crack all the enemy's secrets.

But what kind of spy is hidden in the loess hills in these forests?

And looking at the current situation, the enemy is hiding inside and will not show up easily, unless you bring them out by yourself.

But looking at the terrain in the distance, since they are secret agents hiding in the loess mound, Shiyou ** is a long-range attack career, either a mage or an archer, it would be very dangerous to rush to blame.

They come, the security.

Mo Xie quickly climbed down from the big tree and walked slowly forward. As long as he walked past two big trees, he would enter the open area in the center.

In order to ensure safety, he plans to try the other party's occupation first.

Seeing that he was about to walk under the last big tree, Mo Xie suddenly accelerated, and his body rushed directly out of the big tree and appeared in the sunny flat area, facing the yellow mounds.


At this moment, fires suddenly radiated from several mounds, rushing towards the position where Mo Xie was standing from six directions.

The opponent is indeed a mage profession, and they are all fire mage!

Just a little test, the monsters' situation was immediately exposed.

Mo Xie knew in his heart that there were still only six spies here, all of whom were mages...

But, what about the attributes they have strengthened?

Knowing the characteristics of the monster in this place, Mo Wei also knew what to do next.

Since the opponent is a long-range attacking wizard class, they will definitely hide in the mound and will not come out. Once they enter, they will be locked in and attacked.

For those who like online games, please collect them: ( The literature of online games is the fastest to update.

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