The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 912: Ingenious sneak attack

Moreover, the wooden shield is no longer effective, unable to block such fierce fire magic...

It seems that I can only think of other ways.

Mo Wei stood behind the big tree and looked at the scene ahead. Among so many mounds, there were only six places where the enemy's spies were hidden. It was very difficult to find them, let alone hit them one by one. killed.

But the most important point is to find something that can protect yourself.

With so many mounds gathered together, the enemy has to find a suitable attack route if they want to attack themselves. If they block this place, wouldn't they be helpless?

Mo Wei looked at the terrain, and suddenly a notice popped out of his heart, which immediately surprised him.

Facing the dangerous environment here, it is actually not difficult to decipher it, it depends on whether the brain turns fast.

He immediately opened the package and quietly hid to the side of the burning tree, hiding behind another tree.

Not far ahead, there is a large forest clearing area, with countless yellow mounds densely arranged together.

With a wave of his arm, Mo Wei immediately started to work. A huge black halo flew forward and fell to the ground with a bang...

A black ashlar was thrown out of the package by him, and the place where it fell to the ground was exactly between the two mounds.

Immediately afterwards, Mo Wei started to be busy continuously, throwing out pieces of ashlar, and he carefully calculated the location of each stone.

It does not fall between the mounds, blocking the passage and sight line, or it is built on another stone to completely seal the narrow passage in the middle of the mound.


As Mo Wei began to act, the wizard agents hidden in the mound also began to fight back.

Roaring fireballs shot straight out from the hills, and the target was clearly in front of another big tree where Mo Wei was.

Seeing the six fierce burning fireballs flying in from six directions quickly, Mo Sui moved horizontally while continuing to hurriedly discard the stones.

In an instant, the entire forest center became extremely lively, two big trees blazing like two huge torches!

However, when Mo Wei was avoiding the attack, his work did not give up.

As he continued to dodge the flying fireball, the big tree behind him was burned into a wall of fire, but the entire periphery of the mound area was also completely blocked by a large number of rocks.

After running a full circle around the mound map in the center of the forest, all passage gaps were sealed, and the enemies inside seemed to have lost his trace.

Six fireballs flew randomly in the air, no longer chasing themselves as neatly and uniformly as before.

The goal has been achieved, the next step is to find out where these guys are hiding and kill them all one by one.

Hiding behind a piece of ashlar, looking at the huge fire group passing by, a burning circle formed in the center of the forest. The scene was very amazing.

However, after these mage agents have been strengthened, although they can rely on skills to burn the forest, the system also makes some restrictions.

It is the big tree ignited by magic, the flame will not spread everywhere, only the burning of that big tree.

Therefore, the entire forest did not form a skyrocketing fire for the time being, only a circle of fire walls, burning fiercely.

Seeing the enemy's offensive become chaotic, Mo Wei knew that his plan had been successful and the rest would be much easier.

And he deliberately used stones to block the road, even if the flames can't use it...

Standing up and waving his hand, countless stones rolled down from the stone wall. He wanted to form obstacles step by step, so that the enemy would not know his location.

Running around the mound area, while continuing to throw stones, time is passing fast...

This time the mission has only a 24-hour mission time limit.

At the beginning, he still felt that he had plenty of time, but as the task progressed, Mo Wei knew that this was a pit that the city lord dug for himself. Up to now, he still can't guarantee that he can complete the task smoothly...

If you are stuck in the main storyline and cannot complete the task, it is a trivial matter to be punished.

Failure to open new system functions is helpless.

But no matter what, I can only do my job and obey the fate.

Most of the trivial time passed, and the entire mound area was littered with scattered stones. The six hidden spies knew that the enemy was nearby, but they could no longer determine the opponent's location and could only attack the surroundings indiscriminately.

Mo Wei hid under a stone wall and kept observing the opponent's attack route. After confirming that they didn't know their position, he quickly stood up and turned over.

Turned from the stone wall to the other side, the cat waist hid behind a piece of ashlar.


Two fireballs passed over his head, and it seemed that a monster saw his current position.

Mo Wei immediately rolled over and hid directly behind a mound to the right.


Another ball of fire flew past the mound, indicating that an enemy could still see his location.

But this fireball also exposed the enemy's current position.

Mo Wei was overjoyed in his heart, and immediately turned to the other side of the mound, towards the direction where the fireball was flying, and approached...

Within a short distance of more than ten meters, no enemy attacked him again. At the top of the large mound, six fireballs were still flying in disorder.

And Mo Wei had already seen that about six meters away in front of a mound that didn't look very special, a ball of fire would fly out every few seconds.

It can be seen that the opponent has been using ordinary attacks to deal with himself, and has not used magic skills.

Because the attack system of the eternal world is set a bit special, when most of the magic skills are activated, you must first lock the enemy's figure or designate the attack area before singing.

Only ordinary attacks don't need to be so troublesome, just lock one direction and swing the staff.

The skill operation of melee occupations is just the opposite. When activating the skill, select the attack position and use it.

Skill effects are activated suddenly in the direction, and as long as they are hit, they will suffer skill damage and status effects.

The normal attack of the melee profession requires the enemy to be locked in.

Having found the hidden position of the first enemy, Mo Wei quietly pressed against the mound and moved forward, carefully checking every time he passed a mound.

The mounds around them are like huge ant nests, densely covered with numerous holes, and the inside seems to be hollowed out.

The enemy actually hid in such a special environment, hiding his identity to investigate the intelligence of the imperial city, it was really cunning.

Mo Wei kept moving forward and finally came to the side of the mound that was still firing fireballs randomly.

Looking at it quietly, there is nothing special about this mound and other mounds.

Only a few larger holes were added to facilitate the enemy inside to attack.

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