The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 913: Big shots are coming

Puff puff!

Pressed on the wall by Mo Xie, the opponent has lost the ability to resist, countless black smoke **** hit the opponent's back like beads, and a string of damage numbers quickly burst from the opponent's head.

Mo Xie knew that there were five monsters nearby, and he had to hurry up and solve one first.

After the first few experiments, he has understood that there are six spies for each mission coordinate point, but in fact only one needs to be killed, and three mission props are enough. There is no need to kill them all.

In order to save time on the mission, he decided to kill the spy and immediately proceed to the next coordinate location.

Constantly attacking output, coupled with the narrow space, Mo Xie has firmly pressed the opponent against the stone wall, not giving it a chance to dodge at all, its blood volume has dropped extremely fast.

Only a minute later, Mo Xie couldn't see the name of the enemy blocked by the stone wall. The enemy screamed sorrowfully, the black light flickered, and the crisp sound of ding and ding was heard immediately.

With a wave of his hand, the three props flew into the Moxie package. He hurriedly drilled out of the mound, quietly returned to the edge of the mound along the original road, turned over the stone wall and returned to a safe area.

The task was completed very quickly, and the package still contained the three trophies, the desperate pill and two fragments.

With the two new fragments plus the original ones, a complete prop will be assembled at a glance. Mo Xie has an unusual expectation...

In order to save time, Mo Xie did not stop, and immediately rushed towards the next coordinate point...

The whole morning passed, all four coordinate points were searched, and four different mission props were successfully obtained.

Seeing that only the last task coordinate point was left, a mobile phone interface suddenly popped up in front of me, and the sound of Ding Dong was also remembered in my ear, and the mobile phone connected to someone calling.

Caller: God says there must be light

This was the biggest investor in the God Realm League and Mo Xie's financial supporter. He didn't dare to offend him, so he quickly connected to the mobile phone call.

"Xiao Mo, I heard that you have moved to the new base. I am entrusted by them. I plan to visit you tomorrow and the day after tomorrow to determine the next plan." God said with a smile.

"Uncle Guang, you are welcome to come and inspect at any time." Mo Xie replied with a smile.

"I'm here this time, and there are other things. A friend wants to see you. Let's talk about it when the time comes." God said that you want to have a mysterious smile.

"What's the situation, Uncle Guang and friends come together?" Mo Xie asked suspiciously.

"You know when you see him, he told me not to tell you in advance, I don't dare to talk nonsense, wait until you are here." Uncle Guang nodded.

"Who is this person, even you are so afraid of him?" Mo Xie was surprised. You must know that the real identities of the uncles and aunts who invested in him are incredible...

Each of them is said to be the core management of a large commercial consortium. Although they are not the real bosses, they are the brain-level figures of every large consortium, and the big figures involved in the core decision-making!

Those who can make Uncle Guang nervous, that identity is definitely more important.

I just don't know, how could a big man of this level come to his base?

"Let's not talk about it. You'll know when this person comes. He doesn't like exaggeration, so don't make any special arrangements. It's the usual situation, just what kind of situation." Uncle Guang said specially.

"Then, that's all right, you are sure when you come over, so I can pick you up at the airport." Mo Xie asked.

"We come here by ourselves. You are also very busy with tasks every day. I will call you when that happens." Uncle Guang said.

"You are my investor anyway, this is too..." Mo Xie said embarrassedly.

"I just want you to develop well and make sure that the future plan can be implemented quickly. We don't value the other virtual ones." Uncle Guang smiled and hung up the phone.

Mo Xie stayed there, still thinking about what Uncle Guang just said...

What is the situation? Some big shots want to come to the studio to check it out?

Listen to the tone of Uncle Guang, this person should be very famous, as long as he comes, he will know, who is he?

With the interface closed, Mo Xie watched that the time had already reached 11:47, and he was about to eat soon, so he didn't bother to go to the task.

I ate at the base on the first day, and I don’t know what the food is like here.

He immediately called up the list of friends and sent a message to Sister Hong, Mo Xiaolang, and other teammates, informing them to go offline and have a meal in the cafeteria.

After finishing the private chat, Mo Xie called up the control panel and directly selected offline.

As soon as I got up from the comfortable new control chair, I heard a sound not far away. The beautiful sister Hong was arranging her hair and just came out of the game.

The two smiled at each other and got up and walked towards the entrance of the studio.

Footsteps sounded outside the door, and the teammates went off the line to open the door, and walked outside behind Mo Xie.

"I don't know how the food in the cafeteria tastes, we have to taste it today, we can't change people." Lianna said with a smile.

"It is said that it is not bad, you will know after eating." Mo Xiaoyuan laughed.

"By the way, Brother Guang, Uncle Guang called today and he wants to come to our base to investigate." Mo Xie quickly told everyone what he had received.

"It's normal for Uncle Guang to come to inspect. People have already invested tens of millions for us. We must come to the base to see the situation." Mo Xiaolang nodded.

"However, he actually wants to bring a big man over. I'm afraid we won't be able to entertain him well." Moxie said.

"Don't worry about this. Since Uncle Guang said that this big man doesn't like bluffing, then we should show him what we usually do." Mo Xiaolang said.

"Well, I'll look at it when the time comes, but I always feel that this person's identity will definitely be very scary, even Uncle Guang respects him so much." Mo Xie thought.

"No matter what the big person, he just brought it with Uncle Guang to take a look. If we didn't say anything else, we don't have to worry too much, we just do what we should." Zhou Jianing laughed.

"Let's go, go to the cafeteria to eat first." Mo Xie nodded, and led a group of people out of the security door on the third floor, through the entrance hall, and again along the high siege ladder to the first floor.

At this time, there were already many players in the studio, but this group of leaders went offline very early. Most of the players were still struggling in the game, and the entire studio was very quiet.

A group of people walked out of the gate and walked along the center court towards the complex. On the first floor is the large dining hall of the canteen.

The layout of the entire restaurant is like a restaurant in a university. Once you enter the door, there is a spacious dining hall.

There are various dishes on one side, and in the window on the other side, all kinds of dishes are separated by the warm plate. You can order whatever you want.

For those who like online games, please collect them: ( The literature of online games is the fastest to update.

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