The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 914: Ruined old city

"The food is good, so many delicious foods!" Ouyang Jiaojiao was extremely surprised.

"Yes, I feel like I'm back on the university campus again, but the food here is obviously better." Zhou Jianing said with a smile.

"Of course, our own food will certainly not be bad." Mo Xiaoyuan said proudly. He manages the catering settings and the chef's employment alone.

"Hurry up and get the dinner plate. After eating and drinking enough to continue the task in the afternoon." Mo Xie turned and ran to the side, and quickly went to fetch everyone's dinner plates.

A group of people lie in front of the window, quickly set up their favorite dishes, and then each carries the dinner plate, and under the guidance of Mo Xiaoyuan, heads to the corridor next to it, enters the leader-dedicated lounge for lunch...

"It tastes really good, it seems that I won't miss the life in the villa." Lianna gobbled it up, not caring about the image of a beautiful woman.

"If my mother hears this sentence, she will definitely be sad." Mo Xie said with a smile while eating.

"My aunt made it delicious, but we couldn't bear to keep the two old people like that every day." Li Hong smiled.

"Yes, when we move out, the two elders will have a lot of time to enjoy life." Mo Xiaoyu nodded.

"By the way, Xiao Mo, what exactly is your mission? You told me this morning, and I also find it very weird." Mo Xiaolang asked.

"Who said no, the mission props that broke out are very strange, and the 24-hour mission is limited, and my experience and contribution points will be deducted if it is not completed. This city lord is too bad..." Mo Xie informed everyone of the situation.

"Isn't this clearly pitting you, this task is probably not that simple, even if you gather all the weird props, I am afraid that in the end there will be a cloud of fog." Zhou Jianing said with a frown.

"Yeah, this task is definitely not as simple as imagined, the empire's secret agents have all come out, do you have to go to the Holy Moon Empire to inquire about intelligence?" Lianna said with a smile.

"Sister Na, every time you crow's mouth say good things, it will always work. Don't harm Xiao Mo this time." Mo Xiaoyuan laughed.

"Xiao Mo, your mission analysis is correct. There is no monster on the only coordinate point. I'm afraid you will have to go there in the end." Mo Xiaolang said thoughtfully.

"Let's watch again when the time comes, the mission time limit is only so much, I am worried that it will not be completed." Mo Xie said, shaking his head.

"Then hurry up and eat, don't affect your task time." Mo Xiaolang urged.

Everyone quickly enjoyed lunch, then got up and left together.

The beauties are not in a hurry to go online, ready to tidy up the room during the lunch break.

Only Mo Xie, Mo Xiaolang, and Mo Xiaoyuan were left, and they continued to return to the studio to go online.

At this time, the outside of the restaurant has become very lively, with large groups of players pouring into the restaurant, and people are everywhere.

Seeing the appearance of several leaders, the players greeted them one after another and gave them a channel.

In the current studio, including the Life Corps, the number of people who officially work here has reached nearly 400, and this number will continue to rise today and tomorrow.

"In the afternoon, Xiao Yuan and I are going to the airport to pick up people. I'm afraid we can't go online. Please call me if you have anything to do." Mo Xiaolang said.

"Okay, you guys are busy first, don't worry about me." Mo Xie nodded, and the three of them walked into the studio door and walked towards the third floor.

Back in his studio, he went to the window to finish smoking a cigarette. When the food in his stomach was digested a little, he immediately started to log in to the game.

As the beam of light descended from the sky, Mo Xie returned to the previous offline position, only ten minutes away from the last coordinate point.

And now, his task time has only passed three and a half hours. If you look at the current situation, it should be no problem to complete the task.

But only he himself knows that until now, he is still confused about the progress of this task.

You know, the mission condition required by the system is to find some mission information, but what is the information, is it broken tokens and broken bronze mirrors?

In the unlikely event that a whole token and a bronze mirror were put together, but it was not what the mission required, then it was the real trouble.

Since the city lord is determined to rectify him, this task will not be so simple...

But no matter what, let's figure out all the coordinate points first.

Mo Xieqi rode all the way and quickly approached the last mission location, around the deserted city lord in the center of a forest.

Originally, after entering the forest area, he thought it was the topography of the mound in the center of the forest this time, but when he searched all the way according to the coordinate position, after passing through the dense woods and bushes, the front line of sight suddenly became clear. Opposite a grassland, a medium-sized building The city appeared!

But the city has only ruins left, the walls are full of gaps, and there is almost no complete building in the city.

Why is there a city here?

The discovery in front of him made Mo Xie's eyes stunned.

Because he knew very well that this coordinate point had actually reached the west of Evernight's imperial city. He looked for five coordinate points from east to west, and he had already circled the entire imperial city half a circle.

In fact, the current location is not very far away from the west gate of the imperial city, so why is there such a city near the imperial city?

Walking out of the forest and bushes curiously, walking on the flat grass, the abandoned city in front of him was completely exposed.

This is a medium-sized city made of light yellow stone blocks. Every stone, including the stone bricks of the city wall, is all light yellow in color and looks very elegant. If the city is not abandoned, it should be one place Very beautiful place.

Close to the edge of the city, the position of the coordinate point should be at the center of the city.

Mo Xie stood by the city wall, looking up at the nearly ten-meter-high tower, which was already overgrown with weeds, and countless yellow stones were piled up in a mess.

Looking at the conditions of these stones on the ground, Mo Xie's heart was tight. These broken stones are everywhere, but the damage of each stone is very irregular, and it seems that it is only when it is damaged by external force.

There is only one explanation for such destruction.

The city encountered a fierce attack, and the wall was hit by a huge stone bomb thrown by a giant catapult, which made the outer city wall look mottled and full of potholes.

The broken stones will become such irregular shapes.

What is the situation in this city, it can be built near the imperial city, and it will encounter fierce attacks?

Looking at the ruins of a large abandoned city in front of him, Mo Xie became even more curious about what kind of city this is, and why was it ruthlessly abandoned?

For those who like online games, please collect them: ( The literature of online games is the fastest to update.

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