The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 915: Glorious Desolate City

Not even the name of this abandoned city was marked on the small map, only a large yellow area was seen in the middle of the green forest.

The deserted city without even a name really exceeded Mo Xie's expectations.

And the last mission coordinate point is in the area of ​​the city center, which shows that the enemy is very important to see here.

Walking into the abandoned city, the ground is still flat stone ground. Scattered rocks and collapsed buildings can be seen everywhere. The original streets in the city are clearly visible, but many places on the ground are covered with weeds.

In the abandoned sites of some buildings, small trees have even grown. Birds flying around the city can be seen, as well as the existence of patches of monster refreshing areas.

Mo Xie carefully walked around the monster spawning area along the street and continued towards the center of the city.

The scale of this abandoned city is more than twice the size of God Realm Town, but now it has become this look, and he can't help but sigh.

Gradually walking into the depths of the abandoned city, at the end of the street ahead, you can already see a large wide square, the ruins of a magnificent building complex, right in the center of the square.

About to arrive at the mission site, Mo Xie did not dare to be careless, and began to carefully observe the surrounding environment.

He could expect that the monster of the last mission must be hiding in the courtyard of the City Lord's Mansion in the abandoned city. If you want to complete the final mission clue, you have to draw a monster to kill it.

However, the existence of large squares is a disadvantageous terrain for him. Just the width of the square to the city lord's mansion has exceeded 30 meters. The more open the terrain, the more dangerous it is!

It seems that this time dealing with monsters can only rely on the terrain of the City Lord's Mansion, and can't think of escaping.

However, we must first figure out the professional characteristics of the last monster before we can formulate specific strategies...

Mo Xie walked out of the street and appeared on the edge of a large square. Looking around, the surrounding area was empty, and the large collapsed buildings looked particularly desolate.

However, the city lord's mansion in the center seemed to be well preserved, at least the surrounding city walls were vaguely intact, but there were countless gaps.

The observation deck and the outline of the large group of buildings in the city lord's mansion are still there, and they have not collapsed like other buildings in the city.

Walking through the empty square quickly, the sound of his own footsteps was especially loud in this open environment, which made Mo Xie feel uneasy.

Quickly walked across the square, and there was no accident, which made his heart feel a little settled.

Ten meters ahead, on a tall mansion gate, half a plaque is actually hung horizontally. On the mottled font on it, two dark gold fonts can be vaguely seen.

This direction immediately made Mo Xie's heart excited, and quickly strode up the incomplete steps, looking up at the two large characters that can be recognized on half of the plaque...


On this plaque, there should obviously be four large characters, but what can be recognized now is the two fonts in front.

This is strange, what about Brilliance, City Lord’s Mansion, these are five words, so it should be wrong.

In this way, what is written on the plaque is not necessarily the name of the city lord’s mansion, but the name of the city. The city of glory, or the city of glory, is the correct name for this abandoned city.

Standing on the doorstep, looking at the doorway with only half of the broken door left in front, there are broken bricks, waste stones and fallen leaves all over the yard. The scene is very depressed.

But Mo Xie knew that if he rushed in like this, he would definitely be attacked by the spy inside. He would never take this risk until he didn't know the opponent's strength and profession.

He quietly approached the gate of the city lord's mansion, and with the help of the concealment of half of the gate, he secretly looked inside...

The entire courtyard was extremely quiet, and the side rooms on both sides had collapsed, and it was very empty at first glance, and the Tibetans could not be seen.

Mo Xie was relieved a lot, at least the monsters were not in the front yard, and the coordinate points were located a little bit later, which should be the core area of ​​the City Lord's Mansion.

Feeling relieved, he walked directly through the gate, and looked around in the front yard to explore, unknowingly he walked through the first courtyard and came to the second door.

At this time, a tall watchtower appeared above his head. This is where the second courtyard of the city lord's mansion is located. This watchtower is the highest point for the lord of the city to check the situation inside and outside the city.

Entering the second gate, the environment became quiet, with the top of the first floor of the observation tower above and two side doors on both sides.

Only the passage in front of the court is the correct passage to the third courtyard.

The enemy must be ahead.

Mo Xie's heart moved, and he immediately walked to the side of the stairs, followed the broken stairs to the second floor hall, where the city lord's daily office was located.

Continue to follow the stairs through the second floor space. The third floor is where the city lord lives. When he comes to this floor, Mo Xie immediately rushes out of the stairs and walks directly to the back of the city lord’s mansion. There is a door with a huge outside the door. From the balcony, you can see the situation of the third courtyard.

Sure enough, walking out of the door is a huge platform, standing in front of the broken fence at the top of the stairs, behind the courtyard wall and small square of the third courtyard, and three core buildings are immediately displayed clearly.

Mo Xie's eyes lit up, and when he looked at the backyard carefully, he was really shocked!

I saw three dilapidated high-rise buildings in the backyard, three figures standing at the door, as if they were warning something...

Why are there only three spies?

Mo Xie's eyes were stunned. According to the previous missions, there were at least six mission spies at each coordinate point, and players could complete the mission by killing only one.

But when I get here, why are there three left?

Could it be that the front entrance of the backyard and the two side entrances are guarded by spies?

If this is the setting, the situation would be much better...

Mo Xie was overjoyed in his heart, and quickly turned and left the platform. After entering the hall, he returned to the top of the stairs, turned back all the way to the first floor of the observation tower, and then continued to walk forward.

He wants to verify whether his guess is correct. If there is a spy at the front entrance of the backyard, he should quickly get rid of this part of collecting materials first, and then study the next task.

Going forward along the courtyard where he ended, he soon came to a fake mountain area, and further ahead was the third entrance to the courtyard.

This rockery area was originally part of the back garden of the City Lord’s Mansion, but now the entire city has been abandoned.

All the rockery here is also gone, only the gravel on the ground, and the roots of the rockery of varying heights.

Confirming the correctness of the guess, Mo Xie was even more excited.

Since there is a spy at the front entrance, it is much easier to deal with it, not to mention the natural defensive advantage of the abandoned rockery here, even if there are a few spies, there is no need to worry too much.

It seems that it is not difficult to complete the task of five coordinate points, and the real difficulty of the task is probably still to come.

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