The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 916: Mysterious Holy Moon Order

Mo Xie let out a sigh of relief and quickly moved towards the door. Now he just wanted to draw out the spy who was hiding inside as soon as possible.


While he was still rushing forward, planning to approach the entrance of the backyard to attract the monster, he did not expect that the spy in the distance would spot him first. The sound of breaking through the air suddenly sounded, and Mo Xie hurriedly retreated quickly.

Because from the moment this voice appeared, he had already guessed the opponent's combat career.

At the fifth coordinate point, the enemy spy in the desert city turned out to be an archer class!

And this is not the Summoner's baby archer, the strength is more than several times stronger, this arrow must not be carried hard.

Just as Mo Xie reacted and the figure moved on one side, a black shadow passed by him and rushed straight to the rockery in the distance, hitting a rockery with a bang, and suddenly straightening the thick rockery. Pass through!


With the crisp sound and the flickering fire, a diamond feather arrow was nailed fiercely on another rockery, the arrow clusters were submerged in half and the arrow feathers trembled slightly, and the attack effect was amazing!

I'll take it. After such a long distance, I can penetrate the rockery and shoot in half the thickness. How strong should this archer be?

Mo Xie felt chills, knowing that the damage of this archer was very powerful. It must be the system's enhanced archery power, or attack damage, or incidental damage effect...

He quickly backed away, knowing that the enemy must be preparing for a second attack, but he didn't even know what the opponent looked like.

Retreating four or five meters in a row, only then did a long and thin black figure chase out the door...

This is a man dressed in shiny black leather armor, tall and thin, with three full bags of quiver behind his back, his face is covered by a half silver mask, and there is a flying eagle in the middle of a hairband on his forehead. .

It holds a huge longbow nearly two meters high in its left hand, and its right hand opens the bow and shoots an arrow. A silver flashing diamond feather arrow is locked in the distance of Mo Xie's evasive figure, and it seems that it will send a deadly arrow at any time. !

On the top of its head, it is also a special title...

Holy Moon Empire: Special Boss of the Night Hawkeye

Note: The Hawkeye Archer has a very long range and has been strengthened by penetrating attack damage. Don't let your guard down on him because of the distance.

Damn, it turned out to be an enhanced penetration attack!

This is incredible. After being strengthened to penetrate the attack, it means that no matter how far its attack is, as long as it can hit the target and there is space behind the target, its long arrow can penetrate the enemy and give it to the back The enemy continues to cause the same attack damage!

This powerful attribute is an incredible force on a large battlefield.

It's just that now that Mo Xie is coming alone, he only needs to avoid the opponent's lock.

While the opponent was still aiming, Mo Xie's figure swayed continuously and retreated, planning to retreat to the fake mountain area and then deal with it.


The sharp sound of breaking through the air sounded again, the silver light flashed, and a strange scene appeared in front of Mo Xie. This long arrow seemed to know how to track. It seemed that how he swayed left and right, the long arrow was firmly locked on his forehead or It is the throat area.

No way, so awesome?

Mo Xie couldn't believe that it could lock himself, and the moment he broke through the air, he instinctively rolled to the right, intending to avoid this amazing arrow.

But the situation was beyond his expectation. The silver light flying in the air suddenly drew an arc to the left, just in the same direction as Mo Xie avoided. The silver light flashed through Mo Xie's body from the air, ding With a sound, the King Kong arrow was nailed fiercely on the left courtyard wall, leaving a small piece of arrow feathers trembling violently...

And Mo Xie's head suddenly burst out nearly 800 damage points, and the blood volume on the top of his head instantly dropped a lot!

Fortunately, his equipment is superb, and the profession of the Demon Prophet is relatively thick. If he is replaced by a wizard player of the same level to get this arrow, he is very likely to be killed directly!

Looking at the blood bar in disbelief, Mo Xie hurriedly swallowed a blood bottle to replenish the blood. He also understood in his heart that this so-called nighthawk eye archer has its own locking attack skills. As long as it is locked by its skills, then no matter how to avoid it. , Will be hit by an arrow!

However, this skill must have a cooling time. Mo Xie plugged the blood bottle and retreated again, attracting the archer monster into the rockery area...

After avoiding the opponent's two long arrow attacks in a row, he has rushed into the rockery quickly, quickly looking for a hidden location, and waiting for the enemy to come over.

Monsters are always monsters. After all, they don’t have the player’s IQ. Instead of a player’s archer, they found that the enemy had hidden in this complex area and was absolutely impossible to follow. But this monster is different. It still holds a longbow. Recklessly chasing Mo Xie into the large rockery area.

Just rushing over two or three to make a small mountain bag, this archer monster has lost the trace of his target. When he was standing between two rockeries and looking for it, a black shadow rushed out from behind the rockery not far away. The rope loop is placed directly on its neck.

Without waiting for it to struggle, Mo Xie grabbed the rope and started to flee, pulling the monster to the ground at once, dragging it to the depths of the rockery.


There was a metal knocking sound behind him, and Mo Xie felt that the rope in his hand seemed to be stuck, and he could no longer pull it.

When he looked back, he found that the archer's longbow was lying between the two rockeries, which blocked the speed at which he continued to drag.

But the long rope around the monster's neck was still taut, which made Mo Xie immediately think of a solution to it.

He quickly wrapped the rope around the nearest rockery, turned his head and looked at the immobile monster, Mo Xieyin smiled and rushed forward...

In less than two minutes, screams sounded, black light slowly rose from the rockery, and three props on the opposite side were quickly swept into the package by him.

The final task materials are all collected, now you can see what it is.

Open the package, take out the fragments of five tokens, put them together in your hand to form a whole rectangular token. The original shape of the token has just appeared, with a ding sound, the system prompt jumps out immediately...

Ding...System: Congratulations to the players, don’t be sad. You have successfully phoned all the broken tokens. Would you like to repair it immediately?

I saw that on the token on the other side, a few lines of fonts were densely carved, and the content on it explained most of Mo Xie's doubts in an instant.

Holy Moon Detective Order: After holding this token, it can be transmitted to the territory of Yaori through a secret channel to explore intelligence and information, and prepare for the Holy Moon Empire to conquer the day.

It turned out to be a spy token, and those who possess this token are elite spies specially selected by the Holy Moon Empire, specializing in the work of exploring the intelligence and information of the enemy camp.

It seems that the opening of this mission is to prepare for the next battle between the two camps!

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