The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 917: Teleport crystal

Unexpectedly, the 50-level main line mission has already buried the future battlefield plot. The battle between the two camps may slowly advance with the players' main line plot and finally start the prelude to the war...

However, after getting this token, can the task of Lord Santo be completed?

Mo Xie opened the task bar in confusion, and was surprised to find that the mission still showed an unfinished status. It seemed that the existence of this token was not an item needed for the mission.

So what role can this token play?

Mo Xie became more surprised. After killing the monster specified by the mission, he couldn't get the mission props, and the situation was complicated.

Fortunately, there are still bronze mirror fragments. This thing should be useful, right?

Mo Xie hurriedly put the token into the package and took out five different bronze mirror fragments again, pinning all his hopes on these broken skins.

According to the broken skin, he quickly pieced the broken skins together into a round, complete copper mirror, and the system information jumped out again as the light flickered.

Ding...System: Congratulations to the player, don’t be sad. You successfully obtained the fragment of the ancient mirror. Would you like to repair it immediately?


Mo Xie chose to confirm and looked into his hands excitedly...

The shining white light quickly dissipated, and a brand new bronze mirror that was flat and traceless appeared impressively, and Mo Xie's face could be clearly reflected on it.

Ding...System: Congratulations to the player, don’t be sad, you have successfully obtained the quest props and gorgeous ancient mirror, this time the mission of hunting down the spy is 33!

Damn, how could this be!

Mo Xie finally got a quest prop, but was left speechless by the completion of the quest.

Feelings so far, he has only completed one-third of the task, and if you hand in the task now, it is destined to be punished!

Damn City Lord, what does he want?

Looking at the ancient mirror in his hand, Mo Xie curiously checked the attributes and investigated the spy's mission. It was actually related to an ancient mirror. It was quite strange. Could it be that this ancient mirror hides any secrets?

Gorgeous ancient mirror: quest props, exquisitely crafted ancient mirrors, which are by no means available to ordinary people. It is said that they were once owned by royal princesses.


All the royal princesses!

Just a simple line of systematic explanation made Mo Xie's eyes widened, and even his mouth opened wide.

He seems to understand a bit, the master of the ancient mirror of feelings, Shiyou ** is the Holy Princess!

These secret agents from the Empire not only secretly investigated the current military information and various situations of the Sun Empire, but even secretly followed the clues of the Saint Princess.

And the lord of the imperial city, let himself trace this matter, presumably also to find the whereabouts of the holy princess.

And the other party has decided that even if he finds out the situation, he will never give him the clues of the holy princess to complete the task, so this time, he is determined to wear small shoes for himself!

Unexpectedly, this task is ultimately related to the whereabouts of the holy princess...

Trouble is coming, is this task sent by the Protoss City Lord to track down the whereabouts of the holy princess?

Mo Xie's heart tensed, knowing that there was a plot by the Protoss in this mission!

But now, the five mission coordinate points are all explored, and one token and one ancient mirror are obtained, but there is no clue for the next mission.

Now only this token seems to be able to function. Isn't the next task related to this spy token?

Standing behind the rockery with the token in one hand and the ancient mirror in the other, Mo Xie was puzzled.

Six hours have passed since the mission time. According to the 24-hour time, there must be more clues for this mission.

There are six spies here, guarding three core buildings and three gates respectively. Is there anything hidden?

Mo Xie's heart moved, and it seemed that he had to go to the three buildings to see, maybe there are other surprises...

He immediately put away the token and the bronze mirror, turned and walked towards the garden gate on one side, preparing to kill the remaining spies.

Anyway, he was exhausted with this task, let's see what secrets are still hidden...

For an entire hour, Mo Xie continued to attack the city lord's mansion in this deserted city, leading the remaining five spies to kill one by one, and finally there was no danger in front of the three abandoned halls.

Sweeping the trophies into the package from the side of a corpse, he turned and walked to the steps of the inner courtyard, crossed the small square, and came to the three main halls.

These three buildings are the main hall of the city guarding the temple.

The three halls are the core area of ​​the entire city, but as the city has long been dilapidated, the three halls have lost their importance.

The guarding temple collapsed in half, and there were only two floors left in the main hall of the city. Only the city hall in the middle was completely intact, but a roof was missing.

But the gates of the three main halls were all well preserved, and they were all closed, which made Mo Xie very curious.

There are already three abandoned buildings, why should the doors be closed tightly and three spies are guarding them separately?

He walked directly to the door of the city hall in the middle, carefully observed the door for a while, and confirmed that there was no sound inside, before reaching out his hand and pushing to the closed door.

Come on!

With the sound, the two hall doors slowly opened, revealing the quiet space inside.

Just as the door opened, a white light gleamed in the hall, and Mo Xie hurried back a few steps with fright, but found no other movement.

When he crossed the gate, he saw that on the opposite side of the main hall, a brilliant white beam of light rushed directly to the top of the hall on the altar where the stone stele was originally enshrined, and he was baffled.

Mo Xie quickly walked to the bottom of the **** platform, only to see a brilliant white beam of light firmly covering the original position of the stone stele, and within the beam of light, there was a square radiant crystal suspended.

Seeing the strange situation in front of him, he curiously walked up the steps and came to the front of the beam of light. He tried to open the system properties to check, but he found nothing.

The strange Mo Xie stretched out his hand and slowly approached the white beam of light, quietly floating in the air with the square crystal two meters high...

Looking at the square crystal floating in the beam of light, the name given by the system information is surprisingly surprising.

Teleport crystal?

Could this be the special transmission channel used by spies to sneak into the Sun Empire?

If this is the case, then I have found a baby!

The faction maps can also be secretly teleported. If there is this method, it is invaluable!

Mo Xie quickly took the square crystal from the beam of light. The light flashed, and the white beam of light instantly disappeared. There was also a prop that shining brightly in his hand.

This Rubik's Cube-sized crystal stone seemed to have countless mirrors. Mo Xie only glanced at it, and found that countless faces of himself appeared on the crystal stone, and the eyes of the person watching were dizzy.

Teleporting Crystal: The system's special auxiliary props have a magical teleportation function. After being used with energy crystals, it can be used to locate coordinates in two different locations for teleportation, except for special maps.

My goodness!

Such a baby...

Looking at the introduction of the system, Mo Xie was very pleasantly surprised. He finally understood that the level 50 main mission has such benefits!

The value of a teleportation crystal is more precious than any return to the city scroll. You must know that such a teleportation crystal can be coordinated for a long distance, and it can be transported back and forth in two places without restriction.

But this kind of transmission crystal stone needs the supplement of energy crystal, otherwise there is not enough energy to transmit instructions.

Mo Xie took the crystal stone and tried to activate the function...


In an instant, the square crystal once again shone a brilliant white beam of light, enveloping Mo Xie's entire body.

Before his eyes, a strange management interface immediately popped up:

Teleport crystal:

Current coordinate point: West Gate of Evernight Imperial City, Waste City, 53.251 can be changed

Binding coordinate point: East Gate of Yongye Imperial City, beside Star Lake, 87.425 can be changed

Current energy: 301,000

Number of teleporters: 15000

Transmission consumption: 970 insufficient energy

Looking at the four characters in the red line of fonts on the interface, energy is not enough, which is particularly eye-catching.

It takes 970 energy points to teleport once, and it can teleport up to 5000 people each time!

Moreover, the opposite coordinate point was indeed in the territory of the Holy Moon Empire, and outside the east gate of the Yongye Imperial City, on a map called Xingchen Lake.

It turned out that these spies were sent from the Holy Moon Empire, and they specifically selected this strange abandoned city. They probably knew the existence of this abandoned city a long time ago, so they could accurately locate this place.

The transmission crystal is too precious, but I don’t know, what kind of treasure is the energy crystal it needs?

By the way, there are still two halls that haven’t been inquired. Could it be that there are energy crystals hidden in them...

Mo Xie hurriedly turned around and rushed out of the main hall in surprise, first put the teleporting crystal into the package, and then rushed to the side of the city main building.

Pushing open the door quickly, the first floor of the wide city main building is full of mess, the furnishings inside have long been destroyed, and there are countless tables and chairs on the ground.

Mo Xie quickly checked the entire hall, and if he didn't find it, he could go to the second floor to check.

However, the situation here did not disappoint him. It was at the end of the main hall by the wall. It was originally the place where the city lord's table was placed. As expected, there was a dim light shining slightly!

Mo Xie immediately rushed forward, striding to the front of the wall, and found a white halo shining in the corner of the wall. Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be a round silver-white stone that was left in the corner of the wall.

He rushed forward, took the silver-white stone in his hand, and carefully observed...

The entire silver cobblestone is the size of a goose egg, and it feels slightly hot when held in the hand. The silver shell on the surface of the stone has already appeared cobweb-like cracks, and the gap is dark.

Moonstone has been damaged: A perfect-quality ore that can store magical energy and provide the required spiritual power for some special items, but it will be destroyed immediately after use.

Moonlight ore?

Mo Xie once again got the name of a new ore, but looking at the system properties of this ore, it had the same description as many ore that he had discovered.

For example, in the mining areas discovered in the desert this time, among the dozens of mineral veins, large and small, the basic resources are only more than half of them. The discovery of some special mineral veins allowed Mo Xie to spend a lot of money to build an affiliated territory. All mining areas are protected.

Among these few special mineral veins, there seems to be a mineral vein with the same attributes as the moonstone, but the name is different.

As for what kind of mineral vein it was, Mo Xie couldn't say for sure now, and she had to ask Brother Zhao or Sister Hong to find out.

This piece of ore that still emits residual temperature seems to be discarded here by spies after exhausting its energy. Because it has been damaged, it is impossible to check its original exact properties.

This time, the number of people secretly teleporting from the Holy Moon Empire is still quite large. After all, one teleport can send 5,000 people over. What are they doing?

Could it be that they came here this time not only to explore intelligence, but also to find trouble...

Mo Xie had some doubts in his mind, but more information was needed to prove it.

I found the teleportation crystal and discarded energy ore. What treasure is there in the guarding temple?

Mo Xie walked out of the main hall of the city and quickly walked towards the last building...

Now he became more and more curious about this abandoned city. The existence of this abandoned city was actually used by the enemy camp as a secret base for teleportation. It can be seen that this abandoned city was a nest of the Holy Moon Empire in the Sun Empire.

The city lord here must also have a lot to do with the Holy Moon Empire!

Otherwise, how could the crystal stone that was sent at a fixed point clearly and unambiguously lock the coordinates of the City Lord's Hall, and only the places that have been visited can be correctly positioned and used as a means of transmission.

Mo Xie was curious, and quickly pushed aside the guarding temple. As soon as he opened the door, the situation inside surprised him even more!

In the main hall of the guard that was supposed to rest for the beasts guarding the city, a huge silver platform was built, like a huge altar!

The high altar is located in the center of the main hall and occupies two-thirds of the entire hall. However, looking at this altar is only half of the construction, the upper altar does not appear.

The huge silver altar was quietly built here, what function does it have...

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