The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 925: Imperial fief

I accidentally ran into this group of wandering royal craftsmen, and did not expect to help him solve the difficulties of the task. Mo Xie was already inexplicably surprised.

Moreover, maybe you can find the current whereabouts of the holy princess from these craftsmen, it can be said to kill two birds with one stone...

"You don't have to worry, young man, this time we have killed the elven scum sent by the Protoss. It is estimated that they will retaliate in these two days. It will be very dangerous here. Wait three days before we can deal with them." Kuang Geng said with a smile.

"Three days later? No, Master, the time limit for the task given to me by the city lord is only one day, and it's almost half past." Mo Xie said in surprise.

"So anxious... Then let the old man think of a way to talk." Kuang Geng was taken aback, embarrassed by his task time.

"Master, don't worry, I'll explore the nearby situation. If there is danger, I will suspend the mission. If the Protoss hasn't reacted, we can destroy the spy lair directly." Moxie said.

"You are right. The scum of the elves are killed. They will not know what happened for a while. We can take this opportunity to destroy their lair directly!" Kuang Geng's eyes lit up and he was surprised by Mo Xie's reminder. .

"Master, there is one more important thing. You must know the whereabouts of the holy princess?" Mo Xie asked nervously.

"To tell you the truth, I have seen Her Royal Highness the Holy Princess, and His Royal Highness placed us here to avoid hunting down, but I really don't know the current whereabouts of the Holy Princess." Kuang Geng said, shaking his head.

"It turns out that this is the case. Her Royal Highness knew that you were here, and after you settled down, she left..." Mo Xie touched his head. Although the clue was broken, it was at least certain that the holy princess was free and was escaping from the protoss.

And she knows the whereabouts of these craftsmen, and if something happens, she might come to contact her on her own initiative, so that all problems can be solved.

"Yes, the princess is also worried about the safety of us old guys, so I never came again, but the old man believes that as long as his highness convenes the old ministry to start fighting against the Protoss, he will definitely think of us." Kuang Geng said with a smile.

"Well, if the princess comes to you, you must tell her about me." Mo Xie nodded and said.

"I will definitely do this." Artisan Kuang Geng replied simply.

"Master, there is one more thing I don't quite understand. Since you are only craftsmen and have no fighting ability, why does the Protoss keep chasing you down?" Mo Xie asked curiously.

"Young man, you look down upon us old guys. You know, why the human race can develop rapidly among the powerful races such as the protoss, the orcs, and the demon. What do you think it depends on? Smart brains, both the protoss and the demon Not worse than us; in terms of physique and combat power, the orcs are much stronger than us; compared to the attack power of magic, the gods and demons are several times ours; when it comes to bows and arrows and sneak attacks, the elves are beyond doubt. Therefore, to be strong, we rely on our brains and hands..." Master Kuang Geng stretched out his callous palm.

"Hands and brain?" Mo Xie seemed to understand what he meant.

"Our combat power, magic, and physique are inferior to other races, but we have dexterous hands and brains that can make all kinds of weapons they can't think of. The reason why the Terran Legion is powerful is because of the existence of us craftsmen. The Protoss is afraid of it. We know that we will not serve them, so we will kill us at any cost!" said the master Kuang Geng.

"I understand what you mean. Terran craftsmen help the Terran Legion to make all kinds of weapons. While the Protoss drives away the Saint Princess, they can't tolerate your existence, so I will try to kill you all, lest you continue to make weapons against them. "Mo Xie smiled.

"Yes, you have seen dealing with those elven scum just now. Dealing with enemy agents is also our old guy's ability. Even if there are no warriors to help us, we can still make the Protoss very headache." Kuang Geng said with a smile.

"However, your casualties are getting more and more serious. This is no way to continue." Moxie said.

"Yes, our old brothers are falling down one by one. We must be protected, otherwise we will be killed by the Protoss!" Kuang Geng sighed.

"Lord Divine Craftsman, I will find a way to help protect you, but my alliance territory is on the side of Sunset City, I am afraid it will be difficult to move over, otherwise I can provide you with protection." Mo Xie said thinking.

"Actually, this is not difficult. Since you already have an alliance territory, as long as your merits reach a certain level, you can apply for a fief from the town general or the city lord, and you can also have a fief within the main city." Kuang Geng said.

"Can it be like this?" Mo Xie's eyes lighted in surprise.

"This rule has existed for a long time. It is specifically for commending the warriors who made merits for the imperial royal family. As long as your merits are enough, you can establish your fief near the imperial city. No matter where your territory city is, you can also Transfer back and forth between the fief and the territory to facilitate future actions. In this way, we old things can also have a safe refuge."


"I see, but... how much merit is needed to get a fief?" Mo Xie asked quickly, knowing in her heart that this merit must be a lot...

"The old man is not very clear now, it needs about 50,000 merit points," Kuang Geng said thinking.

"What? Fifty thousand merits..." Mo Xie was stunned. Now that he has upgraded his rank, he doesn't even have 50 merit points. Where can he get 50,000 merit points?

"Young man, the old man has a way to quickly get merit points. I don't know if you want to do it?" Kuang Geng said with a smile.

"If I can get 50,000 merits quickly, I am willing." Mo Xie nodded.

"Under normal circumstances, it is very difficult to get 50,000 merit points. It requires soldiers to fight the enemy bravely on the battlefield, and to ensure that they are not dead, kill enough enemies to get 50,000 merit points. But now Without war, it would be impossible for you to kill the enemy. But aren't there soldiers from the enemy country around here?" Godsmith Kuang Geng reminded with a smile.

"Yeah, those spy agents are not enemies of the enemy country...but I have killed a few spy agents just now and there is nothing?" Mo Xie said puzzledly.

"But if you kill them like this, it is very difficult to get merit points, because their identities are disguised and they are not our enemies."

"You must report the situation you found to the general, but determine the enemy's identity, and then kill again, you will be able to get the merit recognition." The master Kuang Geng reminded.

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