The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 926: The bug that finally appeared

Knowing the rules here, Mo Xie was immediately surprised. A plan of rushing meritorious deeds slowly formed in his heart...

"Master Divine Craftsman, I still need your help when dealing with those spies," Mo Xie said with a smile.

"To deal with these guys, the old man will definitely help." Kuang Geng nodded and said.

"I know, but how should I contact you later?" Mo Xie asked.

"Don't you have a lens? As long as the lens shines in the direction of the valley in this hill, the old man will send someone to contact you." said the master Kuang Geng.

"Okay, I understand, but how can I make General Zhen Guo believe that the identity of those spies?" Mo Xiegang was about to go back to the city, and asked uneasy.

"Your spy token, can't it tell everything? Unless the town general has completely become stupid." Kuang Geng said with a faint smile.

"Oh... I see, thank you Master Divine Craftsman." Mo Xie was overjoyed.

Having a spy token in hand is the best explanation.

"Go ahead, your mission is time-limited, we'd better clear the lair sooner." The master Kuang Geng reminded.

"I'll go right away." Mo Xie immediately took out the Return City Scroll and chose to use it directly...


With a flash of light, he has returned to the imperial city.

Now he understands that he must find the general of the town as soon as possible to confirm the identity of the enemy's spy, and then go to the spy's lair, rushing merit points to obtain the qualifications of the fief.

However, there is a time limit for madly brushing merit points. There is a need to get the task items in the lair and return to the city to pay the task before the end of the town master's task time. It is impossible to keep brushing it.

Moreover, the spy also has a limit on the number of missions, and it is impossible to continue to give him unlimited merits.

Riding on the mount and sprinting fast, Mo Xie opened a private chat to contact Mo Xiaolang, asking about the current situation of his teammates.

Collecting merits is a big event. If you bring your teammates to brush together, it will be a very big contribution to the God Realm League...

Let's see now, how is the level of the teammates, have they completed the task of teleporting the imperial city?

After the private chat was connected, Mo Xie quickly introduced the situation to Mo Xiaolang, and immediately received firm support from the other party.

"We are all at level 50, and we are running a mission. You go and brush it first, we can come as far as we can." Mo Xiaolang said with a smile.

"Okay, I'll prepare a few more spy tokens for you, and then come and brush them together." Mo Xie smiled and nodded.

Quickly rushed into the General's Mansion of Zhen Country, and came to the front of General General, Mo Xie quickly handed the spy token with both hands...

This token was originally a quest item to be handed over to the city lord, which can complete the 50 progress of the existing quest, but now it has been sent to the town’s general.

"What? Where did you get such a token?" General Zhen Guo's eyes lit up and said in shock.

"Master General, is there anything special about this token?" Mo Xie asked with a deliberate smile.

"This is the secret token of the Holy Moon Empire. Anyone who possesses such a token must be the enemy sent by the Holy Moon Empire to perform spying missions!" General Zhen Guo said.

"Master General, it's troublesome now. I found many sneaky guys in the wild, almost all wearing this token." Moxie said.

"Impossible, where are so many imperial spies near our imperial city?" General Zhen Guo asked nervously.

"Master General, this is absolutely true. I also found their teleportation crystal. You can tell at a glance." Mo Xie quickly took out the square crystal...

"Damn, they actually use the teleportation array to teleport, I'm afraid that the enemies who enter our territory at this moment must be no less than thousands of people!" General Zhen Guo looked at the crystal stone, and his face changed in shock.

"Master General, this matter is urgent, what do you plan to do?" Mo Xie asked.

"So many enemies entering the vicinity of our imperial city must be very dangerous, but to mobilize the army out of the city, you must get your majesty's permission..." General Zhen Guo said embarrassedly.

"Master General, even if the legion is mobilized, I suspect that these spies were secretly put in by the Protoss. Otherwise, how could the teleport crystal be accurately located outside of our imperial city?" Mo Xie reminded.

"What you said is very reasonable. If there is no internal response, the teleport crystal cannot be teleported in one direction. These enemies must have received some help. What should we do now..." General Zhen Guo said embarrassedly.

"Master General, if you can trust me, this task will be entrusted to me. I will promise to eradicate their lair and kill all the spies!" Mo Xie said with a smile.

"But the opponent is very powerful, relying on you..." General Zhen Guo seemed to doubt his strength.

"Lord General, don't forget, I am the leader of the alliance, and I own the alliance legion and territory." Mo Xie said with a smile.

"Well, this secret killer is left to you, and you are solely responsible for this action to eradicate the enemy. This general secretly gave you the task of forming a provisional army. As long as you can add people you trust to the provisional army, you can enjoy Some basic functions of the emperor's army. Go, these spies must be eliminated, and they must not be allowed to continue rampant." General Zhen Guo waved his hand, and a black light flew into Mo Xie's body...

Ding...System: Congratulations to the players, don’t be sad, you successfully triggered the anger of the general in the special plot, the general of the town country asks you to use the legion token to form a temporary army to eradicate the enemy agents hidden outside the imperial city!

Mission requirements: Kill the enemy's secret agents and ensure that the intelligence is not stolen by the enemy.

Mission rewards: Kill 1 spy to get 100 coins, 100 merit points, and 10,000 experience rewards; whenever you kill an enemy over a certain amount, you will get extra surprises.


Looking at the task information that suddenly jumped out, Mo Xie almost roared in surprise...

He just reported the situation and confirmed the enemy's identity. He didn't expect to receive such a surprise mission by accident!

Especially the system prompts in the mission rewards made Mo Xie feel extremely excited!

Killing a spy can get such a generous reward, but it is a real spy in a cave, at least the scale of more than thousands of people, how rich the reward should be?

The system has said that if the number of spies killed by a single person reaches a certain standard, the reward will have additional surprises...

This is a task, and it's also a task after the royal master's reminder!

Mo Xie immediately understood that this is not common, unless it is accidental, there will be a very small chance of system data disorder!

Because the system was unable to determine how to reward such a large discovery, it unexpectedly gave such a generous task reward rule...

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