The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 930: Slaughter Secret Agent

I saw in the open space outside the hill, a large black shadow was still busy, each masked spy holding a huge ore, from one side of the hill to the direction of the entrance to the lair.

"Are they transporting ore into the cave?" Mo Xiaolang saw clearly at a glance.

"Yes, they want to build a teleportation altar and teleport to send more enemies over." Mo Xie told his teammates what he knew.

"No, the faction war hasn't started yet, why are they building the teleportation altar?" Lianna asked puzzled.

"I didn’t know at first, but later I realized that the protoss of the two camps secretly colluded and sent people to the opposing camps to build secret lairs. They were prepared to have more power when seizing the imperial power. Once the 50,000 legions of the Holy Moon Empire transmit Come here, what a terrible force that will be?" Mo Xie said.

"It turns out that this is the case. The task of the system is a bit weird. This is the task assigned to you by the Protoss City Lord." Ouyang Jiaojiao exclaimed.

"It's very simple, that city lord didn't plan to let Mo Xie complete it successfully." Lianna smiled.

"It doesn't matter, the masters are already preparing for an arrow rain attack. We will rush out to advance the entrance of the cave in a while, and we must not let them block the passage." Mo Xie reminded.

"Arrow rain attack? Didn't you see them preparing bows and arrows?" Ouyang Jiaojiao looked around curiously.

"No need to look for them, the masters' bows and crossbows are hidden in the map of nearby hills, some are hidden underground, and some are hidden in the hills." Mo Xie smiled faintly.

He has been looking at the countless light spots in the midair of the distant hills. This is the light from the lenses in the hands of the masters. Once these light spots shake violently, it means that the arrow rain attack is about to begin.

Sure enough, the light spots reflected on the hills began to shake sharply...

"Prepare, after the first round of arrow rain appeared, we immediately rushed forward, seized the entrance, and blocked the spy's return path." Mo Xie immediately ordered.

"Understood." The legion commanders answered one after another.


Suddenly, there was a neat sound of breaking through the air in the distance, and the hundreds of spies who were transporting ore in the center of the clearing suddenly stared.

These guys have long suffered from the great loss of the craftsmen. When they heard the sound of the arrow rain breaking through the sky, they would discard the ore one after another, turning around and ran away like a hole in a nest.

"It's time for us, rush!" Mo Xie stood up and shouted for the first time, rushed out of the hill, and chased behind the enemy.

But he knew in his heart that his running speed would never be faster than the flying speed of the arrow rain, and when he led people to catch up with the masked spy, these guys had been completely covered by the arrow rain.

As for the masked spies in the hills who have not yet returned, they will never return...


The shout suddenly sounded, and the entire quiet hill map was completely lively, dense footsteps sounded from one side, and countless players rushed out of the clearing frantically, rushing straight to the direction of the cave entrance...

Puff puff!


The dense black arrow rain in the sky kept tilting down, covering the large black shadows that were fleeing in front, black light shining in the screams, the ground was nailed with dense arrow sticks, and hundreds of spy corpses lying there all around... …

Mo Xie led the people all the way madly, and the masters also cooperated to stop the second round of arrow rain, allowing these players to safely seize the hole.

Large player figures quickly took up the empty space, rushed through the area where the dead were everywhere, and continued to rush towards the opposite side of the empty space.

At this time, there was a steady stream of masked spies in the hills returning quickly, trying to hide in the lair.

When they show up, the way forward is already occupied by the players, and they can only move on, hoping to kill the player to get back to the hole.

Mo Xie flew all the way, looking at the edge of the hill ahead, a group of masked assassins of hundreds of people were standing there in a black mountain bag that was taller than the other hills.

"The entrance of the cave is right there. Brother Wolf will take people up to disperse them." Mo Xie commanded loudly.

"Received, hand it to me." Mo Xiaolang waved his shield, and the five hundred shield warriors who followed him immediately rushed violently, rushing out from Mo Xie's side, and speeding forward towards the hill.

The large group of shield warriors put their shields in their chests, their short swords stretched out, and they started to lock on the enemy in front while they rushed forward, just waiting to enter the skill range...

As the cursor on each enemy in front of them turned green to effectively attack, the charge skills were all activated immediately!

Huh huh!

Hundreds of shield warriors rushed forward in batches, the burly body in heavy armor turned into a afterglow of cold light, and they all rushed towards the masked guards guarding the entrance of the lair.

In just one second, countless afterimages whizzed by, followed by dull crashing sounds, the burly body continuously hit the spies, the short sword pierced into their bodies, and the shield slammed heavily. In front of them, while giving them a string of damage numbers, they just rushed out of a gap in the place they guarded...

Those leather-armored spies could stop the collective charge of the shield fighters, and the powerful force from the shield forced them to retreat continuously, and some even flew upside down, knocking the teammates behind them one piece!

"Brothers, seize the entrance of the cave!" Mo Xie watched the shield fighters occupy a favorable position under the hill, and shouted excitedly.

"Yes." All the branch leaders replied in unison, immediately issuing orders.

As the archer dashes forward, he lays his bow and shoots his arrows. Regardless of whether he is locked on the target or not, he will use the piercing arrow and the piercing arrow to retreat the arrow one after another. They enter the armor-breaking state, or are directly shaken back several meters...

As a result, the pressure in front of the shield fighters dropped sharply, and they moved forward more easily and neatly. The shield walls were instantly put together, forcing the enemy to retreat.

More than 3,000 players rushed forward frantically, and soon surrounded the hills firmly, and their skill attacks were launched continuously to clear out those enemies who were still blocking the hole one by one...

Mo Xiaolang immediately retreated with the shield war sub-group, protecting the shield wall behind the legion, preparing to welcome the returning spy assassins...

The warriors have blocked the entrance of the cave and are holding the epee there. As long as the spy rushes out, the countless epee will be swung together, and no matter how much your health is, you will be instantly killed!

Now the level difference between the player and the monster is not big. Without level suppression, all attacks are fisted to the flesh, and all attack states can take effect every time. This makes the spy assassins hurt too deeply, and they can’t regain the position of the hole after charging several times. , Can only hide in the hole for defense.

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