The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 931: Seize the spy lair

Mo Xiaolang's shield wall has been built, and five hundred shield warriors lined up. The archers followed them, holding their longbows and shooting arrows, pointing diagonally to the sky, waiting for the spies to enter the range of fire.

"As their attacks locked in the area, the spy figures continued to flood in, and the archer sub-head also issued the attack order immediately.


A burst of black dots rushed into the sky, and after drawing a beautiful arc, they plunged one end in the middle of the dense spy, and the damage figures suddenly flew all over the sky.

The mage and the archer cooperated tacitly. The archer’s arrow rain just landed, and the chanting of the mage sub-group sounded one after another. The buzzing sound was like the prayer of death, and it sounded exceptionally crippled.


The magical light **** of various colors at the top of countless staff rushed into the sky, turning into pieces of thunder and lightning, fireballs, or even twisted whirlwinds, rushing toward the spies.

On the ground, with a bang, countless thorns suddenly pierced from the ground more than a meter long, the sharp tip suddenly pierced the long legs of countless spy agents, and the wailing sound was endless!

The arrows flew again, and the magic kept attacking. Before the group of spies approached the shield wall, the number had plummeted to only about a hundred, and all of them had blood...

Looking at the fighting situation in front of him, Mo Xie was extremely happy.

From the beginning to the present of the God Realm League, the strength of the legion finally began to have a significant improvement.

The combat effectiveness of the elite corps is no less than that of any professional elite corps, but the number is slightly less.

In time, with the rise of the Life Legion and the normalization of funds, he can form more elite legions and continuously improve the strength of the God Realm League!

"Quickly destroy these enemies, the soldiers and summoners are going to storm the cave entrance, and the doctor will protect it." Mo Xie turned and gave the order.

"Understand." The heads of the sub-group nodded together and immediately deployed separately.

The summoners waved their staff to bless their summoned beasts, and then ordered them to enter the cave first.

The berserkers followed behind the summoned beasts and at the same time walked into the cave...

Hundreds of doctors followed them, guarding the entrance of the cave, ready to provide medical assistance.

As the summoned beasts slowly entered the depths of the cave entrance, it was only a dozen meters away. In the intricate underground cave in front, countless black shadows suddenly emerged. As soon as they appeared, they opened their bows and set up arrows, and the clusters of arrows shining with cold light were narrowing towards In front of the entrance of the cave, a large group of summoned beasts rushed forward.

The sound of puff puff sounded intensively in the entrance of the cave, and along with the wailing sound of the summoned beast, the summoned beast at the top had begun to suffer casualties.

"Great, there are a lot of enemies in the cave, and there are also archers, our advance is blocked." The God Realm Dragon Soul reported immediately.

"There are thousands of spies inside, don't rush to take your time, these are all merit points." Mo Xie replied with a smile.

In just a short battle, players killed hundreds of spies, and everyone got rich experience points and merit points. The original system treats merit points as experience points. As long as you kill the enemy, you can get them directly. Meritorious value number.

Due to the Legion Tokens granted by General Zhen Guo, the trespassing legion formed this time is different from any team mode. All experience points are distributed almost equally, but the way the merit points are distributed is very strange.

Killing a spy, everyone can get at least more than 100 merit points!

Mo Xie asked carefully. Ordinary players in the army team can get around 100 merits for killing a spy, but the sub-group leader can get merits of about 150 points. Even if the commander did not participate in killing monsters, they can also get merits. Nearly 200 points of merit.

Especially the five deputy chiefs, each of them can get merit points of about 250 points after each monster dies!

As a legion commander, Mo Xie, every monster can contribute nearly 300 merit points to him!

That is to say, in the team mode of this faction legion, the experience value is evenly divided, and the merit value is allocated according to the division of the position in the legion. The players who hold the position have a certain data bonus.

This situation made Mo Xie extremely surprised...

It turns out that the distribution model of the Legion is like this, that is to say, the officials have taken advantage of it!

It seems that the system considers this mode of camp warfare very important, and the rewards given are so attractive.

It’s just that the team mode of the faction legion is difficult for players to enjoy in the future, but this time the spy appeared near the imperial city, the scale is so large, and the altar being built is too threatening to the imperial city, so the town The general was so nervous that he was even willing to take out the legion token.

It can be seen that the discovery of this mission is a way for the system to frantically obtain merit points for players. Such a good thing will be hard to come across in the future...

After understanding the fact that the corps teamed up and the merit award was so rich, Mo Xie had already made a decision that all masked spies must be killed by the players, and must not be wasted on those craftsmen.

The entrance of the cave was blocked by the enemy, and the summoned beast could hardly advance for half a step, and the spy behind it was almost wiped out, and there were no more enemies on the ground.

At this time, a large number of craftsmen rushed out of the hills, and kept approaching the player team.

Among the elders, the headed Master Kuang Geng carried the giant hammer and walked towards the hill step by step.

"Quickly break through the blockade inside the cave entrance." Mo Xie personally walked to the cave entrance and said.

"There is no way, the entrance is too narrow, our summoned beast is too big, and the enemy's blockade firepower is too fierce, and whoever enters will be unlucky." God Realm Dragon Soul said helplessly.

Looking at the long line crowded at the entrance of the cave, waiting to advance, Mo Xie had no choice at this time. Since the secret talkers had secretly established the lair here, they must have deployed a tight defense inside, and it would be impossible to attack.

As the group of players stepped aside, Master Kuang Geng, carrying the giant hammer, led a large group of craftsmen and slowly walked near the entrance of the cave.

"Master Divine Craftsman, we were blocked by the spy inside, and it was difficult to move forward half a step." Mo Xie said helplessly.

"It's okay, leave this to us, and you still have to fight." Master Kuang Geng smiled lightly.

"Master Artisan, do you have a way to open the lair?" Mo Xie asked in surprise.

"These guys think that by building the hole in the ground, they can hide in it to ensure that it is foolproof. It is a joke!" Master Kuang Geng smiled coldly.

"Okay, the master has a way, just use it." Mo Xie said excitedly.

"Old guys, prepare to destroy the nest." Master Kuang Geng waved his hand, and nearly two hundred craftsmen around him scattered one after another, and a group of five surrounded the hill.

They took off the cowhide bags on their backs one after another, and took out all kinds of metal accessories again from the inside.

In the puzzled eyes of all the players, the clanging sound of assembling continued to sound, and frames of black and shiny strange props continued to take shape.

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