The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 932: Altar of Underground Teleportation

The clanging sound of assembly is still ringing, and black machines are slowly taking shape.

The machines assembled by the elders were more than two meters high, but right next to Mo Xie, the black machines assembled by the master Kuang Geng with three or four craftsmen personally assembled them, reaching a height of four or five meters.

With the sound of Ding Ding's crisp sound, a frame of machinery shone with a black halo, indicating that all was completed.

The top of their heads shows their original name...

Earth Dragon Drill!

The golden name, you don't need to look at it to know that these are perfect mechanical equipment.

"Oh my god, they are all golden items!" Lianna was already shocked.

"Isn't this a tool used by builders to dig underground palaces, build caves and underground cities?" Ouyang Jiaojiao had already recognized it.

It’s just that most of the earth dragon drill tools used by the builders are just ordinary machines, and these earth dragon drills are carefully crafted by these senior craftsmen, which not only increase their power a lot, but also come with more Features.

For example, beside Mo Xie, the earth dragon drill mechanical props assembled by the master Kuang Geng himself, regardless of size or grade, were scary enough.

Super Earth Dragon Diamond Sub-God mechanical props!

A random tool has been marked with such a terrifying quality, which makes players an eye-opener today.

"It really deserves to be a royal craftsman, it's too awesome." The eyes of a group of players were already straight.

"Master Divine Craftsman, hurry up, let's start now." Mo Xie urged with a smile.

"We will make their lair full of holes in a while. You have to arrange your subordinates to rush in and kill them. Don't run away one." Kuang Geng exhorted.

"Don't worry about this, I can't bear to let go of an enemy." Mo Xie said with a smile.

Master God Crafter immediately climbed onto the high machine, and hundreds of small earth dragon drills also sat on some old men. The players looked at them curiously and wanted to know what they would do.

"Don't be stunned, everyone uses the sub-group as a unit to guard the position of all the earth dragon drills, and the Summoner Legion continues to block the hole." Mo Xie immediately began to deploy.

He divided all players into several teams and guarded around the earth dragon drill, especially the super earth dragon drill personally controlled by Master Artisan. He and Mo Xiaolang led the team to prepare for the attack.


Suddenly, there was a deafening roar near the hills, and the earth dragon drills were launched at the same time, and the rotating spiral drill bit protruded from the cylinder and kept approaching the ground.

As soon as the rotating drill bit touched the ground, I saw dust all over the sky and pieces of rubble flying in all directions.

The originally hard ground, in front of these earth dragons, was cut open like tofu blocks, and holes were formed instantly.

And these earth dragon drills are also sinking quickly, drilling towards the ground...

Players guarded around the machine one after another, waiting for the moment they rushed into the ground.

The super earth dragon drill controlled by Master Kuang Geng was lightning fast. Once activated, it quickly penetrated into the ground. After a while, only dust and no machinery were seen. A circular hole appeared on the ground, leaning towards the ground.

Seeing that the angle of the hole was only 45 degrees, the players could slowly slide down, and Mo Xie was relieved.

Mo Xiaolang had already taken the lead and jumped into the cave for the first time, followed by a large number of shield warriors.

As soon as I entered the depths of a few meters underground, I saw that there were countless criss-cross holes arranged inside. If it weren't for the help of the Earth Dragon Drill, even if it entered the ground, the players would have to be trapped in a maze of passages for a while to find them. Correct channel.

But it doesn't need it now, the earth dragon pierced through the walls of the underground holes, and rushed straight toward the ground.

The players behind them followed one after another. After a while, they saw countless dark shadows fleeing in panic on both sides of the hole inside. The secret talkers also knew that the underground fortress could not be prevented...

The players immediately dispersed to both sides, chasing and surrounding the enemy, forcing them to slaughter in a dead end...

Mo Xie had also rushed into the ground with someone. Seeing that the passage opened by the Earth Dragon Drill bypassed all the maze passages, the enemy's carefully deployed defense system basically fell apart.

"Block all forks and kill all the spies." Mo Xie gave an order, and the players slammed into those intersections, waiting for the enemies on the upper level to throw themselves into the net. As long as they appeared, they would be immediately surrounded by the players. Flanking, and the summoned beasts at the entrance of the cave are also rushing forward, and the underground nest is completely lost!

After nearly 30 meters deep underground, the earth dragon drills stopped moving forward. Mo Xie immediately ordered the players to protect the craftsmen from the hole completely. The entire spy lair was riddled with holes, and there was no way to use the terrain to defend.

As the craftsmen returned to the safe area on the ground, the players began to sweep the entire nest secret road, and after confirming that there was no one on the first floor, they continued to explore...

Mo Xie led a team of people rushing forward, chasing more than a dozen spy agents, and immediately contacted his nearby teammates, and outflanked these spies in the cave, and quickly killed them all.

Since entering the ground, the information bar at the bottom left corner of Mo Xie's eyes has been beating, experience points and merit points, and what props the teammates picked up are clearly visible on it.

Up to the present position, he doesn't know how much his merit has accumulated, but it will definitely not be less than five figures.

Besides, there are only two or three thousand spies killed now, and about half of the spies must be hiding in the core zone deep in the nest.

"How about it, have you cleaned the top of your head?" Mo Xie asked on the Legion Channel.

"Don't worry, there is no one left. We are exploring downwards." God Realm Dragon Soul replied.

"Xiao Mo, my people have chased to the lowest level. Come here quickly. The gate is blocked again." Mo Xiaolang's voice sounded quickly.

"I'll be there soon." Mo Xie quickly led the people along the downward passage, approaching the coordinate position reported by Mo Xiaolang all the way.

On the way, after killing the sporadic teams of spies again, after rushing through a cave, a wide cave appeared in front of him.

On the other side of the cave, I saw a large group of players standing in front of a steep rock wall, blocked by a thick stone gate.

Mo Xie immediately understood that behind this stone gate, it must be the last core area of ​​the spy's lair, the teleportation altar must be inside, and half of the spies must be hiding in the last cave.

Quickly walked forward through the passage that the players allowed, standing beside Mo Xiaolang, looking at the thick stone gate under the wide stone wall in front, a group of players were still looking for the mechanism to open the gate.

"No need to look for it. The mechanism must be inside. We must forcibly destroy the gate." Mo Xie looked at the stone gate cut from a whole rock, and now he can only use brute force.

Fortunately, each player carried the necessary tools. Under his command, each player took out iron brazing and hammers from the package, and began to get busy around the gap in the stone gate.

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