The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 936: Additional attributes of official positions

Just as Mo Xie guessed, it didn't seem difficult to remove these rocks.

With the assistance of several players, as long as you open the gap, wait for the rock to loosen, and immediately use the pickup function, you can easily collect the rocks into the package.


As the players laughed and fled away, the huge altar quickly collapsed, and countless rolling towards the cave hall at any time, the dust suddenly clouded the entire hall!


The crisp system prompt sounded, and a white light flew in front of Mo Xie from the dust.

After the task was completed, he obtained a construction drawing of the teleportation altar, and it clearly indicated that it belonged to the construction drawing of the teleportation circle of the Holy Moon Empire.

"Okay, my task has been completed, trouble brothers." Mo Xie said with a smile.

"What is troublesome? If there is such a benefit, ask us to help." Lianna said with a smile.

"I'm going to upgrade my official position, everyone is watching." Ouyang Jiaojiao said excitedly.

Under everyone's gaze, Ouyang Jiaojiao quickly opened the character attribute interface, found the merit management sub-item, and immediately used her merit value to promote her ranks.

According to the system settings, players can manually upgrade their merit points through the merit management interface as long as they meet the upgrade requirements, but when upgrading to a high-level official position, they must go to the town general to apply for an upgrade.

After Ouyang Jiaojiao rose to level 50, she went to Zhenguo General to report. She was already a good soldier. She immediately used merit points to upgrade her ranks, and the white light suddenly shined above her head...

Good soldier!



How long!



In an instant, the top of her head continuously changed four or five official ranks, and finally fixed on the name of the commander. At the same time, a string of blue attribute numbers exploded on the top of her head, indicating that the existing official positions had brought her various attribute bonuses. .

"It's a pity, it's almost 2000 points of merit to be promoted to the post of school lieutenant." Ouyang Jiaojiao said with a sigh.

From elite soldiers to corps chiefs, these belong to the basic ranks of soldiers. From the chief to the commander, they belong to the most basic low-level officers. Only from the rank of lieutenant can they truly belong to the rank of middle-level officers.

"How about it, what attributes does the commander bless?" Lianna asked excitedly.

"Look for yourself, it's not bad." Ouyang Jiaojiao satisfied everyone's curiosity and immediately gave a screenshot of the attributes.

Empire of the Sun: Elite Soldier and Commander

Additional official rank:

Maximum health: 1200

Max mana: 1000

Attack damage: 120

Armor: 80

Block: 5

Dodge: 5

Hits: 5

Note: The commander of the empire has the right to command a thousand troops and is a low-level officer with strong strength.


Everyone looked at the attribute bonus of the commander, and their eyes widened in surprise. It seems that this meritorious official title system can indeed play a very important role in the player's future strength bonus.

Just a low-level military officer can have so many attribute bonuses, presumably the higher the official rank, the more this additional attribute will be!

In particular, the bonus to health is even more exciting for players. You must know that when dealing with more powerful players, it is not that the attack is not enough, but the health is too low, and it will be miserable if you can't stand a few attacks.

Now that the official title system can add so much health, it couldn't be better.

What Mo Xie was most excited about was that his spirit beasts could not be summoned due to the limitation of mana. If the official position was higher, maybe the bonus mana would be more, wouldn't it be easy to summon spirit beasts to help?

It only takes 10,000 merit points to be promoted to the commander-in-chief. With the merit value he currently possesses, it is not a problem to get a captaincy officer.

But now it is a pity that of these nearly 60,000 points of merit, 50,000 of them have to be used to apply for royal fiefdoms, to provide these homeless craftsmen with a safe refuge, and it is impossible to use them for promotion.

At best, he was just like Ouyang Jiaojiao, mixing into an official position as a commander.

"Well, everyone slowly get promoted and get rich. I have to deliver the task." Mo Xie said with a smile.

"Okay, let's hurry to trigger the task." Mo Xiaolang nodded and said.

A large number of teams withdrew from the cave. When they walked to the ground hole, a large group of craftsmen and old men still stood there waiting for everyone to appear.

Mo Xiaolang led the team away, leaving only Mo Xie and Kuang Geng the master craftsman standing together.

"Finally got rid of these enemy agents, the young man did a good job." The master Kuang Geng praised with a smile.

"Master God Crafter, next I am going to the General Zhenuo to deliver the task, and by the way, apply for the royal fiefdom to help you find a safe home." Moxie said.

"Young man, we understand your thoughts, but the royal fiefdom is not so easy to get. We still live in the original valley for the time being, and wait for you to do everything before recruiting us." Kuang Geng said with a smile.

"What's going on? Doesn't it mean that you can get a royal fief by meeting 50,000 merit points?" Mo Xie asked puzzledly.

"That's right. You only need to kill the enemy on the battlefield and satisfy 50,000 meritorious deeds to get the royal commendation and get a fief of your own. But you also have to have the corresponding official position with the fief. You think the royal fief Does anyone give it to everyone?" Kuang Geng reminded with a smile.

"You mean that I don't have enough official posts, so I can't apply for royal fiefdom?" Mo Xie suddenly realized.

"Yes, the royal fief only rewards those ministers who have made great achievements. Even if people make great achievements, they will be given official positions first." Kuang Geng nodding.

"Then I have promoted all my 50,000 meritorious deeds, should it be enough?" Mo Xie asked.

"Since you want to rescue us old guys, you can't use these 50,000 meritorious merits casually. As long as you find a person with enough official position, you can also entrust him to apply for a fief and let him manage your fief." said the master Kuang Geng.

"That's OK?" Mo Xie asked in surprise.

"As long as that person listens to you, as for whose merit is worth, now the royal family is in turmoil, who cares about so much." said the master Kuang Geng.

"Okay, then, I'll look for someone who has official positions. Is there a suitable person for the master craftsman here?" Mo Xie replied helplessly, and suddenly his eyes lit up. Since the craftsman raised the matter, he must be sure There is a solution.

"I do have a good candidate here. He used to be the head of the Royal Artisan Workshop. We are all under his jurisdiction. But because of the fight in the Royal Family, the Protoss was afraid of his power and expelled him secretly from the Imperial City. He is currently whereabouts. unknown."

"But his official position is still there. As long as he is found, there should be no problem applying for the royal fief." said the master Kuang Geng.

"What's his name, are there any clues?" Mo Xie asked quickly.

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