The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 937: Chasing the wind and stepping on the clouds

Although the master craftsman is selfish, this master craftsman named Kuang Geng must find a way to rescue him!

First of all, this person is the key person who can get the royal fief; secondly, since this person is the chief of the craftsman's workshop, he must hold the various weapon secrets of the human legion.

The Protoss was afraid of him, because he was afraid that he would make more weapons for the Terran Legion, so he tried to drive him out of the imperial city. Then the Protoss wanted to get the secret in his hands, so he secretly caught him.

It would be a huge trouble if Mr. Kuang Heng stayed in the hands of the Protoss!

This person must be saved because of emotion and reason.

"Understood, please rest assured, Master Divine Craftsman, I will definitely find a way to rescue your brother." Mo Xie nodded.

"That's great, my elder brother knows the whereabouts of all the drawings in the craftsman's workshop. Once he is used by the Protoss, I am afraid that no one can limit the strength of the Protoss Legion!" Kuang Geng said excitedly.

"I dare not do anything, I will rescue him from the hands of the Protoss." Mo Xie said solemnly.

"If you can rescue my brother, we will do everything possible to help you find clues to the princess," Kuang Geng promised.

"Then we have a word for sure." Mo Xie smiled.

"A word is final!" Kuang Geng nodded solemnly.

He took a group of craftsmen and elders, turned and walked towards the distance of the hill, Mo Xie also quickly took out the return to the city scroll and chose to return to the imperial city.

It's getting late now, and in another half an hour, it will be dinner time again.

However, his mission time limit has only used less than 10 hours so far. Mo Xie wanted to see, if the Lord of the City knew that his mission had reached 100, what would he look like?

Appeared in the teleportation formation in a happy mood, and recruited the mount to rush towards the nearest town general.

Quickly rushing through the streets and alleys and entering the familiar majestic general's mansion, Mo Xie quickly found the General Zhen Guo who was standing on the high platform.

"Return to the general and fulfill his mission and successfully eradicate all the spy dens!" Mo Xie said with a smile.

"You did a good job, but to get rid of the spies, you must destroy their altar. That is the most dangerous situation. If you can destroy the altar and bring all the teleport crystals to this general, this is the real thing. Great achievement!" said General Zhenguo.

"The general rest assured, I killed all the spies, and of course I won't let go of their teleportation array. All the teleportation crystals used are now with me." Mo Xie smiled and opened the package, took out all the teleportation crystals from it, and stacked them. In front of the General.

The light shone in an instant, and the dazzling crystals piled up into a hill made people almost unable to open their eyes.

"Sure enough, you are the elite introduced by General Anode. Your performance makes this general very satisfied!" General Zhen Guo beamed his eyes, swept away all the crystals with a wave of his hand, and the platform became spacious again.

"General, you just said that if you get these teleportation crystals, what else is there to do?" Mo Xie asked with a faint smile.

The task of killing the spy was declared successful as early as when the last spy died, and the task has disappeared.

But Mo Xie knew that although the mission had disappeared, the rewards had not all been taken.

Because it was clearly stated in the original task reward that according to the number of people who killed the spy, there will be an additional bonus bonus.

But the experience points, merit points and gold coins in the bonus bonus have been obtained during the killing process, and only other reward conditions are left.

"Don't worry, let this general calculate your reward for this mission." General Zhen Guo waved his hand and closed his eyes, as if he was really calculating the number of enemies Mo Xie killed and how much reward he should receive in the end.

Mo Xie stood there with peace of mind and waited, and more than a minute passed after the time flickered.

Just when he thought that the system was dead and General Zhen Guo was stuck, the general slowly opened his eyes.

"The young man did a good job. You killed a total of 3758 spies. According to the general's task rewards, you can get gold rewards." General Zhen Guo said with a smile.

"No, my army killed close to five thousand spies. Why did you just give me so little?" Mo Xie asked puzzledly.

"As a legion commander, all enemies killed by your legion soldiers should logically be counted under your name, but some fighters are too far away from you, killing the enemy is not the result of your command, so , This golden reward is already the highest commendation for you." General Zhen Guo explained lightly, waving his hand, and a golden light flew in front of Mo Xie.

A pair of cloth shoes shrouded in golden halo appeared immediately in his package...

Perfect equipment

Restrictions on use: Mage cloth armor

Use level: 50

Movement speed +5

Chasing the wind: Movement speed +3

Physical defense: 108

Magic defense: 182

Stepping Cloud: When facing an attack, there is a 30 chance to trigger Stepping Cloud, automatically avoiding an enemy's attack, three seconds cooling time

Additional equipment:

Movement speed +3

Running endurance: 50

Damage reduction: 15 points

Agility +9

Constitution +8

Note: The exquisite steps made of high-quality fabric can run for a longer time and have a chance to avoid fatal damage.

Nice step!

Looking at these golden steps, Mo Xie's surprised eyes gleamed...

You know, the attributes of this pair of steps seem to be tailor-made for him!

Players’ equipment and shoes are the only props that increase walking speed. White quality shoes can increase the minimum movement speed by +1.

Depending on the quality and occupation of the shoes, the bonus movement speed is also completely different.

The cloth shoes of the warrior’s heavy-footed mage, the speed of the two equipment blessing is the same, but the speed of the leather boots worn by the assassin and the archer is twice that of the cloth shoes and heavy shoes, so the assassin and the archer are running at the speed Far faster than other professions, and easier to hunt down enemies.

Divided by quality:

Green quality cloth shoes and heavy shoes have a movement speed of +2; green leather boots have a movement speed of +4.

Blue quality cloth shoes and heavy shoes have a movement speed of +3; green leather boots have a movement speed of +6.

By analogy, the better the quality, the faster the players will move after putting on the shoes. The +5 movement speed of the golden shoes is already very powerful.

But this pair of chasing the wind and stepping on the clouds is a rare three-speed cloth shoe. In addition to the basic attribute +5 movement speed, there are also two bonus speed attributes, which is equivalent to a pair of boots increasing the movement speed by 11 points. !

This number is very impressive, unless you encounter the same top-quality assassin and archer leather boots, the current archer and assassin players can no longer keep up with Mo Xie's movement speed.

Since even the archer and the assassin can't catch up with him, other professions are even more impossible.

Wearing these shoes, if a sprint or robe competition is held before the continuation, Mo Xie will deserve the final championship.

In addition to the faster wearing of the perfect boots, the various additional attributes are also very powerful. Mo Xie directly replaced the old shoes on his feet. He was very satisfied with the reward, and stopped asking General Zhen Guo to say anything. Up.

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