The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 938: Windy man

Anyway, entering the imperial city this time, Mo Xie already knew in his heart that since he refused the final solicitation of the lord of the sunset, he would encounter two situations in the imperial city.

Those ministers of the human race in high positions will give him some secret missions that are not visible, and fight against the gods in private.

The Protoss ministers in the imperial city will continue to make things difficult for him, sending out tasks that cannot be completed or are extremely difficult and dangerous.

This is the situation now, what kind of secret mission does General Zhen Guo have to issue?

"General, please tell me, what do I need to do?" Mo Xie asked softly.

"Recently, the general has received information. The Protoss often sends people out of the city to the outside of the city in a sneaky way. It seems to be a secret plan. This general needs you to find out what happened." General Zhen Guo whispered.

"Outside the city west, isn't that facing the direction of Sunset City?" Mo Xie asked.

"Yes, and half of the power of our Royal Legion is stationed in the west of the city to protect the imperial city. The city and Huangcheng Mountain each occupy a quarter of the power. So this general is very worried that the Protoss will be detrimental to the barracks of our Royal Legion, so You must figure out their purpose." General Zhen Guo said.

"You mean, there is a map in the west of the city where the barracks of the Royal Family Legion are located, so you are worried that the purpose of the Protoss is the barracks of the Human Race?" Mo Xie understood some of the situation.

"Yes, in three areas outside the city, we have a total of three military camps guarded. The finished font guards the west of the imperial city. They are called the Three Towns of Jintang. If the Protoss wants to fight the imperial court, they must attack these three military camps. Do it first, otherwise they dare not act rashly." General Zhen Guo said.

"You asked me to investigate the safety of the three towns of Jintang, right? This is simple." Mo Xie said with a smile.

"Determining the safety of the three Jintang towns is only one of the key points of the task. You have to find a way to figure out the specific plan of the Protoss." General Zhen Guo said.

"Okay, I am willing to accept this task." Mo Xie nodded.

In fact, before coming to the imperial city, General Anode was already worried that the Protoss would have any intentions on the map between the sunset city and the imperial city.

After all, they secretly hid two orc legions in this map.

Now that the General Zhenuo also suspects that the Protoss is doing something in the west of the city, should he have light with the Orc Army?

Moreover, up to now, Mo Xie is still looking for the whereabouts of the detained Elf King. Now as long as he finds the location where the Protoss hides the heavy soldiers, he will definitely be able to find the location of the Elf King and the last group of detained Elves.

"Well, I hope you be careful. The environment outside the city is complicated. The Protoss is moving around. It seems that the plots of unruly behavior have been accelerated. In the wild, you will often encounter the messengers and their accomplices sent by the Protoss. I hope you'd better avoid them. , If you can’t escape, you must kill them. Don’t let them know that we are already paying attention to the west of the city.” General Zhen Guo warned.

"Don't worry, I will follow carefully, in case I find that I can only kill people." Mo Xie replied.

Ding...System: Congratulations to the player, don't be sad, you successfully triggered the 50-level exclusive mainline story City West crisis. With the order of the general of the town, you will go to the western area outside the imperial city to track down the secret operations of the Protoss and ensure the safety of the three towns of Jintang!

Task requirements: Find out the plot of the Protoss and find out the clues that threaten the three towns of Jintang.

Mission rewards: According to the mission completion degree, the town general will have different levels of rewards, and the basic mission completion degree must reach 60.


The light flashed, and there was a new task in the taskbar.

"Go, be careful and safe. Although this task is very important, the three towns of Jintang are not so easily destroyed by the enemy. You can look for clues with peace of mind. You can return to life before level 55." General Zhen Guo smiled and waved. Tao.

"Understood, General." Mo Xie knew that this mission spans a long way, and at least level 5 time can be given to him to find it slowly.

Turning to leave the general, Mo Xie quickly walked off the platform...

Putting on the new shoes, not only the attributes have increased a bit, but the biggest feeling is that he walks lightly, the gravity seems to be reduced a lot, and the movement speed is very brisk.

You know, his current movement speed has reached +11!

What is the concept of movement speed +11, which means that his running speed is not much different from the speed of riding a pet!

At this stage, the riding pets of players are all ordinary pets captured from the wild. The additional attribute is that the riding state increases the movement speed by +12...

In other words, the speed at which he is walking now is only a little bit behind the speed of riding a pet.

If he gets another acceleration gear, he can directly choose to walk, which is faster than riding a pet.

Enjoying the distinctive brisk feeling now, Mo Xie was overjoyed.

This golden footwear can be regarded as an excellent piece of equipment. Even if the level is upgraded in the future, this pair of shoes may be difficult to replace. Even if it is placed in the package for spare, it will not be easily thrown away.

Open the private chat channel, Mo Xie immediately contacted Mo Xiaolang...

"What's wrong, what happened again?" Mo Xiaolang asked puzzledly.

"Look at my shoes..." Mo Xie gave out a screenshot of attributes like offering treasure...

"I'm going... not right! How did you get such superb three-speed shoes?" Mo Xiaolang's eyes widened in surprise as expected.

As a professional player, he certainly knows the function of this top-of-the-line equipment, especially in such a large virtual map to be continued, three-speed running shoes can play the best role.

"The mission is rewarded. I didn't expect the attributes to be so top-notch. I think you can help me find a few more acceleration mage equipment. I want to build a full-speed outfit. I don't have to worry about running the map in the future." Moxie said.

Now that he has this pair of baby shoes, he can find a few more acceleration equipment to make his speed fly...

In this case, you can take advantage of speed to the extreme when you do mission maps or run into dangerous runs!

"No problem, I'll look for it for you, and send it directly to your mailbox if you find it." Mo Xiaolang smiled and nodded.

After finishing the private chat, Mo Xie did not recruit a mount, so he rushed towards the city lord's mansion on the side of the city.

As soon as he walked out of a street, the didi didi email notification sounded continuously. The efficiency of Mo Xiaolang's work was amazing, and he gave the answer so quickly.

According to the unfinished equipment settings, there is a very interesting technique, because in the unfinished equipment system, there are two types of basic attributes and additional attributes.

The basic attributes of the equipment are based on the level of quality, and the basic data is fixed. For example, the basic defense value of the armor of the same level and the same quality is absolutely not different.

But the most important thing is the additional attributes.

The additional attributes are completely random, white quality equipment has no additional attributes, green equipment has 1 additional attribute, blue equipment has 2 additional attributes...the perfect golden equipment has 5 additional attributes.

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