The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 941: Fight for the barracks

Hearing the explanation from Lord City Lord, Mo Xie immediately became alert.

This time going to the west of the city to steal the secret letter mission, it might be another conspiracy of the Protoss against the Human Legion!

This city lord not only has to add trouble to himself, but also uses himself to deal with the empire and legion. Regardless of the outcome of this mission, the city lord only has advantages and no disadvantages.

Such a task is really very sinister.

"Don't be sad, this mission is of great importance. The three military camps in the west of the city are the last barriers to the imperial city. If there are people in these generals who try to make a mistake, then the imperial city will be in great danger! This time you go to the west of the city and you can find your city owner A spy who is placed in, he will tell you the next task. This is the task voucher. After arriving at the designated place and finding this person, as long as the task voucher is handed over to him, he will naturally give you a new task." The city lord waved his hand. A letter wrapped in a golden halo slowly flew in front of Mo Xie and disappeared into his body.

Ding...System: Congratulations to the players, don’t be sad, you successfully opened the third stage of the main storyline to find the traitors in the barracks, the city lord asks you to go to a secret location in the west of the city, look for the secret agents hiding there, and take new tasks from him!

Task reward: open skill tree talent

As the system prompt jumped out, Mo Xie was immediately surprised.

This task is very simple, just need to reach the designated location to find the task, it is equal to the completion of the task of finding people, thus directly opening the next stage of skill tree talent...

This is all right, Mo Xie is waiting for the emergence of new skills, so that his strength can be greatly improved.

"Yes, I'll set off now." Mo Xie bowed and saluted, and immediately rushed towards the high platform...

Using the city return scroll, he suddenly turned into a white light and returned to the central teleportation array of the imperial city.

But Mo Xie did not rush out of the city for a mission, but set off again towards the position of General Zhen Guo's Mansion.

Because this mission is related to the safety of a general in the three military camps, he must communicate with the general of the town before setting out to avoid being calculated by the gods.

What's more, Mo Xie now has nearly 60,000 merit points, and he wants to figure out the exact situation of the royal fief.

Although the artisan Kuang Geng said that in order to obtain royal fiefdom, in addition to sufficient merit, players also need to have enough official positions and wait for the royal family's permission.

In this situation, Mo Xie didn't know almost anything.

Quickly rushed through a few streets, once again came to the Zhen Guo general's mansion, rushed all the way back to the high platform.

"Dear General, this time the city lord has assigned me a new task that is directly related to the safety of a general in Jintang Three Towns, so I have to come and report." Mo Xie said respectfully.

"You did a good job. We must discuss this kind of thing before we can decide. Now you tell this general, what plot does the Protoss have?" General Zhen Guo asked in surprise.

"It's like this..." Mo Xie relayed the details of the tasks assigned by the city lord without hesitation...

"Damn! It's a crime to add to the crime... How can the generals under my command be loyal to the royal family, how can they collude with the enemy country? They are trying to find excuses from within us to replace the personnel deployment in the three towns of Jintang!" General Zhen Guo said angrily.

"Yes, the deployment of the regiments in the three towns of Jintang is already the last powerful force of the human royal family. If they succeed in calculating and place others in charge of the barracks, I am afraid they will no longer be able to stop the conspiracy of the Protoss. Besides, they also have two orc legions. Lying in an ambush between Sunset City and Imperial City, if they meet inside and outside, the three towns of Jintang will not be able to prevent it." Mo Xie nodded and said.

"I understand this situation. The Protoss is pressing step by step, and the conspiracy is getting more and more explicit. It seems that they have already deployed almost. This time I will count on you to solve their conspiracy. As for who they suspect, you can take this general's The token asked in person. With this token, the three major military camps allow you to enter and exit freely." The town general thought for a moment before reaching out his big hand, a golden light flashed, and a golden token appeared...

"Thank you for the general's trust." Mo Xie wanted this result and immediately took the token.

With this token, the two main tasks should be much easier to do, and the conspiracy of the Protoss can be more secure.

"Remember, you have to carefully check the things that this general gave you. You must find the hidden deployments of the Protoss ambushing around the three major barracks, so as not to be caught off guard by them later." General Zhen Guo warned.

"I understand this, please rest assured. But there is one more thing next, I would like to ask the general." Mo Xie put away the token and said.

"Do you have any questions?" General Zhen Guo asked puzzled.

"Does the general know about the royal craftsmen?" Mo Xie asked.

"Royal craftsmen? What do you ask them to do?" General Zhen Guo widened his eyes in confusion.

"Just tell me what is going on with the Royal Craftsmen Group now." Mo Xie asked again.

"To be honest, our royal craftsman group was once the pride of our empire. The various powerful weapons they made are constantly supplemented by our various legions, so that our empire can be compared with the strength of the orcs and the elven legions. It is similar to the Protoss Legion. It’s a pity that since the last battle in the royal house, our craftsmen group disappeared somehow. It is said that they were buried in the battle. Until now, there is no craftsman on the entire Huangcheng Mountain. I've learned." General Zhen Guo said with a sigh.

"Master General, it seems that you have been calculated by the Protoss again. These royal craftsmen have not disappeared, but have been forced to leave the imperial city by the Protoss, and have been living in the wilds of the imperial city. This time I went to spy the lair, and luckily got them. Help. But the royal craftsmen need a stable royal fief, so that they can avoid the gods from hunting down." Moxie said.

"There is still this kind of thing! Damn the gods, the foundation of our empire, will be completely destroyed by them!" The town general shouted angrily.

"Master General, can you tell me, how can I quickly obtain a royal fief so that I can protect these craftsmen?" Mo Xie asked.

"The royal fief only rewards those high-level generals who have made significant contributions to the empire. First, you must have a high-level status recognized by the royal family, and then make great achievements in battle and obtain enough merit points. Only then can you be rewarded and win the royal family. Reward. Now your low status, I am afraid it is difficult to get a fief." General Zhen Guo said, shaking his head.

"Master General has forgotten, you have already rewarded me with a lot of merit points. If it is used to promote all official positions, will it be eligible for fiefdom?" Mo Xie asked.

"With your current merits, you can only be promoted to a middle-level officer, and you still can't qualify for a fief. But this general has another way. Since these craftsmen are not safe to live outside, this time, if you take the matter of the city west It is fully proved that the dangers of the three major military camps are completely eliminated, and I can order one of the military camps to accept the wandering craftsmen, so there is no need to worry about the threat of the Protoss." General Zhen Guo said.

"This is a good method...Then I will first promote all merit points." Mo Xie finally felt relieved.

"Go, hurry up and remove the threat of Jintang Three Towns. The Human Empire really can't stand any more trouble." General Zhen Guo nodded and said with a smile.

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