The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 942: Promotion: Governor of the Empire

Quickly rushed out of the Zhen Guo General's Mansion, and Mo Xie opened the merit value interface, intending to use all merit values ​​in it to promote official positions.

Move his finger to the + button behind the soldier, and he immediately began to click quickly...

Ding Ding Ding...

A series of crisp sounds kept ringing, and the merit value numbers continued to decrease, and a series of green numbers with increased attributes began to appear above his head...

System: Congratulations on your upgrade to corps leader!

System: Congratulations on how long you are upgrading!

System: Congratulations on your upgrade to Centurion!

System: Congratulations on your promotion to school lieutenant!


A series of crisp sounds, as well as the official position reminder information in the system bar, popped out continuously, and Mo Xie's blood and blue bars were rapidly rising...

The merit number is also rapidly decreasing. With his fingers desperately clicking, the merit number has plummeted from five digits, and suddenly there are only 1300 points left...

Ding...System: Your merit value is not enough to continue to promote your official position, do you continue to inject it into the official promotion column?


Mo Xie also planned to reserve some merit points for future use, so he immediately refused.

At this time, his official position has been promoted to a height that other players can't believe...

Governor of the Empire!

Now Moxie, the official position system has been upgraded to the governor level. This is an official position between the middle and high-level official positions, and it is only one step away from the imperial general!

Above the official posts of the Imperial Captain, there are also Imperial Captain and Imperial Captain, and above that is the Imperial Governor.

And above the ranks of the governor of the empire are all the coveted general titles, the generals of the empire!

Only by obtaining the official position of an imperial general can it be regarded as a high-level official in the true sense.

However, above the ranks of the imperial generals, there are also the ranks of the imperial generals and the imperial generals, which are all high-ranking officials at the top!

To be promoted to the Governor of the Empire, Mo Xie's merit value is only 1300 points left, and if he wants to continue to be promoted to a general, the required merit value has reached an amazing number of 100,000!

It can be seen that quite generals are indeed not that simple.

But even so, Mo Xie's current rank among players is no longer comparable to that of players, and the attributes blessed by the governor of the empire surprised him even more...

Imperial Governor: Don’t be sad

Health: 2200

Magic value: 2200

Physical attack: 180

Magic attack: 180

Physical defense: 210

Magic defense: 210

Block: 25

Dodge: 25

Hits: 25

In normal attacks, 10 chance to trigger double damage

Note: The noble governor of the empire can be the lord of a city, and can have the privilege of occupying enemy cities during war.

The official position of an imperial governor, the bonus attributes almost increased Mo Xie's health by half, and his mana reached nearly 5000 points!

Not to mention the attack attribute and defense attribute, even the blessed block dodge and hit probability also greatly improved his strength.

What's more, there is a chance to increase the double damage effect during normal attacks, which is a rare and precious attribute!

That's awesome!

Mo Xie looked at his life value and defense value, and the gorgeous attributes, he was even more surprised.

However, he knew in his heart that although the bonus attribute of the official position system brought about by the merit value was very powerful, it would also be very dangerous for himself.

Because once he is promoted to an official position, his official status will be immediately displayed on the top of his head. This is a title that cannot be shielded. Anyone can see at a glance how high his official position is.

Including the guys from the enemy camp, you can clearly see the official title above the opponent's head.

According to the merit rule set by the system, once players from the rival camp encounter on the battlefield, as long as they kill the opponent's official player, they can directly grab half of the opponent's merit value!

In this case, the higher the rank, the more the opponent will become the target of attention. This is not good news.

But there is no other way. The system is set up deliberately to enhance the playability of the battle.

Killing an enemy can immediately obtain massive merit points, which is the greatest pleasure.

Mo Xie turned off the merit system, with two very amazing titles on top of his head, even if he wanted to keep a low profile in the future...

Governor of the Empire!

Leader of the League of Gods!

These two titles alone have made him the focus of attention.

As he quickly rushed out of the city lord's mansion and approached the main city teleportation array, many players had been seen entering the main city sporadically on the street.

Over time, more and more players reached level 50 and began to enter the imperial city to continue their missions.

Mo Xie hurried forward, not wanting to be entangled by these players, a series of afterimages quickly passed by and received. These players, without even seeing the name of the afterimages around them, were already thrown away.

"Let me go, who is this, running so fast?"

"This must be a master, but unfortunately I didn't read the name clearly."

"No, there is such an expert?"

Amidst the exclamation of the players, the afterimage quickly rushed into the teleportation array, suddenly turning into white light and dissipating...

In the next second, Mo Xie appeared in the teleportation formation in the west of the city, immediately stepped forward and rushed to the far gate.

The first time I used my legs to travel, the speed was faster than riding a ride. This made Mo Xie's heart more excited, so he rushed forward freely, according to the mission location given by the city lord, to find the mission...

After rushing out of the West City Gate, there are still large tracts of grass and small forests outside the city, and countless low-level monster refresh areas are densely scattered around the city.

Passing through the nearby map, Mo Xie continued to move towards the northwest...

According to the dual main-line missions of the city lord and the town general, the three towns of Jintang in the west of the city line up from the northwest to the southwest and are located on the intermediate map.

And where he is going now is the map where the first of the three barracks is located, in the Golden Crow Mountain Range.

Rushing through the large grasslands at an extremely fast speed, Mo Xie continued to move forward toward the depths of the map.

Although the sky is still at noon when the sun is shining, the real time has already reached more than 17:00 in the afternoon, and it will not be long before dinner will be offline.

The first time to move within the scope of the never-night imperial city, it was always a daytime game scene, which made Mo Xie still a little uncomfortable.

Fast forward, through a forest map, a large mountain range appeared in front of him.

The golden light on the mountain range is entirely composed of golden yellow rocks. This is where the name of the Golden Crow Mountain Range is derived.

As the system prompt appears, the map system has new information loaded, the map interface of the Jinwu Mountains opens, and a large area of ​​steep mountains appears on the map...

Looking at the new mountain terrain on the map, the entire Jinwu Mountain terrain turned out to be composed of three vertical mountain ranges in the shape of a river.

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