The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 945: Soaring strength

After receiving the map from the spy, there is a simple topography drawn on it. At the front end of three longitudinal mountains, there is a huge building complex on the middle ridge. In the valleys on both sides, there are actually two fortresses, which coincides with the two canyons. All entrances are sealed.

Mo Xie could see clearly that the huge building complex on the middle ridge was exactly the outline of a military camp, while the fortresses in the gorges on both sides were annex buildings belonging to the military camp, which firmly guarded the entrance of Jinwu Mountain. Guard barracks guarding the main road.

On the left side of the map, near the middle ridge, a thick black line spread across the cliff, seemingly a secret passage to the military camp opened by spies.

"You can go to the mission according to the channel marked on this picture. If you can get the evidence of the rebellion of the Golden Crow barracks and come to me, there will be a new mission for you." The agent said.

"Understood." Mo Xie nodded, holding the blueprint and then turned and walked towards the depths of the canyon, but he was secretly wary in his heart.

Now that the spy has mastered the passage to the barracks, if he goes to find evidence of the rebellion this time, how can he come back and return?

Finishing the task by yourself means killing many legion generals. No matter what you do, it is a big trouble!

No matter what, take one step and count one step. Anyway, there is the token of the generals of the town country in hand. First, ask these generals what are their plans.

Mo Xie speeds up and activates the Wind Chasing Magic Shadow skill at the same time. When the whole body is walking, it seems that there is a violent wind behind him pushing his back, making him continue to accelerate forward...


While a series of white shadows flickered, Mo Xie had already rushed across the large canyon, quickly passing through the monster refresh areas.

Seeing that the state of chasing the shadow of the wind is about to pass, Mo Xie waved his short ruler curiously, and a black smoke ball rushed forward, just in front of a piebald tiger monster...


Damage -253!

Wind damage -187!

Light damage -93!


In the muffled sound, the piebald tiger let out a stern roar, and three damage figures burst instantly on top of its head!

Three damages in one attack, Mo Xie was surprised to see that the Condensed Thousand Shadows Staff comes with 100 points of light damage, plus 200 points of wind damage in the state of chasing shadows, and magic attack damage. The three damage numbers are very powerful... …

You know, this is just an ordinary attack!

However, every monster has hidden resistances, and not any type of magic can cause 100% damage.

But even so, Mo Xie was already very satisfied.

Putting on a new weapon and learning a new skill, his attack damage suddenly soared more than three times than before!

Before the brindle tiger rushed over, Mo Xie didn't bother to entangle with it, and immediately stepped forward and turned into a series of white afterimages, and with a swish, he threw the monster far behind him.

He is now able to attack easily, and no one can chase him when he escapes. This little life is really too moist.

The luck that I have accumulated since the opening of the game has finally been played out today.

Mo Xie is already full of endless beautiful imaginations about her future...

Quickly rushed through the canyon, and continued to march towards the other side of the map. After ten minutes of fast rushing, the end of the other side of the Jinwu Mountain map finally appeared.

The map that used to run for half an hour with the mount, now only takes ten minutes to pass, and the efficiency of running the map is almost cut by half.

A dozen meters ahead, he had reached the location of the secret passage marked on the spy map. Mo Xie hurriedly followed the content on the map to find the same place nearby.

It didn't take long for him to quickly find the location of a huge rock under the cliff on the right.

This huge rock is more than five meters high, and there is nothing special among the numerous rocks in the valley.

But Mo Xie immediately rushed to the middle of the huge rock and the cliff, bent down to dig a small hole in the sand on the ground, and quickly found a long iron chain from the ground.

Pulling the iron chain with both hands, with a bang, the slab under the huge rock was pulled, and a dark square hole appeared on the ground.


External call!

When Mo Xie was about to dig into the hole to continue exploring, a call request popped up in front of him. Someone in the real world pressed his device pager.

Of course, only Sister Hong was by Mo Xie's studio, and she must be the one who pressed the pager.

"Xiao Mo, go offline to eat." Sister Hong's gentle voice immediately sounded.

"Okay, I'm going offline right away." Mo Xie replied with a smile, his heart full of sweetness.

Since opening his heart with Sister Hong, he has been in a very happy mood for the whole day. Now his career is developing rapidly, and his favorite woman is also by his side. What can be more powerful than this?

Mo Xie immediately pulled the iron chain to temporarily close the hole. After looking around, he brought up the control panel and selected offline.


With a flash of light, Mo Xie's short figure disappeared into the canyon...

Waiting for the helmet to slowly rise, a beautiful woman's face gradually appeared in front of her eyes. Sister Hong had been standing there, as if staring at him in a daze.

It wasn't until Mo Xie opened her eyes that Sister Hong woke up like a dream, and turned and left quickly blushing.

Mo Xie also quickly sat up, put on his shoes and chased after him.

Followed silently behind Sister Hong all the way, and just walked out of the door, only a few teammates on the corridor were already waiting there.

"Go to dinner, why is Xiao Mo so late today?" Lianna asked with a smile.

"I'm working on a mission. There is no day and night in Evernight's Imperial City, and I can't even see the dusk. I still feel a little uncomfortable." Mo Xie replied with a smile.

"It doesn't matter, we will all come to accompany you tomorrow." Ouyang Jiaojiao smiled.

"Our brothers, are most of them level 50?" Mo Xie asked in surprise.

"Yes, I have changed my work arrangements in the past two days. The outer legions concentrate on the tasks within the alliance, and the main legions can level up with peace of mind. The effect is very obvious." Mo Xiaolang replied with a smile.

"My mine subsidiary territory has also been completed, so I can concentrate on fighting monsters and leveling at night." Li Hong also smiled and nodded.

"Good thing, but Uncle Guang will bring a big person to visit our studio tomorrow, I am afraid it will be delayed tomorrow." Mo Xie reminded.

"Understood." Everyone nodded.

While talking, the group walked out of the core working area on the third floor and walked along the stairs to the entrance of the studio.

At this time, it was just time to eat. A large group of players appeared from their respective studios, watching a group of leaders come down, and greeted with a smile. The scene was extremely lively.

Surrounded by a large group of players, a group of people walked out of the studio gate mightily and toward the cafeteria.

In the living studio on the other side, there are also a large group of people who have just finished their work in the afternoon, and they are all heading towards the cafeteria.

For those who like online games, please collect them: ( The literature of online games is the fastest to update.

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