The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 946: Golden Crow Barracks

Entering the private room of the canteen, someone naturally brought them steaming meals, and everyone sat there while filling their stomachs while chatting about today's work.

When Mo Xie told everyone about today's mission and the newly learned skills, he immediately made everyone envious.

"It seems that your profession as a Prophet of the Demon Race has finally seen spring." Mo Xiaolang laughed.

"There are such settings in many games. Some combat careers are strong in the early stage and weak in the late stage, and some are abused in the early stage, but are only strong in the later stage. It is unavoidable to continue." Mo Xiaoyuan sighed.

"Not necessarily. According to the system settings, this kind of advanced skill tree has different corrections and settings for each occupation. The situation of occupational imbalance is probably unlikely in this virtual world. Will appear." Mo Xiaoyu analyzed.

"I think so too. Since the system has set up such a huge combat professional system, perhaps each profession has a unique role, and it may only be reflected in the future large battlefields." Mo Xiaolang nodded.

"What I envy most is Xiao Mo's movement speed. When will we find a new mount to replace? The running chart is really terrible." Lianna said with a frown.

"Yeah, I haven't heard of the way to obtain the new mount. Do I have to go to a more advanced map to find it?" Li Hong asked.

"It wouldn't be so difficult, maybe we didn't notice it." Mo Xie also felt incredible.

According to the system's pet settings, the most basic riding pets are when players first enter the main city, they can use catching techniques to catch ordinary monsters as a means of transportation.

However, as the players' strength improves, the pets caught by this kind of catching technique are no longer suitable for the players' needs.

Not to mention the slow movement speed of this kind of riding pets, their attributes are also very thin. When passing through the advanced map, they are accidentally discovered by monsters. They can easily kill the riding pets with just a few attacks. You can only continue on foot.

If you want to resurrect the mount, you have to return to the main city to find a pet mentor and spend money to resurrect it. It’s very troublesome...

"Could it be that the pet instructor in the main city can't provide more advanced riding pets and must find the pet instructor in the imperial city?" Lianna wondered curiously.

"What you said makes sense. I haven't gone to the pet mentor in the Imperial City. Why don't you try it?" Mo Xie's eyes lit up.

"Well, I'll try it tonight, and I will be the first to tell you new news." Lianna said excitedly.

After a quick dinner, a group of people walked out of the private room, planning to continue logging into the game...

After a while, the core team returned to the work area, and the two entered the studio individually, closed the door and continued to work.

After greeting Sister Hong, Mo Xie immediately lay on the control chair and started the device.


With a flash of light, Mo Xie appeared in the Golden Crow Canyon again.

Quickly find the iron chain hidden in the sand, pull it again, and the hole suddenly appears.

He rushed forward without hesitation and quickly jumped into the hole.

Unexpectedly, the entrance of the cave did not look big, but the space inside was very wide. As soon as he jumped into the entrance, Mo Xie fell into the first cave several meters deep.

Fortunately, there was a pile of soft sand inside the cave, which didn't cause him any harm.

I lighted the torch, and saw that inside the square hole, on the side of the cliff, a wide hole suddenly appeared...

Mo Xie immediately walked forward into the entrance of the cave, and a narrow staircase winding upward appeared in front of him.

Climbing up the stairs in circles, relying on the extremely fast speed, within a few minutes, he was getting farther and farther away from the ground.

After a while, the cave came to the end, and there was a rock in front of it blocking the exit.

Mo Xie stretched out his hand and tried to push the rock but it didn't move at all. Then he tried to move it slowly inward again. Sure enough, the rock began to loosen, and he was forcibly dragged into the cave entrance, and the sun outside suddenly shone in.

Curiously poking out his head from the entrance of the cave, a huge rock in front just blocked the entrance of the cave.

He hurriedly drilled out of the cave, hid behind the huge rock, carefully poking out his head and looking out...

In front of a large, golden yellow slope, a huge military camp suddenly appeared, and the high city wall was on the wide flat ground at the front of the ridge in front.

It turned out that his current location was unexpectedly at the top of the middle ridge, on a high slope, down the slope, and he could reach the back of the Golden Crow Barracks.

However, this distance is very wide. As long as you walk out of the rock, you will be spotted by the guards on the barracks.

No wonder the spy didn't come to explore the barracks by himself, but had to change someone else. Although the emotional channel was hidden, it was impossible to enter the barracks.

Mo Xie hid behind the giant rock and continued to check the situation ahead.

The Golden Crow Mountain Range has reached its end here.

The position he was standing on was just above the ridge of the middle mountain range. The ridge in front was artificially modified, and the entire mountain was cut in half to become a flat open space, which just provided a site for the construction of the Golden Crow barracks.

On both sides of the Golden Crow Barracks, at the end of the two canyons, the width is obviously much narrower, and the middle is occupied by two high fortresses, forming two closed gate passages.

The height of the two fortresses is exactly at the same level as the walls of the military camp. No matter which fortress is attacked, the Golden Crow military camp can immediately launch support.

The configuration of two fortresses and a military camp is enough to make the defense here seamless. If you want to pass the Jinwu Mountain, you must accept the control of the Jinwu military camp.

Such an excellent deployment and the perfect use of the advantages of the terrain made Mo Xie also full of praise.

No wonder the General Zhen Guo called it the Three Towns of Jintang. With the layout of the Golden Crow Barracks, no matter how many enemies come, they can't get past the Lei Chi!

Because the front of the Golden Crow Mountain Range is an open plain terrain, as long as the enemy appears far ahead, he has been included in the security range of the Golden Crow Barracks.

But what should I do now?

It is impossible to get close to the barracks tower without knowing it...

No matter what, just give it a try with General Zhen Guo's token.

Mo Xie had the courage to take out the golden token from the package, then walked out of the huge rock and strode down the slope.

Oh oh oh!

Unexpectedly, he had just walked out of the giant rock without a few steps, and the dull horn sound came from the distant military camp tower.

Above the tower, the tops of the energy towers suddenly sparkled with magical halos of various colors, indicating that the existence of Mo Xie had been immediately discovered by the soldiers of the barracks.

Looking at the situation in front of him, Mo Xie was very clear in his heart that if he didn't identify himself and activated the energy turrets together, he would soon be surrounded by a large swath of magic light, and he could become a corpse lying on the ground in a second!

He quickly slowed down, raised the golden token high, and walked slowly down...

For those who like online games, please collect them: ( The literature of online games is the fastest to update.

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