The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 947: Three major tokens

Looking at the situation in front of him, Mo Xie finally took a sigh of relief. Since the other party is willing to open the city gate and send someone to check it, it means that they have seen the existence of General Zhen Guo's order.

In this case, he is not in danger.

Mo Xie continued to move forward slowly, quickly approaching a dozen knights.

Got it!

The sound of the horses' hoofs became clearer and clearer, and the tall and burly knights in golden armor were holding spears, their faces were also covered by the visors, only a pair of alert eyes appeared, and they looked up and down at Mo Xie and the token held high in his hand.

"It turns out to be the governor of the empire, but what you have in your hand is the order of the town general?" a golden armored knight headed asked suspiciously.

Hearing this knight commander speak and recognize his official title, Mo Xie was suddenly surprised.

Although the system has been introduced, the meritorious official position of players after level 50 is very important, not only can bless many attribute values, but also a status symbol of the virtual world...

From this point of view, the introduction of the system is very correct, and the official position of the players does affect the treatment of him in the same camp.

His governorship has already played a role, making the knight commander look respected a lot.

Looking over the opponent's head, the captain of the empire: the name of the knight commander, Mo Xie immediately understood that the opponent's official position was actually lower than his own.

According to the division of official ranks, the imperial captain can already lead a warrior army of thousands of people, but the status of the knight army is higher. Even the imperial captain can only serve as a knight commander.

"I am indeed ordered by General Zhen Guo to come to the Golden Crow Barracks to see the guarding general, and to negotiate with him about important matters." Mo Xie nodded and said.

"Since the governor-general is on the order of the town general, please return to the barracks with me. The guard general will be waiting in the camp." The knight commander nodded and said.


The war knights neighed, all the knights turned around, surrounded Mo Xie in the middle, and walked towards the gate.

When a group of knights and Mo Xie all walked into the gate of the barracks, the two rows of soldiers quickly moved forward and inspected the place where Mo Xie appeared.

It seems that these soldiers are looking for the location of the secret passage.

"Tell them don't worry, I will tell you that secret path in a while," Moxie said.

"Alright." The cavalry commander reached out his hand and picked up a horn hanging between his neck, and immediately blew...

As the humming horns sounded, the soldiers immediately returned to the barracks gate, and with a buzzing sound, the gate slowly closed.

Standing at the gate and looking at the Golden Crow Barracks, I saw that the center of the entire barracks was a large area of ​​squares, just along the four sides of the city towers, there were countless three-story buildings built, which looked like barracks for soldiers.

And on the three-story top floor of each barracks house, a series of crossbow racks were set up on it, all aimed at the sky, as if to defend against air enemies.

In the entire barracks, there are neatly lined up large groups of golden-armored soldiers, at a glance, no less than tens of thousands of people!

According to the introduction by General Zhen Guo, the three towns of Jintang are the garrisons to the west of the imperial city that never sleeps. At least 50,000 soldiers are stationed in each barracks. They must not only guard the western passage of the imperial city, but also protect the imperial at any time Security of the city.

At this time, the knights jumped off their mounts, handed the warriors to the soldiers around them for temporary management, and escorted Mo Xie through the large square of the barracks, and walked towards a tall building like a star-shaped moon among countless buildings on the opposite side. .

Passing through the square, the tall buildings in front slowly appeared clearly, and above a magnificent gate, the four characters of the general's row were very eye-catching.

"Your Excellency, please go in, the generals are all inside." The cavalry commander came to the door and stopped moving forward, signaling Mo Xie to enter the general's concourse on his own.

"Thanks a lot." Mo Xie nodded and strode up the steps. Under the vigilant gaze of the two rows of soldiers, he crossed the threshold and entered a majestic hall.

At this time, in the main hall, there is a long meeting table in the center, and two neat rows of golden armor sit on both sides. At the center, one wears a red armor and a black cloak. The mighty general of China seems to be presiding over a military meeting.

When Mo Xie walked into the hall, all the seventeen or eight pairs of piercing gazes from everyone focused on this short body, and Mo Xie's heart was a little numb.

They are all high-ranking generals, now staring at him like interrogating a prisoner, it always makes people feel very uncomfortable.

"The governor, please come over and speak." The guard general in red armor said.

A golden soldier on each side quickly stepped forward and moved a large chair at the end of the wooden table.

Mo Xie was also not polite. After sitting on the wooden chair, looking at so many imperial generals in the hall, he raised the golden token in his hand again...

"Since you are the messenger sent by the General Zhen Guo, please let me know if you have any circumstances." The guard general said curiously.

"General, although this person holds the gold medal of General Zhen Guo, he sneaks around the barracks in such a concealed manner. It can be seen that there is a ghost in his heart! The general must be careful." A Jin Jia general warned.

"Yeah, General, now is the dangerous moment. The origin of this man is unknown. We can't believe him too much." Another general said.

"Generals, don't worry, I did come here to investigate some things on the order of General Zhen Guo, and I have another identity." Mo Xie said lightly.

"What's your identity?" the guard general asked curiously.

"I'm still the special envoy of General Sunset City and General Yang Hui. I came to the Imperial City this time to discuss the Protoss conspiracy with General Zhen Guo." Mo Xie said with a smile.

"Bold! Where did the spies dare to be so presumptuous in the Golden Crow Barracks! Come, take it for me!" A Jinjia general stood up nervously and shouted harshly.


The armor sounded suddenly, and two rows of soldiers with titles on each quickly rushed in, trying to capture Mo Xie on the spot.

"Hold on, let him finish." The guard general said with a wave of his hand.

The soldiers on both sides immediately dispersed and returned to their original places. The feeling of rattling sword still made Mo Xie's heart beat wildly.

"I don't know why the general said I was a spy?" Mo Xie asked curiously.

"Who didn't know that there is only General Yanghui as the guarding general in Sunset City. The young man was dismissed from the army ten years ago and wanted by the empire. Isn't it ridiculous that you are ordered by them?" The general sneered.

"Master General, there are some things you don’t understand. General anode has now regained his freedom, and General Yang Hui has also learned of the Protoss conspiracy, so the two of them once again joined forces to guard against the Protoss trouble in Sunset City. This is the order of the two generals. The card is proof."

Mo Xie smiled and took out the two tokens from the package.

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