Seeing one gold, two black and three general tokens, the hall was suddenly silent.

"Who on earth are you, can you win the trust of the three generals?" the guard general asked in surprise.

"I once rescued General Anode and helped General Yanghui to find out the plot of the Protoss. This time I got the love of General Zhenuo to help investigate the news of the enemy spy. Now the Jinwu army camp has been targeted by the Protoss, and General Zhenuo learned He was very concerned, so I was appointed to remind you generals that the Protoss will be against you." Mo Xie said lightly.

"With the tokens of these three generals, this general will not doubt your identity, but how did you approach the barracks without being discovered?" a general asked suspiciously.

"Good question, this is the plot of the Protoss against you. The city lord of the imperial city has already sent spies to keep an eye on all the conditions in the three towns of Jintang and secretly built channels. It can be seen that they are bound to win the three barracks." Moxie said. .

"Damn the gods, how dare you plot our three military camps!"

"General, this matter can no longer be tolerated, we must jointly play Your Majesty, so that the Protoss can no longer interfere in any matter of our military!"

"Yes, General, if this continues, our military will be calculated by the Protoss. By then, the Human Race Royal Family will be in danger!"

In an instant, all the generals in the hall were filled with indignation.

"Generals, please be quiet. Now that the General Zhen Guo has sent someone over, why not listen to his opinions." The guard general said thoughtfully.

The hall suddenly became quiet, and all eyes were focused on Mo Xie.

"This time I came to the Golden Crow Barracks, actually carrying two completely different missions. One is that the General Zhenuo asked me to remind you not to be caught by the Protoss, otherwise they will take immediate action. The second is The lord of the imperial city sent me to secretly investigate the situation in the barracks, and obtain letters or any evidence from the generals that they want to fight the Protoss." Moxie said.

"Then are you here to protect us or to find evidence of our crime?" The guard general asked with a faint smile.

"Since I have identified my identity, you shouldn't have to doubt my intention. But I am now facing a difficult problem. If I don't get the evidence and go back, the city lord will definitely have to deal with me. But if I get the evidence and go back, you will have trouble again. I am here this time, just to find a way with you generals, which can relax the suspicion of you from the Protoss, and let me pass the test safely." Moxie said.

"This..." The generals looked at me and I looked at you, they were all confused by Mo Xie's words.

"I understand, you want to help us get rid of our guilt, but you also want to complete the mission assigned by the city lord, but how can such a thing be done perfectly?" the guard general asked suspiciously.

"I've thought about it on the road. What the Protoss needs is to control the human legion, and are eager to get evidence of the rebellion of the generals, but they don't know what you are doing now. So I plan to find a scapegoat. , Help everyone to temporarily remove the suspicion, so that I can also go back to complete the mission." Mo Xie said with a smile.

"Scapegoat...Where should I look for this?" All the generals were silent again.

"Generals, don't know if there are any suspicious enemies around Jintang Three Towns?" Mo Xie asked.

Before proceeding with this mission, General Zhen Guo had reminded that there are still countless dangerous factors hidden in the western map of the imperial city leading to Sunset City, such as the orc army and the rebellious elven army...

Therefore, Mo Xie had already targeted these guys.

It's just that he doesn't know where these hidden enemies are, so he can't find a better way.

"There has never been peace in the west of the imperial city. The Protoss keeps planting some hostile forces nearby. We are obstructing our mission, and they don’t come to make trouble, so we just let it go. Now that you say this, it seems that you can really find a few scapegoats. "The guard general's eyes lit up, seeming to understand his thoughts.

"This is the best way. If I can find some actual enemies, I can report back to the city lord, saying that what the generals conspired was to wipe out the hidden enemies in the west of the city, not to deal with the Protoss. But in this case, I need more The evidence is sufficient." Mo Xie smiled and nodded.

"The Governor really deserves to be trusted by the three generals. This strategy is really clever!" The guard general laughed excitedly.

"I just came up with a random method. If you want to completely dispel the doubts of the city owner, you have to cooperate with the generals." Mo Xie said embarrassedly.

"How do you need our cooperation, please don't hesitate to talk." The guard general and a group of generals looked at him in surprise.

"First of all, I want to determine the whereabouts of some nearby enemies." Moxie said.

"It's simple. We immediately sent scouts to investigate. It is not difficult to find them." The guard general nodded.

"Finding them is only the first step. I need a relatively powerful enemy to exist, and then a few generals will personally lead them to destroy them. Then, isn't the so-called conspiracy of the generals aimed at dealing with these enemies? "Mo Xie asked with a smile.

"A good strategy, it can eliminate the suspicion of the Protoss, but also wipe out some hostile forces. This is two birds with one stone." A general said excitedly.

"But Master Governor, can you guarantee that the city lord will believe your words?" the guard general asked curiously.

"It doesn't matter if he believes it or not, as long as I can stop him, I can't continue to deal with you, and I can't punish me." Mo Xie smiled slightly.

He knew very well that no matter what he did, Lord City Lord would never believe it, but as long as he casually found the quest props and went back, he would be able to deal with it.

"The Governor-General is indeed an expert. According to my order, the first scout brigade is led by General Jincheng to personally check if there are any enemies nearby, and must find a stronger enemy." The guard general shouted.

"The final will obey." A general with the word Jincheng written on his head immediately got up, bowed and turned and left.

"General Jin Yun, you will lead five thousand knights in ambush in front of the barracks, ready to be dispatched at any time." The guard general ordered again.

"I will finally obey."

"General Jinfeng, you will lead ten thousand warriors and ten thousand archers to the center of the plain ahead, waiting for the scout's instructions at any time, and leave immediately when you find the enemy's nest."

The guard general shouted.


Long ago, Mo Xie had already received some news about the location of the Elf King's detention.

It was just that the mission process was very early at that time, and it was still far from reaching the imperial city at level 50, so this clue has not been able to continue investigation.

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