The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 952: Deceive the lord

"There are a total of 100,000 garrisons in the outer city, but they are scattered around the towers to serve as guards. It is difficult to draw troops." General Zhen Guo shook his head.

"I don't have many requests. I will transfer 5000 people from the four towers. What do you think?" Mo Xie asked.

"I'm afraid this won't work. The transfer of five thousand people will definitely arouse the vigilance of the Protoss." General Zhen Guo still shook his head.

"Five thousand people can't do it, how about three thousand people?" Mo Xie asked unwillingly.

"Let's do it, this general will try to extract 10,000 soldiers for you. This is already the limit." General Zhen Guo said thoughtfully.

"Well, ten thousand is ten thousand!" Mo Xie gritted his teeth and nodded.

"But for these ten thousand soldiers, you have to ensure that they return safely, otherwise the Protoss will catch the handle, but they will start to question me. They are already dissatisfied with me." General Zhen Guo reminded.

"Don't worry, the 10,000 soldiers you borrowed are just for perimeter guards and won't let them participate in the battle." Mo Xie said with a smile.

"Well, I will send these 10,000 soldiers to the Golden Crow Barracks tomorrow night. You can command all their actions by holding my token." General Zhen Guo nodded.

"Thank you General, I still have to go to see the city lord and leave now." Mo Xie got his definite answer and turned away excitedly.

Seeing Mo Xie's distant back, General Zhen Guo couldn't help but sigh secretly, that the empire of Nuo Da is now fully supported by this short boy, which is really speechless...

Mo Xie rushed through the gate of General Zhen Guo's Mansion all the way, and continued to quickly walk through the streets and alleys...


The private chat application suddenly popped out, and the head of a beautiful woman was clearly visible.

Lianna actually sent a message, which shows that they also have clues about their search for advanced pets.

"What's the matter, Sister Na?" Mo Xie asked while opening a private chat.

"Good news, we know the situation of advanced pets, and the system really puts the situation of advanced pets in the pet manager of the imperial city." Lianna said excitedly.

"What's the specific situation?" Mo Xie asked in surprise.

"It's actually very simple. As long as you find the pet manager of the Imperial City, there is a teleport command in her function interface. As long as the players spend 100 gold coins, she can be teleported to a copy of the map called the Royal Hunting Ground, where you can You can catch high-level pets above level 50 at will. Both battle pets and riding pets are fine." Lianna said with a smile.

"Royal Hunting Ground? Did you go in and watch it?" Mo Xie asked immediately.

"I'm in the dungeon map of the Royal Hunting Grounds. The scene here is so big. There are not only grasslands and mountains, but even sky fortresses. All the pets from level 50 to level 100 are here. If you are lucky, you can still catch them. To the spirit pet and the demon pet." Lianna introduced excitedly.

"This is good news. Tell the knight brothers, let all the knights whose level is over 50 and be able to enter the main city, go to the royal hunting ground to catch pets first!" Mo Xie said excitedly.

Tomorrow’s battle is very important, and the news of this new pet is coming very timely. As long as the knight players catch a suitable riding pet, it means that the knight profession is completely separated from the berserker profession, and it can finally be ridden properly. The war cavalry fights.

The cavalry who have powerful war cavalry are more powerful than now!

You know, in the ancient cold weapon era, the cavalry was a well-deserved invincible unit, especially in the open grasslands and plains, where tens of thousands of knights charged and could slaughter 100,000 infantry unscrupulously!

Although this is a bit exaggerated, the ancient iron cavalry is indeed the most powerful existence...

However, to be continued, due to the presence of wizards, the power of knights is not as fierce as in ancient times, but it is also a necessary unit for a large battlefield with extremely strong mobility and extremely high lethality.

"Knowing about Xiao Mo, I will notify all the brothers of the Alliance Knight Legion." Lianna nodded.

After finishing the private chat, Mo Xie planned to wait for the completion of a few tasks, and then completely dissipate, and then go to see the novel setting of this royal hunting ground, to see what kind of pets there are, waiting for the players to catch.

He now has a spirit pet but cannot summon it. Maybe he can find a more convenient solution from the royal hunting ground.

As more and more players appeared along the streets and alleys that rushed through, the Yellow City has become more and more lively...

Quickly approaching the gate of the City Lord's Mansion, Mo Xie slowed down and walked into the gate, stepping up the steps all the way, and standing in front of Lord City Lord.

Open the package and take out the secret letter, Mo Xie clicks on the dialogue plot...

"Don't be sad, you came back so early, have you found out about the situation in the three towns of Jintang?" The city lord glanced at him contemptuously and asked faintly.

"My Lord, don't worry. After careful investigation, I have found that many generals in the Jinwu army camp in the three towns of Jintang have illegally tried to communicate with other generals in secret, intending to be harmful to the imperial city." Mo Xie wrote a secret letter with both hands, respectfully. Said.

"Have you discovered their secret so soon?" The city lord's eyes beamed with excitement, and he quickly took the secret letter and unfolded it to take a closer look...

"My Lord City Lord, I have already read the contents of the letter below. I didn't expect these generals to be so embarrassed one by one that they actually want to attack the imperial city!" Mo Xie pretended to be nervous.

"A group of overpowering guys actually wanted to capture the imperial city, and they said they would expel the gods to protect your majesty! I think they are looking for death!" the city lord roared angrily.

"The subordinates have grasped their movements. The letter only stated that there will be actions late, but the subordinates already know what they want to do." Mo Xie said quickly.

"Oh, can you talk about it?" The city lord's eyes lit up and asked excitedly.

"As far as I know, the guard general of the Golden Crow Barracks has sent invitations to the guard generals of the other two barracks. All troops in the three towns will gather tomorrow night to take the opportunity to attack the imperial city." Moxie said.

"How is this possible? The imperial city still has one hundred thousand guards, plus the tall walls, they are looking for death!" The city lord said coldly.

Mo Xie's words immediately made Lord City Lord extremely nervous, especially at this sensitive stage, if the Human Race Legion took control of the Imperial City, it would be a very dangerous signal for the Protoss.

"My Lord City Lord, you must make a decision early, otherwise, when their soldiers enter the city, the situation will be in trouble. Mo Xie warned.

"This matter is very important. In case the three towns of Jintang are secretly messed up as stated in the letter, your majesty will be very dangerous." The city lord said with a frown.

"Actually, adults don't need to be impatient. When I learned the news, I also calculated carefully. In fact, as long as they block their legion on the way before they enter the city, their conspiracy will fall short. "

Mo Xie smiled.

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