The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 953: Hidden ambush location

"You are right, let's do it, this city lord will first send you rewards for your tasks, and then there are more important things left to you." The city lord thought for a moment, as if made up his mind.

Seeing the Lord of the City waved his arm, a halo quickly flew towards Mo Xie's body...

Jingle bells!

The experience bar jumped again, and the merit value and two reward items were automatically distributed to his package.

An architectural drawing, a purple ring.

Defensive fortress construction drawings: Systematic architectural drawings, which can be used to build defensive fortresses anywhere within the control of the territory. According to the level of the builder and the level of materials used, the primary fortresses, intermediate fortresses and advanced fortresses can be built separately. Of soldiers and defensive tower construction.

Antler Ring Excellent Item

Use level: 50

Restrictions on use: None

Sharpness: Normal attack +30 damage

Physical Attack: 24-39

Magic attack: 25-40

Additional attributes:

Strength: +8

Wisdom: +9

Normal attack speed: +10

Skill cooldown: -5 seconds

Note: The ring made of precious antlers comes with certain attack damage.

The ring was good. Li Wei immediately replaced one of the low-level rings he was using, and his attack power attribute suddenly increased a bit.

Looking at the architectural drawing made him even more pleasantly surprised.

If this fortress construction blueprint appeared for a while, it would not have been so hard to deal with the Orc Legion last time.

Because this kind of fortress construction drawing is not limited to being built in the city, any fortress building can be built at will within the scope of the outer city map under the management of the territory, especially in some special areas, such as hills and valleys. A fortress is equivalent to a natural front-line guard checkpoint or a hub building that blocks the map, and its strategic significance is very important.

And the biggest advantage of this drawing is that after the builders learn how to build fortresses, they can choose to build fortresses of three sizes according to the current technical level and material level.

"Don't be sad, the information you brought is very important. These generals really want to rebel! In order to ensure the safety of the imperial city, I now need you to go outside the city and give a letter from the city lord to the spy." Said nervously.

Looking at the expression of Lord City Lord, Mo Xie was also extremely excited.

Through his own careful arrangements, the Lord of the City has already believed the contents of the secret letters randomly fabricated by the generals in the Golden Crow Barracks. If this is the case, tomorrow night's actions will be much smoother.

However, it seemed that the city lord was still a little worried, and he wanted to determine the situation in the west of the city to make a more accurate judgment.

"Don't worry, Lord City Lord, if you have anything, please tell me to do it." Mo Xie said with a smile.

"You take this letter, go to Jinwu Mountain immediately, find the spy before, and hand the letter to him." The city lord waved his hand, and a white light shrouded props flew in front of him.

"I know Lord City Lord, it's that simple?" Mo Xie asked after taking the letter.

"Go, finish this thing first, as for the follow-up tasks, come to see me after tomorrow night." The city lord seemed very anxious, urging him to leave quickly.

Mo Xie nodded, bowed and saluted, strode off the platform, and walked towards the gate of the City Lord's Mansion.

Although he hasn't looked back, he knew in his heart that this city lord must have other plans, but he didn't want to let himself know.

And the city lord will definitely make corresponding arrangements next, the goal is the three towns of Jintang!

He deliberately slowed down and walked out of the City Lord's Mansion, and quietly hid beside the two buildings on the side of the street, patiently staring at the gate of the City Lord's Mansion where the players entered and exited...

Sure enough, before waiting for a few minutes, a row of Golden Armored Protoss soldiers lined up out of the gate, looked around for a while, and then quickly walked to the side of the street.

Seeing the strange appearance of this team of soldiers, Mo Xie smiled coldly, walked out of the corner of the building, speeded up his pace to track the past...

Fortunately, there are already a lot of players in the city. With Mo Xie's cautiously hidden figure and extremely fast speed as a backing, he has been tracking this group of golden soldiers from a distance and walking towards the distance of the city. go with.

After bypassing several streets in a row, this group of golden soldiers who appeared to be patrolling was actually quietly approaching the entrance to the west of the city.

Mo Xie didn't understand his expression, he knew that the most important moment had finally arrived.

Regardless of whether the city owner believes in the contents of the forged secret letter, the other party has always chosen to act. Among the soldiers in this team, there will definitely be someone out of the city to deliver information.

Sure enough, after tracing a few streets again, Mo Xie was surprised to find that just after passing a street corner, this group of soldiers in the golden armor was missing one person!

It was originally a queue of fifteen soldiers, but now there are only 14 people left!

Where is another person?

This discovery made Mo Xie so scared that he hurriedly hid behind a pillar at the entrance of a building, waiting quietly, afraid of the atmosphere.

According to the findings just now, the missing soldier must be hiding on the side of the street, maybe not far from him.

Fortunately, his tracking distance is not too close, otherwise he would be spotted directly by the enemy!

But where is this soldier hiding?

Mo Xie did not dare to look up at will, and simply hid behind the pillar quietly, the enemy did not appear, and he did not show his sensuality...

Time slowly passed, just as Mo Xie began to doubt whether his thoughts were wrong, suddenly a long and thin figure in front of him flashed out of the blind corner between the two buildings in front of the street, as if it appeared out of thin air.

And this sneaky figure at this time, the heavy golden armor on his body has long been taken off, and he is actually wearing a black leather armor with a leading dagger hanging around his waist!

Damn it, it's a running dog of the Protoss!

Looking at the figure of the elf traitor who was walking away from the other side of the street, Mo Xie was very speechless.

With Moxie's current movement speed, if he is staring at a person, no one can escape smoothly, even if the opponent is an assassin of the Elf race.

He has been following far behind the elf traitor in front of him, following the small half of the imperial city far from this street, and finally followed him all the way to the vicinity of the West City Gate.

Hiding on the corner of the street, watching the assassin rushing to the far gate from side to side, he disappeared in the gate hole in a short while.

Only then did Mo Xie rush out quickly, rushing out of the city gate and out of the suspension bridge.

In the distance on the green grassland ahead, the hurried assassin figure was still speeding on his way. Mo Xie smiled and looked to the side, bypassing a road far away, and continuing to track it from one side.

At this time, even if the assassin looked back, he would not find anyone tracking him, and Mo Xie's speed advantage could guarantee that he would not lose the target.

Seeing the assassin running wildly on the grassland, he slowly entered a small forest area.

Mo Xie accelerated forward with more confidence, and the distance from the assassin became smaller...

With the shelter of the small forest, the two of them continued to rush westward one after another, rushing through several maps on the way, and they were about to come near Jinwu Mountain.

As a result, Mo Xie was even more sure that this elven traitor was indeed sent by the city lord to contact those secret locations outside the city where the Protoss forces are stationed, and prepare for the battle tomorrow night.

I just don't know how the Protoss plans to deal with the three towns of Jintang?

Because the front entered the open plain area again, Mo Xie had to stretch the distance again, using a curve tracking method to continue following the elf traitor.

After bypassing the vast expanse of plains, Mo Xie was surprised to find that the assassin had moved far away from the map entrance to Jinwu Mountain, instead choosing a channel on another map.

And this map is a map area to the left of the west of the city. Basically, it has reached the edge of the Evernight Imperial City map. It is necessary to bypass a large mountain area of ​​Jinwu Mountain in the middle, and go from the left wing to another map exit of Jintang Town... Broken Soul Rock!

The so-called Broken Soul Rock is the end of the map on the north side of Evernight's Imperial City. According to the system, there is no exit on the edge of the map. There is a high mountain with no way to go, and there is a vast stretch on the right. Broken Soul Mountain Range.

Between the edge of the map and the Broken Soul Mountain Range, the only barren valley passage is very open at the forefront. The road becomes narrower as you go forward. When it reaches the end of Broken Soul Rock Barracks, only three or four people are left in the valley passage. The narrow gully along the way, and the passageway was blocked by a tall fort.

What is this spy going there for, and still so sneaky?

Mo Xie was puzzled, but still followed the assassin closely, rushed out of the wide plain, and entered a forest in the upper left corner of the map.

After following the other party almost wandering around a large map outside the city, the forest was quickly traversed, and a wide canyon appeared impressively.

This was the gourd mouth adjacent to the Broken Soul Mountain Range, which made Mo Xie feel very surprised.

The elf spy went to tell the news, how did he come here, as far as he knew, there was no way to go except for the Barracks of Broken Soul Rock!

But seeing his speed is still very fast, what is the conspiracy in it?

Mo Xie continued to follow curiously, but the terrain was empty, and he had to slow down again, waiting for the opponent to go far before daring to continue tracking.

Stepping on the pile of pebbles in the valley, and continuing to track along the mountain wall, after turning a curve this time, the figure in front suddenly disappeared without a trace!

There is no fork in the entire valley, is this assassin invisible again?

Mo Xie did not dare to be careless, hiding behind the corner of the mountain and waiting quietly, looking out every minute, waiting for the assassin's invisibility to end.

But for three consecutive minutes, he checked outside three times, but he still didn't see the assassin again...

Worse, is it lost? An assassin can't be invisible for more than three minutes unless he is no longer there!

Faced with this situation, Mo Xie hurriedly chose to rush out of the corner and looked into the wide canyon ahead, but no assassin was found in the distance.

If he didn't find it in the road ahead, where would he hide, he didn't hear that he could use the City Return Scroll.

There is only one possibility, this guy flew away, or hid in a secret place!

Mo Xie looked at the cliff on one side. The Broken Soul Mountain Range was all steep cliffs like a knife and axe, and the whole body was smooth, even the elves could not climb it.

Because this is the battlefield setting, the system does not allow anyone to climb the cliff.

But looking at the high cliff, the rock is smooth, not to mention the entrance of the cave, not even a stone gap is seen.

How could a big living person disappear so inexplicably?

Mo Xie firmly believes that there must be a hidden channel setting here.

He hurried to the front of the cliff, carefully observing the situation on the stone wall, and tapping all the way with his short staff, trying to find the upper compartment.

But after searching for a distance of more than ten meters, Mo Xie still found nothing. If he continues to delay like this, there will be no hope...

He stood there and remembered carefully that when he was hiding behind the corner of the mountain wall just now, he didn't hear any movement. In other words, if there was a stone door on the cliff, there would be a little noise and movement.

Since there is nothing, there is only one possibility, the agency is not on the cliff!

Mo Xie was overjoyed. If he was not on the cliff, he could only look for it on the ground, and the gorge was paved with thick pebbles, so there might be institutions!

According to his experience, if there is a tunnel to the underground palace here, it must be on the side of the cliff...

After confirming the position, Mo Xie immediately came to the mountain wall and bent down to observe...

It seemed that he had found the right method, and Mo Xie was quickly attracted by a special situation on the cliff ground.

There was originally a flat geese warm stone ground, but somehow, the geese warm stone undulates up and down, as if someone has been stripped away.

There are ways!

Mo Xie immediately walked over, stretched out his hand with a short ruler into the pile of rocks, and stomped down severely...


The dull voice sounded, and Mo Xie's brow jumped in excitement...

Under the pile of warm geese, there is a flat iron plate, which is a bit weird.

He hurriedly hurried his hands on the ground, shoveling away the thick pile of rocks, and there was a thick and shiny black iron plate underground!

And this iron plate is exactly level with the cliff.

Mo Xie continued to search, clinging, and in the center of the other side of the stone slab, he reached out and touched an iron ring and the heavy iron chain around the iron ring!

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