The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 954: Protoss' siege plan

Found the hidden lair of the enemy, in order to catch up with the spy to figure out the city lord's conspiracy, Mo Xie no longer wasted time, and hurriedly followed the downward steps exposed at the entrance of the ground hole and quickly got into the ground hole.

The iron plate was carefully slid back to its original place. The warm pebbles covered on it were still there. People outside didn't check it carefully, and there was really no way to find it here.

Moreover, since the end of the war, this broken soul Taniguchi has long become inaccessible, so the Protoss dared to set up ambush lair here with confidence.

Moreover, the Protoss is too cunning. Knowing that the walls of the Broken Soul Mountain Range are very smooth and difficult to use, they even figured out a way to excavate the underground palace...

Mo Xie walked along the long stairs and walked in the dark ground hole, only to see that the surrounding of the hole was abnormally smooth, completely artificially excavated.

Such a large underground palace is entirely manual. How long did it take them to build such a complicated underground palace?

Since entering the unfinished business, the Protoss has set up many underground palaces and underground cities on various maps. How did they do it?

Did the Protoss also raise a group of professional construction teams that could build underground palaces anywhere in the empire?

If there is such a builder, it would be amazing.

Thinking wildly all the way, Mo Xie hurried forward along the only stepped passage, and continued to trace the assassin.

With his speed and the time required to find the secret path fast enough, according to such a long underground palace distance, it should be found in one or two minutes...

He ran quickly and descended continuously down the stairs. After a while, the end of the stairs finally appeared, a long black corridor running parallel to the depths of the mountains.

As Mo Xie walked into this straight passage, there seemed to be a little light at the end of the passage ahead, and it seemed that the spy appeared ahead with a torch in his hand.

But it had reached the end of the cave, and it seemed to turn into a corner, and the light quickly disappeared.

Finally I find you!

Mo Xie was overjoyed and rushed forward at the fastest speed. A bunch of afterimages dragged behind him, as the wind rushed through this straight cave that was 100 meters long.

Approaching the corner of the cave, the faint sound of footsteps in front came, and the distance between the two of them narrowed again.

After waiting for the other party to continue to advance for a certain distance, Mo Xie rushed out and forwarded, following along again.

Jingle bells!

Suddenly, deep in the cave in the distance, there were waves of metal percussions, followed by waves of heat.

Mo Xie looked forward in surprise. The slender shadow had already reached the entrance of a cave and continued down the wide stone steps. The sound of metal percussion and the heat wave came from the entrance of the cave.

Protoss underground palace, build weapons!

Mo Xie immediately understood the situation ahead, and rushed to the front of the stairs, cautiously walking down the stone wall.

As he walked halfway through the stairs, the cave in front of him was shining red, burning stoves appeared. By each stove, one burly body was swinging an iron hammer, beating the red ore continuously in their iron Under the hammer, the shape changes randomly.

Looking at the scene before him, Mo Xie's eyes widened in surprise, because all the craftsmen who were busy by the furnace were all Human Race!

The familiar green names on the tops of their heads, one by one with old faces and ragged clothes, are exactly the same as the group of royal craftsmen led by the master Kuang Geng!

Damn, these old human craftsmen were caught by the Protoss, and they were imprisoned here to help forge weapons!

And what I see now is the same as Mo Xie's guess. The props that have been built by the fireside of these craftsmen are actually long metal ladders, which should be parts of the ladder car.

There are also some strange accessories stacked next to the stove, like some things for making a siege truck...

The spy in front passed through the furnace area and continued towards the end of the cave. Mo Xie had no time to continue to observe, so he had to bite the bullet and follow.

But he knew that as soon as he appeared, he would be discovered by these craftsmen, hoping for accidents elsewhere.

Walking down the steps quickly, the flames were blazing ahead, and Mo Xie's figure was inevitable.

However, the craftsmen in front were all focusing on building tools and did not seem to see his arrival.

But to be on the safe side, Mo Xie still opened the package and took out a token, hoping that these craftsmen were in Cao Ying's heart, and would not help the Protoss to deal with him.

As he moved fast, he had already rushed into the stove area before moving fast in a lively scene full of sparks.

Sure enough, Mo Xie's figure immediately attracted the attention of large artisans. In the entire cave, at least hundreds of celebrity craftsmen's eyes were staring at Mo Xie in surprise...

The clanging percussion stopped abruptly, and the old craftsmen with haggard faces opened their mouths in surprise and watched the uninvited guests pass by.

What made Mo Xie feel at ease was that although the faces of these craftsmen were surprised, their eyes glowed with surprise...

Mo Xie quickly raised the General Township token in his hand and put his finger on his lips, beckoning everyone not to make any noise.

Jingle bells!

The craftsmen nodded one after another, wielding a sledgehammer to continue busy, but their eyes kept following Mo Xie's figure.

Seeing this situation, Mo Xie could only quickly come to a furnace and approach a craftsman...

"Old man, I know that you are royal craftsmen. You are currently being taken captive by the Protoss. The Great God Kuang Geng knows me. After I complete the important task, I will find a way to save you." Mo Xie said softly in the ear of the craftsman.

"Okay, we have been waiting for this day for too long. If you have any help, we old guys must go all out." The craftsman nodded excitedly.

"I want to know, how many protoss are there in this underground palace?" Mo Xie asked quickly.

"There are very few protoss here, most of them are orc legions, and there are only a hundred thousand people." The craftsman quickly replied.

"What... it's the orc barracks again!" Mo Xie's eyes widened in surprise. Unexpectedly, in the map west of the imperial city, the gods had lost their blood, and not only placed two orc ambushes in the area near the sunset city. The base, there are still 100,000 ambushes here!

"It's true that the Protoss deployed heavy troops here to deal with the three towns of Jintang. We were forced to build countless siege weapons by them. You must tell the town general to let him defend as early as possible." The teacher pleaded.

"Don't worry about this, I'm here to inquire about intelligence. How big is this underground palace?" Mo Xie asked quickly.

"We don't know the size of the underground palace, but it is certain that from Broken Soul Mountain to Jinwu Mountain, the Protoss has penetrated the passage of this mountain range." The craftsman said.


Through the Broken Soul Mountain...

Listening to the craftsman's introduction, Mo Xie stayed there all at once.

You know, the three towns of Jintang are not far apart, but each guards a very critical passage, because the existence of these mountains, Broken Soul Mountain, Jinwu Mountain, has formed a natural terrain advantage.

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