The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 965: Robbed pet eggs

Holding the blue giant egg in both hands, Mo Xie stood on the edge of the steep cliff.

Half of his foot has already stepped on the cliff, and he will fall directly after only half a step!

However, his hands deliberately made the action of throwing the dome down first, and the Silver Charm Thunder Eagle quacked in shock.

The huge figure really stopped pressing forward, and a pair of huge wings also shrank tightly.

I was shocked, but Mo Xie's danger was not relieved at all.

As long as the opponent attacks again, he will still die.

The online time is only less than two minutes, and the system warning has already popped out, and now every ten seconds, a series of red warning messages appear continuously in the information bar, prompting Mo Xie to go offline.

The red countdown number was still beating quickly. Although the two beauties standing under the cliff did not get Mo Xie's answer, they saw the figure standing on the edge of the cliff.

Two pairs of beautiful eyes, staring at the cliff, for a while, don't know how to respond.

"Mo, what's the matter, talk!" Lianna asked anxiously.

"You don't have to worry about me, I'm entangled, you go offline on time, I will figure out a way to get rid of it." Mo Xie then took the time to answer the question.

"I was entangled, there really is on it!" Ouyang Jiaojiao was shocked.

This is originally an intermediate hunting ground map, which is an exclusive copy of the system for players to catch pets. How come there are settings?

If it appears, it means that this is the source of the highest quality pets in the hunting ground...

"Well, there is one minute left, let's go offline first."

Knowing that Lianna couldn't help, she and Ouyang Jiaojiao directly called up the control panel and chose to leave the game.

Two white beams of light flashed and disappeared under the cliff, leaving only Mo Xie in the entire map.


After waiting for half a minute, he finally couldn't help but slowly moved forward again, with a threatening sound in his mouth, which seemed to warn Mo Xie, and hurriedly surrendered its child.

It's a pity that Moxie never thought of giving up from beginning to end. This is a golden pet egg, and it is even very possible to hatch a flying pet's best baby!

Facing such an opportunity, even if he hangs up once, he will never miss it.

Seeing that he started to act again, Mo Xie once again pretended to discard the dome, and as expected, he stopped acting in fright.

Now Mo Xie is very anxious, he is waiting for the protection time of this dome!

I only have less than one minute of online time left. If the protection time of the dome’s items is too long, then even if I get kicked off the line, the dome still cannot be taken away...

Damn, how long does it protect?

Seeing that it’s almost 5 minutes from picking up the dome, if it doesn’t work, it will be miserable!

At this moment when Mo Xie was uneasy, suddenly, the blue giant egg in his hand shone with a faint white halo, flashing brightly and darkly three times in a row!

Seeing this situation, Mo Xie was overjoyed.

He understands that this is a reminder that the protection time is about to pass. As long as the white light completely dissipates, the dome can be stuffed into his own package, and no one can take it away...


The light flickered again, and Mo Xie exhaled the package without hesitation, and threw the dome inside.

A blue light flashed in his hand, the dome disappeared, Mo Xie's hands were empty, smiling and looking at...

He still has half a minute to be online. Although the Dome got it, he still cannot guarantee that he can go offline safely.


A stern roar sounded. When he saw his egg disappear, he waved his wings furiously and rushed towards Mo Xie. Two silver lights swayed on the top of the cliff, covering most of the cliff.

Seeing the fury rushing, Mo Xie stretched out his hand, and with a sigh, a black light emitted from the short ruler in his hand, and his body quickly turned into an afterimage, rushing forward without retreating.

When the Wind Chasing Shadow was launched, Mo Xie's speed instantly increased to the extreme, and he couldn't even accurately lock his current sprint position.

In a flash, Mo Xie swept across his chest quickly, lowered his head and rushed across the right silver wing, and suddenly rushed behind him, standing in the deep grass again.

And in the thick haystack at his feet, there was another blue giant egg!

Nima, what a coincidence?

Mo Xie planned to use half a minute to escape, but he didn't expect another baby to appear...

Don't let go of a baby, this is his consistent principle in the game, so he bent down quickly.

Pick up this dome again with both hands and try to use the pickup function.


What surprised Mo Xie was that this giant egg turned into blue light without hesitation and flew into his body...

No way, could it be that the moment it left the lair, its eggs began to leave the protection time, or how could it be so fast this time?

This discovery immediately surprised Mo Xie!

In that case, let's not let go of any of them...


But when he picked up the second dome, he had already turned around angrily, just to see this guy snatching the dome again.

Already going crazy, he waved his wings fiercely, and the whistling sound of breaking through the air suddenly resounded through the top of the cliff.

Two huge silver light wings waved horizontally from both sides, and a thick silver thunder pillar struck Mo Xie from the middle...

The three attacks were launched at the same time, and it seemed that Mo Xie was inevitable.

But he was still looking for the existence of a giant egg in the lush grass.

The sound in his ear sounded, and Mo Xie's online time was only ten seconds left.

With a wave of his short ruler, the black giant claws wrapped in a black light ball suddenly flew in front of him, and the iron claw soul chasing skills were activated...

Please, be sure to hit!

Mo Xie prayed in his heart. Now he can't avoid the three-direction enveloping attack. He can only use this method to interrupt the skill with the attack...


In the muffled sound, a huge thunder light hit Mo Xie's chest, and the stabbing thunder and lightning walked back and forth on his body.

He dyed his whole body black and his hair stood up.

Damage reduction succeeded!

Hurt -645!

Lightning damage -500!

After only one lightning bolt attack, Mo Xie's blood volume suddenly fell by nearly one-third!

You know, this is because he has just upgraded the empire governor, blessed a lot of health, plus learned new skills.

If you change it to the previous, his life value has now been directly killed!

The damage reduction probability of the passive ability of the iron blood monster suddenly took effect at this moment, helping him to block at least half of the damage value...

It can be seen that this 60-level leader level is still an existence that he cannot bear for the time being!

He was hit hard by lightning, but not far in front of him, the Iron Claw Soul Pursuit skill also rushed forward, and the huge body directly hit by the black claw clung to the opponent's chest.

For those who like online games, please collect them: ( The literature of online games is the fastest to update.

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