The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 966: Knight Army

At the moment when he counted silently to 2, Mo Xie waved his hands abruptly, pulled the black claws and threw it to the cliff. At the same time, he turned around and leaped forward quickly. His hands swept across the dense grass, wanting to explore again. The existence of the dome.

It is a pity that this time both hands were empty, and a dome was not found.

Standing there, sighing helplessly, watching being pushed to the cliff and falling directly...

And Mo Xie's body was also enveloped by a huge white beam of light falling from the sky, and his entire body was unable to move half a minute.

Ding...System: Players should not be sad, your online time is over today, I wish you a happy game, and welcome to log in tomorrow!


The darkness in front of me, the beam of light gradually dissipated...


An angry roar still sounded outside the cliff, and amidst the flapping of wings, the huge eagle with silver light swooped down crazily, trying to smash his enemy into pieces.

But helplessly, I swooped down with all my strength, and what was crushed by one claw was nothing more than a cloud of light...


The shield rose slowly, and Mo Xie opened his eyes. Only at this moment could he confirm that he was safely offline.

Sit up and look to the left not far away. Sister Hong's control chair is still running, her slender and beautiful body lying there quietly, her head covered by a mask, and most of her body covered by armor.

Stand up and walk to Sister Hong's control chair and press an external connection button.

"What's the matter, who is looking for me?" Li Hong's clear voice came from the speaker.

"It's me, Xiao Mo, how long will you be offline? Let's go out together." Mo Xie asked with a smile.

"I still have an hour, you go first, I want to hurry up and practice." Li Hong replied with a smile.

Because Moxie went online earlier at noon and dinner, so it was the earliest one to go offline.

"Well, I'll leave first, and I will surprise you tomorrow." Mo Xie said with a smile.

"What a surprise, don't scare me." Li Hong said jokingly.

Since Mo Xie's direct confession, the relationship between the two finally eased a lot. Although the relationship has not moved forward, the current state is much more harmonious than before.

Being able to talk, joking, already made Mo Xie very satisfied.

"I'm telling you when I'm online tomorrow, I'm leaving first, bye." Mo Xie turned off the call button and turned to the gate.

I lit a cigarette and walked to the anti-theft door outside the core studio. After unlocking the door with fingerprints, Mo Xie walked out of the hall and left the studio along the stairs.

He is very clear that there are more important tasks waiting for him tomorrow, and he must rest well today.

The only regret is that at the last moment, I did not get more pet eggs...

After the adventure just now, Mo Xie understood the setting of the system. In the pet hunting ground, whether it is the royal hunting ground or the Wan Beast Mountain hunting ground, or the most advanced hunting ground, the system has set an easter egg, which can be provided to players. Higher quality pets.

After the welfare activities are over tomorrow, when you have time, you must find a way to figure out whether there are such settings in the Royal Hunting Ground, and try to help your teammates get better pets to increase their strength.

As for the giant eagle egg, the players don't have much merit, and I am afraid they can only think of a solution later.

Smoking cigarettes, walking all the way through the factory area, the front door of the cafeteria is still open, and the inside is brightly lit. The studio also provides some supper, so that players who go offline in the middle of the night can fill their stomachs at any time.

Mo Xie just felt a little hungry at this moment, and walked towards the entrance of the cafeteria.

The big restaurant was very lively. Hundreds of players who had finished their work today were eating supper. When they saw Mo Xie coming in, they greeted him excitedly.

I asked the players, knowing that several core executives were also enjoying supper in the box, Mo Xie smiled and walked to the back corridor. After a while, I saw that many people in the box were eating there, including Mo Xiao. The wolf and Lianna were off the assembly line early.

"Xiao Mo, come in quickly, what did you encounter today?" Lianna didn't understand what Mo Xie saw at the top of the mountain.

"Yes, I just heard that the situation is more dangerous, what kind of trouble will you encounter when catching a pet?" Mo Xiaolang asked curiously.

"Since knowing the situation of advanced pet maps, I have been looking for pets that can fly, and in official materials and promotional videos, it has been said that such pets exist before, so this time I wanted to look for them. Thinking of it, I really found it..." Mo Xie sat next to them and told the story in detail.

"What... flying pet eggs? How many did you get?" Mo Xiaolang asked excitedly.

"I grabbed two and stuffed them into the package, but I haven't seen it before. I won't be able to see it until tomorrow morning." Mo Xie asked Ouyang Jiaojiao to help him with some dumplings, but did not get the third one at the last moment. The regret of the pet egg comes out.

"I'm going, that kid is a thief, he can't stop you from stealing eggs." Lianna said excitedly.

"If there are two flying pet eggs, who do you plan to give the other one to?" Zhou Jianing asked excitedly.

"Ms. Zhou thinks too much, we don't need to ask to know who this kid will give away." Ouyang Jiaojiao laughed.

"Of course it's A Hong. It's no secret that this kid will see A Hong's eyes brightly." Lianna sighed.

"Yes, Ah Hong, who pity us, is stepping into this kid's trap step by step." Ouyang Jiaojiao followed jokingly.

"Forget it, anyway, this kind of pet will have a chance to be caught in the future, so we won't fight, let you use it to please the beautiful woman." Mo Xiaolang laughed.

"By the way, there will be too many things for one day tomorrow. After participating in the welfare activities in the morning, I quickly took the brothers to catch high-end pets in the afternoon. By the way, I scanned the map of the Royal Hunting Grounds. Maybe there are the same settings." Mo Xie reminded. .

"Don't worry, isn't there a big battle tomorrow night? I will lead the cavalry army to catch pets in the afternoon. In any case, I must train the cavalry first. Maybe the battle at night will play a very important role." Mo Xiaolang nodded. Tao.

"How many cavalry regiments do we have now?" Mo Xie asked quickly.

"This is the case. Because the profession of cavalry is also good, the more knights gather together, the stronger the combat power they can exert. Therefore, when dividing the knight army this time, I specially selected the knight professions of the elite army and formed a team of nearly 6000. Human knights command the army. Then I selected the knight professions among the ordinary professional players, and then gathered all the knight players in the outer army to form a regular knight group with a number of about 46,000." Said the little wolf.

"My God, so many people?" Mo Xie's eyes widened in surprise.

"In these 46,000 knights army, professional players occupy more than 14,000 people, so I plan to take three people with one person, so that the strength of the knight army can be quickly improved."

"The six thousand core knights usually serve as the sub-commanders of the ordinary knights, and each race leads a team to improve their combat effectiveness as soon as possible. In the special battlefield, we actually have three echelon knights to use."

Mo Xiaolang smiled.

For those who like online games, please collect them: ( The literature of online games is the fastest to update.

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