The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 967: Welfare activities

After eating midnight snacks and arranging major tasks in the alliance, unconsciously, it was late at night.

"Why Sister Hong hasn't been offline to eat supper?" Mo Xie asked.

"You think Ahong only knows to eat just like you. She seldom eats at night. In order to keep in shape, Jiaojiao and I have envied that Xiaoliu's waist for several years." Lianna laughed.

"Since Sister Hong doesn't eat supper, we won't wait, go back early to rest and prepare for the activity tomorrow morning." Mo Xie smiled and stood up.

After some conversation, the setup of the Knights Corps was actually arranged for Little Wolf Mo, and tomorrow he will only wait for the group to enter the Royal Hunting Ground to catch pets.

In addition, today, Lianna and Ouyang Jiaojiao have caught no less than a few hundred horse pets, which can be used by the commander team.

A group of people walked out of the restaurant, towards the complex...

Entering the apartment, he washed the clothes carefully, and threw the clothes into the washing machine. Mo Xie lit a cigarette and turned on the desktop computer to check the official website. Seeing that there was no introduction to welfare activities above, he turned off the computer and packed his clothes.

When everything is done, he enters his room to rest...

Turn off the lights and close his eyes. One day's game has caused his brainpower to be consumed more, and he will fall asleep soon...

Throughout the studio area, the lights gradually turned off, and all players began to sleep, waiting for the start of a new day.


When the phone alarm clock rang, the sun had just appeared outside. Mo Xie immediately opened his eyes, turned off the alarm clock and quickly got up.

It was already 7:20 the next day.

After washing, he opened the door and went out, just to hear the sound of people talking in the door of the two-story apartment, and his teammates were also getting up.

Mo Xie first walked down the stairs and came to the ground floor of the complex, watching that more and more people appeared in the factory area, some were in the morning exercises, and some just got up to relieve sleepiness.

He went straight to the restaurant, took a glass of milk and a plate of pan-fried, and sat aside to enjoy it.

When he had just finished breakfast, Mo Xiaolang and a group of beautiful commanders had just entered the restaurant.

"Xiao Mo, you said yesterday that you had something good for me, take it out quickly." Li Hong asked with a blushing face surrounded by several beautiful women.

"I'll be online for you in a while." Looking at the smiles of Lianna and Ouyang Jiaojiao, Mo Xie knew that they had already told Sister Hong, and Sister Hong was also being attracted by the unfinished business. He heard that there were flying pet eggs. For her, it must be very exciting.

"Let's eat first, Xiao Mo hurried to the studio first to see if there is any activity information on the official website." Mo Xiaolang reminded.

"Okay." Mo Xie said goodbye to Sister Hong with a smile, then turned and strode towards the restaurant door.

It's already 7:40, and the official news is about to come out...

Others didn't know the situation of this welfare activity, but Mo Xie knew it very well, because this activity was his personal choice, and it was also a five-star monster siege activity.

The monster siege this time, the system said very clearly, it was specifically to attack Sunset City.

But the specific circumstances are still unknown.

How to siege the city, and will the army stationed in Sunset City take action?

What about the monster? These are still puzzles.

Walking out of the restaurant's door, and greeted countless players, Mo Xie quickly walked into the distance and came to the entrance of the studio.

Climbed up the stairs to the third floor, opened the protective door to enter the core work area, opened the exclusive work room belonging to him and Sister Hong, Mo Xie immediately turned on the computer placed on the table.

While waiting for the computer to start up, he also took out his mobile phone, turned out Uncle Guang’s number from it, and dialed directly...

Within three seconds, the other party quickly connected.

"Hey, Xiao Mo." Uncle Guang's voice was very energetic, as if he had been up for a long time.

"Uncle Guang, you are not bringing your friends over today, I called to ask about the situation." Mo Xie smiled.

"The plane has arrived at your place, but we still can't come in the morning. There are some work to start in your city. I will come over after lunch." Uncle Guang replied.

"It just so happens that we also have monster siege activities in the morning. Give me a call before you come over in the afternoon. I will prepare early." Mo Xie smiled.

"No, we will come directly by car at that time and contact you at your door." Uncle Guang nodded.

"I'm sorry, I will wait for you at home." Mo Xie smiled.

"It's okay, you are very busy now, we can't disturb you at will." Uncle Guang also laughed.

The two ended their private chat, and Mo Xie put away his cell phone, as long as he figured out the time of the guest's arrival.

As for the arrangement to welcome investment, Mo Xie never thought about what it should look like, not to mention that Uncle Guang said that the big people who came this time like to look at the real and don't like the virtual.

This character also made Mo Xie feel very comfortable.

Put away the phone to check the computer, quickly enter the Eternal God Realm official website, check the official news, and indeed at this time, a new official announcement appeared in front of Mo Xie...

Congratulations to the first batch of level 50 players for successfully entering the imperial city. The Eternal God Realm official will start corresponding welfare activities based on the ranking of level 50 players.

Click on this message, and the new interface will quickly appear.

Trigger the task of level 50 players first place: Mo Sad Sunset City!

According to the player's choice, Sunset City will start monster siege welfare activities at 8 o'clock this morning.

Monster Siege Five-Star Welfare Activities

Activity time: 8 am to 12 noon.

After the event opens, the entire area inside and outside the walls of Sunset City will become the venue for the event.

This event is a welfare event. After the monster attacks the city, the military will not participate in the defense, and all city losses will automatically resume after the event ends.

The event starts at 8 o'clock. A guardian statue will appear in front of the city totem pole in the city lord’s mansion. While protecting the city from monsters, all players will protect the safety of the guardian statue. Once the statue is destroyed by the monster, the event will end immediately .

Players only need to protect the guardian totem from being destroyed during the event time, and win after the time ends.

The monster army will appear in the teleportation array outside the four gates of the city every ten minutes. Please pay attention to kill the enemy as much as possible to reduce the number of enemies.

Event rewards will be obtained through battle. Killing any monster will bring out loot, all of which are various props above level 50.

Depending on the strength of the monster, the quality of the spoiled loot will vary.

I wish all Sunset City players can get rich event rewards, as long as they kill more enemies crazy, have a lot of equipment, a lot of gold coins, and there are massive rewards for meritorious merit...

Looking at the event introduction, Mo Xie finally understood the full content of this monster siege event.

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