The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 968: Difficult activity

As soon as Mo Xie turned off the computer, laughter from his teammates heard outside the door, and then the doors opened, and even Sister Hong entered the two studios.

"What is the event today, have you seen it?" Sister Hong asked curiously.

Today's Sister Hong looks extraordinarily glamorous, wearing a white shirt and a pen skirt, she looks extra capable.

Her long wavy hair and snow-white skin made Mo Xie suddenly nervous...

After all, the two had spent an unforgettable night. All of Sister Hong’s, Mo Xie had already been deeply imprinted in her mind. At this time, seeing the goddess-like beauty standing in front of her, and the two of them were alone, it was even more for him. The heart beats wildly inexplicably.

"There is nothing to watch, just go online and participate in the event directly. You must hurry up. The monsters will appear directly outside the city from 8 o'clock." Moxie said.

"Ah, so fast!" Sister Hong hurried over with the door and turned on her control chair.

"I'll see you in the sunset city in a moment, the gift I gave you just comes in handy." Mo Xie said with a smile.

"Okay, see you later." Sister Hong smiled and nodded. With beautiful eyes and bright red lips, he saw his blood pressure rise again.

Damn, don't think about it...

Mo Xie squeezed his thigh and quickly turned on the power of the control chair.

The two lie down on the control chair, under the helmet...


Mo Xie fluttered in a beam of light and fell to the ground. When his feet stepped on the soft lawn, the halo in front of him disappeared and a green grassland appeared.

He has returned to the edge of the royal hunting ground, and not far in front is the enchantment seal leading to Wan Beast Mountain.

Taking out the return to the city scroll, Mo Xie quickly chose to return to the city.

The beam of light flashed, and he had quickly returned to the teleportation formation of the Evernight Imperial City, and then quickly chose to go to Sunset City, his body was again shrouded in the beam of light.

In the next second, Mo Xie was already standing in the crowded sunset city...

At this time, it was exactly 8:01.

Ding Dong...Notice of Sunset City: Dear Sunset City players, at 8 o'clock this morning, the Sunset City siege activity is fully launched. Please return to the city and prepare for the attack of the monster siege army. The specific game content, Please see the official news!

Ding...System: Dear Mo sad player, you are already on the scene of the battle, the teleportation array of the enemy outside the city appears at the sunset, the enemy has begun to teleport, please join the battle now!

As if urging his life, as soon as Mo Xie opened his eyes, two messages suddenly popped out.

On top of his head, a crossed sword icon also appeared, indicating that as long as he entered Sunset City, he would automatically be added to the attack sequence.

Mo Xie quickly opened the package to check the harvest yesterday before going offline.

When the package interface opened, there were two more blue dome icons inside, and he was relieved.

Before he carefully checked the properties of the two pet eggs, the surrounding city streets had become very lively.

"Is there anyone who teamed up to kill monsters, I am a 48th-level archer, and I have great output!"

"Come on to form a monster-killing efficiency team, with only one wizard and one shield soldier. They will be gone when they arrive late."

"The whole team of Mage output group, let's have a few more advanced techniques!"

The hustle and bustle of the crowd in the city, the noisy shouts, seemed unusually lively.

In fact, today’s event has been prompted by the system for a long time, but it just didn’t tell the players what event it was.

At present, as long as a small number of players have opened a teleportation channel to the Imperial City, they cannot directly teleport to Sunset City to participate in the event.

Since today's official news was released, the players who have already qualified to enter the imperial city in the other two main cities have begun a long journey from the west of the imperial city, hoping to participate in the event by riding a pet to the sunset city.

It is a pity that the distance between Evernight Imperial City and Sunset City is too far, and the four hours of running the map is obviously not enough.

At this time, the core team of the God Realm League was all online, and the Legion Channel began to lively.

"Xiao Mo, how to fight today, you will arrange." Mo Xiaolang said.

"Our brothers have been distributed on the towers around Sunset City, and have seized the most advantageous position. Are we defending or actively fighting?" Mo Xiaoyuan asked.

"Don't worry, now the four teleportation formations for monster siege have appeared outside the four city gates. First, send someone to figure out the location and distance, and observe the number and strength of the monsters that appear." Moxie said, temporarily closing the package interface. The two pet eggs waited to see Sister Hong distributing.

"Understand." Everyone replied immediately.

"Brother Wolf, you have read the official news for today's event, so you can talk about any suggestions." Mo Xie asked with a smile.

"I saw it, but the situation of the activity is still not detailed, but the rhythm of a monster siege for ten minutes, it seems that today's battle is not easy to fight." Mo Xiaolang thought.

"Yes, a wave of ten minutes. If there are too many of them in one wave, our efficiency in digesting monsters will not be enough. There will be a large accumulation of monsters. Once they break through the tower, it will be a tragedy." Mo Xiaoyu Analysis Road.

"My sister-in-law is right. There are only rewards and no punishments in today's battle, so I concluded that the system will definitely send a very strong monster siege force. If you want to kill monsters and get rewards, it seems simple, but it is actually very difficult to do." Mo Xie reminded.

"So this time, don't think that you will take it lightly without punishment. Otherwise, it would be a huge loss if you can't get the reward." Mo Xiaolang said with deep approval.

"Look at the situation first, how exactly the system is set up." Mo Xie doesn't know what the situation is now, and can only wait for the brother who is checking the news to report later.

He has swiftly shuttled through the streets and alleys of the city, observing the number of players in the city this time...

Unexpectedly, before Mo Xie walked out a few streets, a large group of players came oncoming, surrounded by a tall player, just to see the existence of Mo Xie.

And this person turned out to be Luo Feng from the arrogant alliance and the large group of think tanks who followed him.

"Mr. Mo, it's a fate, I happened to be so coincidental." Luo Feng walked straight over with someone, and greeted with a faint smile.

"Hello, President Luo, don't call me that, I don't dare to pretend to be big in front of the old." Mo Xie smiled and stretched out his hand.

The two shook hands. The enemies of the past and the competitors still met unexpectedly, and a group of commanders were a little embarrassed.

On the contrary, Mo Xie and Luo always seemed more at ease. The two exchanged a few unnutritious polite remarks, and they returned to the subject.

"The welfare activity that President Mo started this time, it seems that the official doesn't plan to reward us happily." Luo Feng smiled.

For those who like online games, please collect them: ( The literature of online games is the fastest to update.

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