The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 969: Monster Siege

Listening to Luo Feng's explanation, Mo Xie immediately understood the current situation facing Sunset City.

Although the system is said to be a welfare activity, it obviously does not want to give players most of the benefits, which will affect the balance of the game too much.

Therefore, although the rewards of this monster siege activity are considerable, players must obtain them through battle.

Once the monster siege difficulty set by the system is too high, players are unlikely to get more rewards.

"Well, President Luo, there is no punishment for this event, and there is no conflict of interests. As long as we strive to last the event to 4 hours, then we can get more rewards, and everyone is happy with the improvement of strength." Mo Xie smiled.

"Mr Mo can still understand, so this time I am here specifically to find you." Mr. Luo laughed.

"Mr. Luo is great, let’s do it. The four towers of Sunset City will be attacked by monsters. The towers on the east and the north will be handed over to the Arrogant Alliance for defense. The family works together to get the support of ordinary players as much as possible, and the activity time must be extended as much as possible," Moxie said.

"Now that Mr. Mo has arranged, I Dingdang will comply, and the Northeast will be handed over to us." Luo Feng said with a smile.

Both of them knew in their hearts that this monster siege was not so easy to deal with. Anyway, there are only rewards and no punishment, so the only thing to consider is how to get as many rewards as possible.

If you want to get more rewards, there is only one way today, try to delay the time for monsters to enter the city, and try to complete the activity time of the siege activity as much as possible, so that players kill more monsters and get more loot.

"Mr. Luo, happy cooperation." Mo Xie waved his hand, and the two said goodbye to each other, each walking towards the city.

Along the way, Mo Xie informed the entire core team of the situation, and immediately received the support of Mo Xiaolang and all his teammates.

"It's a good job. At this time, the benefits are the main thing." Mo Xiaolang laughed.

"Our people, all concentrated on going to the city walls on both sides of the southwest, uniting with more scattered players, and we must keep the monsters out of the city." Moxie said.

"We have probed, and there are indeed a lot of monsters. The first wave has already begun to gather and will attack the tower in about five minutes. Do you think you are going out of the city to fight or defending the tower on the spot?" Mo Xiaoyuan asked.

"In this case, the chances of getting trophies out of the city will be greater, and everyone will not have much chance to squeeze on the tower." Lianna said.

"Then we are like this, the west tower is out of the city to fight, we dispatched 70% of the entire alliance legion, the south tower defends, 30% brothers lead the scattered players to guard the tower." Moxie said.

"It's so good, then I will immediately send the order to go out of the city to fight in the battle formation." Mo Xiaolang nodded excitedly.

"Go ahead, fight for everyone to get more spoils this morning." Mo Xie waved his hand and let the commander act separately.

He rushed towards Ximen and chatted privately to contact Sister Hong and wait for him at the designated location...

When Mo Xie quickly rushed to the notice board near the west gate, she saw from a distance that Sister Hong was wearing a mage robe, and her slender and graceful body was easily recognizable among the bustling group of players.

And Li Hong looked around, looking for his position.

Seeing Mo Xie rushing quickly, Li Hong showed a smile on her face and hurried forward.

"Sister Hong, this is a pet egg. It will hatch immediately after leaving the city for a while, and strive to quickly upgrade the pet level in the battle, so that it can quickly participate in the battle." Mo Xie opened the package and a blue giant egg was on the ground.

"Wow, such a big one! I know." Li Hong hugged the giant egg, his face blushing with excitement.

"Let's go, come with me." Mo Xie stretched out his hand, regardless of whether she agreed, grabbed her wrist, relying on her super fast speed, pulled Hong Jie quickly through the crowd, and rushed out of the city gate.

At this time, on the large grassland **** outside the city, countless players gathered together.

Standing on the suspension bridge outside the city gate, you can see from a distance the center of the green grassland facing the city gate. A huge black beam of light descends from the sky, dark clouds in the midair, like a huge whirlwind.

On the grass near the black beam of light, large patches of monster shadows have gathered, and they are still spreading out, and the number of monsters is rising sharply.

The first wave of monsters has appeared, which means that from now on, the monster siege will continue to spit out a large number of monsters, waiting for the players to kill them one by one.

Mo Xiaolang and a group of commanders had already led most of the player legions of the God Realm League out of the city gate, rushing straight towards the location of the monster teleportation array.

The shield warriors rushed to the front line to stop the shield wall defense and cut off all the routes of these monsters.

Warrior Legion, Knight Legion, Assassin Legion, Mage Legion, Summon Legion, Archer Legion, and even a large number of Medical Legions, are gathering in designated locations outside the city step by step.

Mo Xie pulled Li Hong and ran up to him at an extremely fast speed, and in a short while, he chased Mo Xiaolang and other commanders.

"Oh, I succeeded in holding hands so soon, Xiao Mo is so amazing." Lianna Mo Xie led Li Hong to rush forward quickly, and then smiled and joked.

"A pet egg to make love, this is also a good story." Ouyang Jiaojiao followed with a smile.

"Quickly let go." Li Hong's jade face was completely blushing, and quickly regained the clenched hand and hid between the two women.

"Well, the battle is about to start. Now the number of monsters is still growing. Once they start charging, it will be difficult for us to control them. We must attack first." Mo Xiaolang said.

"Let's start, has the legion team been deployed?" Mo Xie asked.

"Except for the one army phalanx at the South Gate, we have set up three army phalanxes here, and all the others are in team mode." Mo Xiaoyuan said.

"Very good, fight immediately." Mo Xie nodded and said.

"Shield wall, approach forward." Mo Xiaolang immediately roared in the legion.

"Understood." The commanders of the Shield War sub-heads answered together, ordering their subordinates to immediately raise their shields and approach the black beam of light.

I saw a large circle encircling the black beam of light. As the distance narrowed, the shield wall of the shield fighters was slowly approaching, as long as the shields were close together to form an impervious defensive shield formation.

The Mage Legion and the Archer Legion, together with the second batch of the Summoner Legion, approached, preparing to place the summoned beasts to strengthen the shield wall, and then the two long-range legions began to output with all their strength.

The melee professional corps are all waiting around, and once the battle is stable, they are ready to rush into the monster group to join the battle.


The footsteps sounded neatly, and a huge encirclement gradually formed outside the west gate.

On the other side, the Arrogant Alliance Army also got the battle plan of the God Realm Alliance. Luo Feng couldn’t help sighing that although the command team of the God Realm Alliance was small, it was very practical. He ordered the Arrogant Alliance Army to be divided into The two parts, 37, went to launch defense and attack respectively.

However, the focus of their attack was scattered outside the east gate, while the north was only for defense.

As soon as the huge defensive wall was formed outside the west gate, I saw that the large grassland within the circle of people was already densely covered with various ferocious monsters!

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