The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 976: Metal War Wolf


I saw the silver war eagle raised its neck high in anger, with a big mouth, and a ball of silver lightning flew towards the ground, and exploded among the monsters with a bang. The large silver lightning dazzled back and forth, and the monsters howled neatly. Sounded...

As the large red numbers soared into the sky, there were four or five silver lightning chains flying around on the ground, and the enemy hit by the chain appeared again with a new damage number.

"It's still Peter Pan's attack that is more terrifying, this is only level 20, how come you grow up?" Zhou Jianing shouted.

Before everyone responded, Peter Pan's second range attack was launched immediately...

Its skill was the same as Gang Xiaofei's situation. Suddenly it flapped its wings and soared upward, and then lightning flashed between the wings. Silver feathers are flying in the air, as if countless arrows are falling quickly towards the ground...

Puff puff!

The silver feathers fell among the monsters, and the lightning was flowing everywhere. The monsters stood blankly, and the large numbers of damage were flying neatly...

With such a spectacular attacking skill, all the players who watched it excitedly shouted.

"Don't watch them perform, let's hurry up and kill monsters." Lianna said enviously.

With the concerted efforts of the players in the three encircled circles, the monsters were dispersed into the three firepower circles as soon as they appeared, and they were suppressed by a steady stream of attacks from the players. The number of experience points above everyone's head never stopped for a second.

The spoils were turned into countless light regiments and scattered to the surrounding crowds. The magnificent battle scene, even the most qualified professional players, was the first time I saw it today.

The large battlefield of the virtual world is even bigger than the battlefield of any era in human society!

Because in terms of the number of combatants, there is no realistic battle that can have so many players participating!

The battle scenes of millions of people are unheard of in human history...

Only in the virtual world can so many players gather together to create a miracle that cannot appear in the real world!

Time is getting too fast, and the experience bar of each player is slowly rising. Many scattered players’ packages are already full, and they have to start discarding poor-quality loot.

The alliance warehouse of the God Realm League has long been filled countless times, but with the help of the life professional legion, it has been emptied time and time again. The busy state of these life players is not much easier than the combat players.

Unknowingly, the battle passed for another half an hour, but the monsters rushing out of the teleportation formation were not few.

With a muffled bang, the black clouds in the sky once again thunder and lightning, and a silver beam of light appeared from the black teleportation array...

"Be careful, it seems that a new monster has appeared again." Mo Xie rode his mount to attack in the air, and immediately saw the weird scene in mid-air, and immediately warned.

"We saw it, and I don't know what monsters will appear this time." Mo Xiaolang nodded.


While the players were waiting curiously, what kind of strange monsters would emerge from the abnormal situation in the monster teleportation array this time, in the teleportation array in the middle of the monster group, there were waves of screaming wolves howling, suddenly all players Our attention is all attracted.

Countless players craned their necks and looked into the distance curiously...


It was like the vibration caused by the ground when ten thousand horses were running wildly in the grassland. Suddenly, the monsters were filled with smoke and dust, and the monsters screamed in pain, as if being attacked by their own people.

Puff puff!

Immediately afterwards, bursts of intensive impact sound continued to be heard among the monster group, and a large group of monsters were knocked into the air. Pieces of brilliant silver metal halo appeared in the middle of the monster group...

"What is this, killing everyone?" Ouyang Jiaojiao asked in surprise.

"Mo, Ahong, can you see it in the air?" Lianna asked curiously.

"The smoke and dust are too big to see the ground, but you are careful, it seems like a group of giant gray wolves wearing metal armor."

Mo Xie tried to look at the ground, only to see countless silver light spots spreading around the black monster group and the diffuse smoke, the speed seemed to be very fast.

In the smoke and dust in the sky, the monster group started to kill each other. The monsters blocking the front were directly hit into the air by a group of newly appeared monsters. The scene was amazing!

With the rumbling of hoofs, new monsters are getting closer and closer, and you can even hear the clank of metal percussion, and the momentum is very shocking!

Another howling of monsters appeared in front of the players. A group of monsters were slammed into the sky, and the large shining silver light was particularly dazzling in the sun!

What appeared in the eyes of the players was a huge group of huge metal war wolves. Most of their bodies were wrapped in metal armor, only four claws and a long mouth were exposed, and even a pair of blood-red eyes were covered by a metal mask. Covered by two thick crystals!

All the weak parts of the body of this group of metal war wolves are hidden under the metal armor, which is very difficult to deal with.

"The situation is a bit bad. The armor on the outside of these metal war wolves seems to be made of silver." Mo Xiaoyuan warned.

"What's wrong with the silver building? Isn't it an armor?" Li Hong asked curiously.

"The armor made of silver can not only withstand the attacks of arrows and swords, but silver can prevent magical damage. I am afraid these guys are invulnerable to swords and are not afraid of even magical attacks." Mo Xiaolang frowned and replied.

"No?" Li Hong's eyes widened in surprise, and immediately commanded Peter Pan to fall from the air, waved his wings, and a rain of silver arrows fell in the sky, and countless lightning fell towards the ground...

Crackling, jingle...

After a lively noise, a large number of minor damage figures fluttered in the air, and even lightning damage was immune to the -1 figure.

"Sure enough, the silver armor has magic resistance, allowing these guys to be immune to many magical attacks. The arrow rain is probably useless for them." Mo Xiaolang said nervously.

"What to do then, they can even hit their own people. It can be seen that they are very powerful. If they rush all the way, our shield wall can't stop it." Mo Xiaoyu looked ahead, where a large group of silver war wolves flew up. , The group of monsters in the way was instantly knocked off...

The group of metal war wolves combined together, like a bulldozer, hits them directly when they encounter it. Even the huge number and size of the monster group can't stop them, and the shield wall of the players is even worse.

"It doesn't matter. Although they are powerful, they are not invincible." Mo Xie looked at the situation in the air and found that after these steel war wolves appeared, they always kept a fast forward direction, as if there was a neat attack queue.

And only in this way can these war wolves exert their greatest power, and once they are dispersed, they will not pose much threat to the shield wall of the players.

In this way, Mo Xie thought of a way, as long as they disrupt their team, and then clean them up is much easier.

After all, their silver armors can only reduce damage, but they cannot be completely immune to damage. Regardless of magic and arrow rain, they can always consume their health.

Besides, Mo Xie has seen some of the defensive capabilities of this silver armor, and knows their biggest weakness...

The silver armor can resist not part of the magic damage, but the most afraid of it is the fire attack.

Once the metal armor is continuously devoured by fire, sooner or later these war wolves will become roasted whole wolves...

He immediately informed his teammates of his own thoughts, and everyone instantly understood how to deal with these guys.

"Order to go down, block their path with wood, and be ready to light the wood at all times." Mo Xiaolang said loudly.

"Yes." The Dragon Soul of the God Realm immediately relayed this instruction, and all the sub-group leaders hurriedly issued the order for the players to prepare to start...

In an instant, countless players threw wood into the surrounding group, and the rolling wood was scattered on the ground, and the monster group was chaotic.

"Ignite, surround me in the circle of fire." Mo Xie roared in the air.

He and Li Hong hovered over the metal war wolf. At the same time, they opened the package and kept throwing wood on the ground...

In the muffled sound, countless pieces of wood fell from the sky, and the smashed monsters roared.


Suddenly, countless rockets fell from the sky. These rockets are not special effects of skills, but simple props made by life players according to the map. It is an arrow tied with a porcelain bottle, igniting the lead, and then launching immediately. After landing, the porcelain bottle bursts. The kerosene will burn suddenly.


Hundreds of rockets fell from the sky, some stuck in the monster's body, some passed through the gap and nailed to the wood...


All of a sudden, a fire group suddenly appeared in the dark monster group, and hundreds of fire groups rose into the sky, causing a large sea of ​​fire to spread all around...

It didn't take a minute that a huge circle of fire formed instantly, and the monsters rushing through the circle of fire turned into a ball of fire. The individual players who watched were exclaimed.

"Let me go, the God Realm League is so strong now?"

"Oh my God, this method of spawning monsters can be used. This God Realm League is too powerful."

"No, I want to join as well. The gap will get bigger and bigger as it continues."

Ordinary players looked at the burning flames in front of them, all excited and inexplicable.

Those steel war wolves are still struggling forward among their own monsters, wanting to rush to the enemy and hit those nasty guys.

But I didn't expect the enemy to be so cunning. Before they could rush out, a large sea of ​​fire had already surrounded the Iron War Wolves, and the more they rushed forward, the more dangerous they became!

However, with their scale of thousands, once they advance, they cannot slow down, and can only continue to advance quickly into the burning sea...

With the realization of Mo Xie and Li Hongkong, large metal spots of light penetrated the black monster group and directly rushed into the circle of fire that was more than ten meters wide. As soon as they entered the circle of fire, they saw that these golden war wolves began to emerge in large numbers. The damage value and the health bar are also dropping crazily...

The flame is terrible to them!

"Watch out for leaks and see what equipment these monsters can explode." Mo Xie smiled.

"The summoned beasts move forward collectively, delaying their sprint speed, and the fire magic covers all areas outside the shield wall." Mo Xiaolang immediately ordered.

"Understood." Mo Xiaoyuan has commanded the team of summoners to push his summoned beast forward and stand in front of the shield wall to meet the final impact of the metal war wolf...


There was a crazy hoof sound, countless white lights flashed within the wall of fire, and the metal war wolves howling miserably, the blood volume above their heads dropped by more than two-thirds, but they were barely killed.

Facing the black and heavy summoned beasts blocking, these guys continued forward without hesitation.


There was a burst of flames in the crowd, and countless fireballs flew into the air. After crossing a long arc, they all fell towards the location of the summoned beast.

The poor metal war wolves smashed into the summoned beasts frantically. A crazy impact like this would cause 800 damage to themselves even if they hit the summoned beasts. This is systematic. Mandatory regulations.

But when they finally hit the layers of summoned beasts, they found themselves covered by flames again, and flames were burning everywhere, and fire magic was their fatal injury!

For those who like online games, please collect them: ( The literature of online games is the fastest to update.

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