The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 977: Mysterious metal boss


The stern howling sounded again and again, as the flame magic slowly dissipated, black smoke bursts on the ground, and a large metal war wolf lying there, the scene was very miserable.

Beside the metal wolf corpse, a large spot of light shone, and the loot was piled up, but it could not be automatically distributed.

The players who were the first to check the trophies have already given screenshots of the pet tokens they found to their bosses, and the core commander quickly received the news.

Wolverine Pet Order: Outstanding riding pet, a special type riding pet covered with heavy silver armor. Its most characteristic is its invulnerability.

The introduction of the system is very simple, but for Mo Xie and Mo Xiaolang, these pet tokens are very precious!

I have seen the mighty momentum of the metal war wolves charging just now, if you get these tokens, it means that the knight army can also have a Wolverine riding troop!

Although this kind of riding pet has very big flaws, but their power is also very outstanding, as long as they are used well, they can definitely be regarded as an invincible war horse!

"All the tokens are collected and handed over to the Knight Army. Other professions need to be caught by pets. The mounts with special conditions such as the Flame Bull and Wolverine can only be used by the knight profession to exert their maximum power." Mo Xie said.

"I will pass on the order and hope all the brothers will cooperate." Mo Xiaolang nodded.

"The best value can be achieved by making the best use of everything. This welfare activity is too strong." Zhou Jianing said excitedly.

"This time the arrogant alliance has taken a lot of advantage with us. If they turn their faces in the future, we are really a bit embarrassed." Mo Xiaoyu reminded.

"Don't worry, I have contacted them several times, and found that his vision is very long and he doesn't care about the gains and losses of a city, so I plan to find opportunities to have a good chat with him in the future." Mo Xie smiled lightly.

"Do you want to join them?" Mo Xiaoyuan's eyes were taken aback.

"It's not an alliance, it's just a gentleman's agreement. At least we and them are aiming to be No. 1 in the region. At least before the camp battle, I don't want to lose both sides. Luo Feng probably thinks so too." Smiled.

"I hope their minds can be corrected, and we can save a lot of trouble." Mo Xiaolang nodded.

"I didn't expect them. Even if a gentleman agreement is reached, if they don't come to trouble us, they will probably encourage other alliances to oppose us, such as Peerless Wushuang Pavilion." Mo Xie smiled.

"If you want to become the number one, there will be sacrifices by opponents, which is a test of our strength. No matter what the arrogant alliance or the peerless Wushuang Pavilion, we will clean up one by one." Zhou Jianing laughed.

"Ms. Zhou is still great. By the way, Ms. Zhou, has your schedule been finalized?" Mo Xie was still worried about the big star.

You know, Zhou Jianing has now fully integrated into the core commander team of the God Realm League and is responsible for a very important part of the work. If she leaves for other things, it will be a great loss to the development of the entire alliance.

What's more, Zhou Jianing's ability is super strong. Mo Xie and Mo Xiaolang have always planned to give her more command power, but because they don't know her arrangement, they dare not work for her at will.

"I don't know now, the company just let me take a rest and wait for the situation." Zhou Jianing shook his head helplessly.

"If Zhou Jianing can be sure to stay, we will be relieved." Lianna sighed.

"Miss Zhou's identity is different, we can't force it." Mo Xie was also very speechless.

After the Metal War Wolf was killed, the danger in the encirclement was finally lifted, players continued to farm monsters with peace of mind, and the number of monsters was also rapidly increasing...

Especially outside the North Gate and South Gate, on the two towers that are responsible for defense, players are launching crazy attacks. A large sea of ​​black monsters outside the towers surrounds the entire tower!

Fortunately, the walls of the main city are so tall that the monsters cannot jump directly on it, and they will not be able to destroy the tower for a while. They can only crowd together and wait for the guys in front to approach the wall, grabbing hard with their teeth to attack the durability of the wall.

As the monsters died at the foot of the city wall, a large group of monsters immediately swarmed forward, and the players on the tower didn't have to do anything, just spam the monsters at ease.

But these ordinary players know that now they can get benefits with such confidence, all relying on the help of the God Realm League.

Because at the foot of the city wall, there are thousands of builders who are constantly repairing the durability of the city wall.

Of course, these builders, with the all-in-one symbol of the God Realm League above their heads, are the Life Legion builders team specially drawn by Brother Zhao in accordance with Mo Xie's requirements.

Faced with such a major battle to defend the city, of course, these builders are indispensable, and through such continuous repairs to the tower, the builders can always be proficient in the restoration technique, thereby continuously improving the restoration skills... …

Such an opportunity is very rare. After this battle, let's not talk about anything else. At least the builders of the God Realm Alliance have far more advanced technology than any builders. This is also a huge advantage in the future.

The players on the South Gate Tower were killed with joy. Suddenly some players discovered that among the flat black monsters in the distance outside the city, a huge silver figure was slowly moving towards the tower!

"What is that?" a player asked curiously.

"Silver Giant, what kind of monster is this?" The other players were also inexplicably asked by him.

Just more than 500 meters away from the tower, a group of black monsters stood with a shimmering metallic luster and a little dazzling in the sun. His height reached a height of four or five meters and looked like a humanoid state.

The silver giant?

This situation immediately spread among all the players on the tower. Many people have already noticed this guy and are slowly approaching the city from a distance...

Outside the west gate, the three encircling circles were playing lively. Without the threat of Wolverine, ordinary monsters just stepped forward to die. Players don't need to worry too much.

But suddenly, a dull metallic sound rang from the distant teleportation array, which once again alarmed the commanders.

"No, there is Wolverine Wolf?" Lianna asked curiously.

"No, this sound is not continuous, it sounds like footsteps." Mo Xiaolang shook his head.


As soon as Mo Xiaolang's voice fell, a dull metal sound rang again. This time everyone heard it clearly. It was indeed a metal footstep.

"Xiao Mo, go see what's going on." Mo Xiaolang immediately begged.

"Got it." Mo Xie ordered the mount to fly quickly in the direction of the black beam of light. Li Hong unreasonably directed the mount to fly above Mo Xie's head, and the two flew forward one by one...

Flying past a large group of monsters, and approaching the huge black teleportation formation, I saw a huge figure standing there in the dark beam of light.

However, due to the monster group enclosed by the encirclement, the vicinity of the teleportation array was densely covered with many monsters that could not rush out.

Therefore, this figure seems to be blocked in the teleportation formation, and it takes a long time to move one step.

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