The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 978: Perfect mechanical combat puppet

"It's a big figure, like a giant." Li Hong sent the screenshot he saw.

"We already know that, Nanmen sent a message and found that the metal giant looks the same as this one." Mo Xiaolang said with a smile.

The metallic light appeared and disappeared in the dark teleportation array.

Bursts of dull footsteps sounded continuously, causing all players to crane their necks and watch them carefully.

There was a sudden flash of light in the black teleportation array. A huge metal man with a height of five or six meters and covered in metal armor was walking out slowly and stiffly.

Take a step and rest, and wait for a gap in the monster on the ground before it takes another step forward.

"I'm going, it really is a metal giant!" Lianna looked at the huge figure shining in the sun in surprise, her beautiful eyes suddenly widened.

"Such a big head, is it a monster or a mechanism?" Ouyang Jiaojiao asked incredulously.

"It should be a mechanism. Monsters of such a large size are rare, and their moving methods are so clumsy. Only mechanism equipment is like this." Mo Xiaoyuan said thoughtfully.

"If it is a mechanism, it will be troublesome. If it is a monster, you can still find a way to use fire or other attack methods. If it is a mechanism, it will be difficult to deal with." Zhou Jianing said.

Just when all the players looked forward and were attracted by the new bright big man, the monsters in front of them emptied their health and fell to the ground, and a large number of monsters began to rush forward and quickly entered the encirclement. Gives a passage to the mechanical giant.


The dull footsteps sounded one after another, and the swaying huge metal man was slowly entering the encirclement...

"The order goes on, all the attacks on the monsters are suspended, don't provide space for this giant, wait until I see the situation clearly before making plans." Li Wei has been following the metal giant in the air, but no matter how close it hastily.

"Understood, you don't worry about investigating, it's best to adjust its attributes." Mo Xiaolang nodded.

"Sister Hong, you help me alert in the air, I'll go down and take a look." Mo Xie said.

"Don't worry, I will stare at you. Be careful." Li Hong nodded and directed the mount to hover back and forth in the air, always keeping the height above the ground.

Mo Xie controlled the mount to fall slowly, locking the top of the metal giant's head, and descending in circles...

He knew very well in his heart that such a large metal mechanism must have many attack weapons. If you want to get close to it, you must pay special attention.

Slowly, Xiao Fei Dian slowly fell one meter by one meter, and the height with the metal giant was decreasing from tens of meters to more than ten meters.

The golden metal giant finally appeared clearly in front of Mo Xie...

Its whole body is made up of shining metal like lenses, and pieces of triangular metal pieces are spliced ​​together to cover all the surface of the metal giant.

It depends on the situation. This metal giant is not afraid of any physical attacks. Coupled with its huge size, even a boulder cannot cause much damage to it...

Faced with such a big guy, the players' attacks may be useless.

"Little Mo, be careful." Li Hong stared at the situation below in the air, and quickly reminded him when he realized that the distance between Mo Xie and the giant was about to enter the long-range attack range of both sides.

"I understand that even if you risk an attack, you still have to get its attributes out." Moxie said.

Xiao Fei Dian quickly continued to descend, and kept getting closer to the giant, leaving only the last ten meters.


Suddenly, a strange sound sounded, like the figure of a mechanism turning, the metal giant suddenly raised his huge head, and his two giant eyes with red beams of light swiftly swept toward the top of his head, just passing by Mo Xie.

As if to feel the threat of an enemy above his head, the metal giant tilted his head upwards, and in the bare metal skull above his head, a row of triangular holes was suddenly opened. In the black holes, a dozen triangular arrow crossbows were quickly extended!

This kind of triangular arrow crossbow is already an advanced mechanical weapon. Each time it can fire three thick and long crossbow arrows, and a set of arrows can be fired about five times in a row!


A row of triangular arrows crossbows each swing at an angle, without deliberately aiming at the enemy, most of the attack angle has been locked.


A burst of crisp air-breaking sounds sounded continuously, and the arrow shoots out a semi-circular arc, rapidly spreading into the air!

"I'm going, so arrogant!" There was a chill behind all the players watching.

But in mid-air, Mo Xie descended and flew close to the top of his head. The moment he was discovered, he hurriedly flew to the dead corner of the opponent's head. However, he did not expect that the giant of the mechanism was unreasonable. A wide-angle firing of the triangular arrow crossbow was actually a brain. The dead ends are also included.

Seeing a row of arrows flying in pursuit, the speed was so fast that it exceeded the flying speed of Xiao Fei Dian and was about to chase behind him!

This scene made all the players breathe a sigh of relief as they watched Mo Xie's cold sweat.

Could it be possible that this arrow can still be turned and tracked?

Mo Xie smiled coldly in his heart, and with a thought in his mind, Xiao Fei Dian immediately fell sharply, falling straight toward the ground!


When the players saw Mo Xie falling from the air, they were all surprised. They hadn't been attacked yet, could they be hurt by arrows?

Mo Xiaolang looked at him with a smile, this kid is indeed too ghostly!

Whoosh! A burst of sound flicked above his head, and a row of arrow sticks brushed against Mo Xie's side.

He hurriedly commanded the mount to uplift again, dexterously surrounding the giant's side, taking advantage of the moment when the opponent just raised his arm to prepare to attack, he rushed past its waist, tilted and rushed into the air again.


At this time, the giant's arm suddenly lifted, the iron chain rang, its huge fist suddenly fell off, and it chased directly behind Mo Xie, with a long iron chain connected between the fist and the arm.

Will this trick!

Mo Xie quickly commanded the mount to lean to one side, drew a long arc in the air, flew diagonally from the left to the sky, hovering and never dared to come down.

In just a few seconds, all the players have seen how powerful this mechanical giant is. Seeing it retract its flying fists, look up at the sky alertly, ready to attack again!

"Xiao Mo, have you seen the attributes?" Mo Xiaolang asked quickly.

"Then need to say, I must get it." Mo Xie smiled and sent out a screenshot of the metal giant's system attributes.

Mirror light giant perfect mechanical combat puppet

Level: 60

Speed: +3

Attack range: 15 meters

Number of controls: 99

Weapon deployment:

Triangular Arrow Crossbow: 1515

Mechanical Flying Fist: 33

Mechanical boots: 22

Energy Cannon: 11

Automatic crossbow: 1212

Note: Perfect-level organ weapons, humanoid combat puppets, have powerful armor and many attack weapons, but the disadvantages are slower, and the bottom plate needs to be exercised.

Perfect mechanical combat puppet!

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