The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 988: Take advantage of him

"Why does President Ma say that? We are developing very fast now and no one can stop us." Mo Xie said in surprise.

"You are developing steadily. You are too stable. If your opponents continue to expand through annexation, can your steady development surpass them? Maybe now you think your strength is still very strong, but after a while, others will complete After the integration, your strength will increase greatly, and you can only become the next goal for others to expand their strength." Ma warned.

"Impossible, whoever has such a great ability, the arrogant alliance is not good either." Mo Xiaolang exclaimed.

"It's dangerous if you still think like this. When competing, 1+1 is greater than 2. The faster the time passes, the advantage you have managed to grasp has been surpassed by others, but you still don't know it." Ma Always said.

"Ms. Ma is referring to other major cities, right?" Mo Xie asked.

"Yes, the farther away the enemy is, the more dangerous it is. If you want to move forward, you need wolf-like courage, instead of being kept in captivity." Ma said.

"Do you want us to grow up quickly through expansion and annexation of the small guild?" Mo Xiaolang asked in surprise.

"Yes, this is the purpose of my coming, and then I have more plans and steps for you to do. This is my second plan. You need to expand your strength quickly and achieve my goal step by step! "Mr. Ma said.

At this moment, all the members understood the mind of President Ma...

The emotional partner thinks that his strength has not reached the standard he wants, so he puts forward higher requirements.

"I know, since Ma always has requirements, we can actually expand quickly, but this will make enemies on all sides. With our current funds and strength, we can't deal with too many enemy threats, especially when we have already entered the imperial city. "Moxie said.

"You can rest assured that I can provide the funds you want, and it is a long-term free investment. You only need to expand your power according to the plan. After reaching a certain stage, I will automatically start the next stage of the plan until you help me establish a country. The huge power of the district." Mr. Ma said.

"Long-term free investment! Is this true?" Mo Xie and a group of teammates beamed excitedly.

Unpaid investment is the practice of ignoring the return, just throwing money, which is like a good thing in the sky for them!

"It's true, but I want to send my team to package your results, conduct large-scale advertising, and endorse my group. These commercial profits are the return on my free investment." Mr. Ma said.

"Do you understand Mr. Ma's meaning? He uses things he is not sure about to make venture capital. You only need to enjoy financial support, and you can cooperate with the publicity team for other things." Uncle Guang laughed.

"This is completely okay. Anyway, we don't understand commercial propaganda, and we don't know how to expand commercial value." Mo Xie looked at his teammates and nodded with a smile when he saw that they did not object.

"Very well, my secretary is the manager of the business team. Her name is Cui Xingyue. The business plan and packaging for you will be operated according to your achievements, and every step of the plan will be communicated to you by her. Will lead a team to borrow your office area, what do you think." Mr. Ma asked with a smile.

"Hello everyone, I hope to cooperate sincerely with you in the future, and everyone will complete this magnificent plan together." Cui Xingyue said with a smile.

"No problem, we must cooperate with Mr. Cui's work." Mo Xie said sternly.

"From now on, Mr. Cui, as my investment director, will be based here, and she will announce all investment plans and commercial operations. We will pay and you will contribute, and we will make this plan together." Mr. Ma said .

"Understand." Everyone nodded excitedly.

Who is always the horse, he is by far the most wealthy man in the country!

On the list of the world’s richest people, he is also one of the top three super figures. He said he wants to invest, and all the group companies can’t wait to **** him over. Unexpectedly, he will focus his attention on this newly born little game studio. in……

For all the senior management, this is a good thing that never dreamed of!

"The next situation will be taken care of by President Cui." President Ma nodded with a smile.

"Cui, please speak." Mo Xiaolang said quickly.

With applause, the beauty director stood in front, pointing at the list on the projection screen...

"These tables are the latest tables drawn up based on yesterday’s data after my team has fully understood the game. What you see is only the simplest guild name and number. Please see..." Mr. Cui pointed the remote control. The cursor moves to the bottom of Sunset City, and it is placed above the name of another professional guild under the God Realm League...

The screen changed, and a more detailed information form appeared...

The name, rank, occupation, age, and address of the guild leader.

The composition of the guild’s senior level, as well as everyone’s game data and reality data.

List of names of all elite players in the guild...

"Oh my God, so detailed! Shouldn't our information be on it?" Lianna exclaimed.

"Yes, this is the basic list of personnel, followed by their studio address, property directory, and their monthly capital flow, we can see how strong they are and whether they can withstand our control." Cui said.

"This is too scary..." Zhou Jianing was taken aback.

"Why did I choose Love Fengyun, because they have a big trouble now." Cui clicked the cursor, the screen changed, showing a dense data table...

"This is the guild's quarterly financial report!" Mo Xiaoyu recognized this form at a glance.

"This beauty is an expert, you must be the chief financial officer, you must be able to see this report clearly." Cui smiled.

"I can see that this world of sentimentality is the same as our original Mojia Guild. It is in a situation where the capital chain is broken and the original capital is rapidly consumed. It seems that they will not be able to hold it in two months." Mo Xiaoyu nodded. Tao.

"Yes, they also had a company to help with investment at the beginning, and they had a relatively strong foundation, so they rejected the acquisition of the arrogant alliance.

"But they didn't expect that even if they avoided the arrogant alliance, the God Realm League appeared again. Your two families forced their lives to death, and their production army did not keep up."

"Now it's all supported by the previous funds. If their life corps still can't make money in these two months, they will almost not be able to pay their wages." Cui smiled.

For those who like online games, please collect them: ( The literature of online games is the fastest to update.

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