The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 989: Expansion plan

But now, the God Realm League has developed to a stage, or continue to develop on its own, but it is very likely to be surpassed by other expanding guilds, as Mr. Ma said. Even if there are not many behind, it is difficult to guarantee competition. victory.

"Yes, now is to take advantage of the opportunity to annex the world of love and justice. We have predicted that once the world of love and justice is successfully annexed, the strength of the God Realm League will increase by 30 and successfully own two alliance territories." Cui Xingyue smiled. .

"But Mr. Cui, I see this report. The world of sentimentality is currently on the verge of a financial break. With their current capabilities, as long as they develop the Life Corps within two months, they can still be self-sufficient and find new investment partners." Mo Xiaoyu said.

"So our plan is to take advantage of the fact that their life corps cannot return to normal within two months. Then they won't be able to hold on for a long time. Then I will send someone to contact them." Cui smiled. .

"How can they make their Life Corps unable to return to normal operating conditions?" Mo Xie asked curiously.

"This requires your ability. With your current ability, you can completely suppress each other in business and make their voices unable to continue. Doesn't it force them to choose to sell in the end?" Cui said.

"You let us suppress it commercially. That is to lower the price of goods and seize the original cooperation channel that belongs to them?" Mo Xiaolang reacted immediately.

"Yes, we have all the channels for their cooperation. As long as you have enough goods and the price is lower than them, we can suppress them to death." Cui smiled.

"Awesome... It seems that Mr. Cui has already planned it." Li Hong exclaimed.

"Cui, bosses, if according to the current God Realm Alliance ability, I am sure to let the brothers suppress each other's business channels." Brother Zhao has been sitting there all the time, these are all the boss he can not talk about, but it involves life manufacturing. Only he has the most say.

"This is..." President Ma's eyes lit up and he wanted this answer.

"This is President Zhao, the commander-in-chief of the Life Corps of our alliance, responsible for business management." Mo Xie quickly introduced.

"Mr. Ma, Mr. Mo, during this period of time, thanks to the care of Mr. Mo and Mr. Wolf, our life corps has sufficient materials and manufacturing capabilities can be fully fired. At this stage, our manufacturing capabilities can not only meet the needs of the guild, but also Products that can be more than doubled enter the sales channel." Zhao Ge said confidently.

"Double is not enough. I need twice the resources to fill the channels. In this way, we can not only suppress the world of sentiments, but also control more small studios, so that the economic lifeline of other guilds will be controlled by us." Always said.

"Twice as well, just let the brothers work overtime." Brother Zhao nodded after thinking about it.

"That's great, this plan is feasible." Mr. Ma smiled.

"We will arrange all the acquisition funds. We will first divide internally and then publicly acquire them. We will acquire all the funds within two months and merge them into the God Realm League." Cui said.

"It's a bit..." Mo Xiaolang still felt a little unacceptable.

"Brother Wolf, in fact, to be honest, although this is one less alliance, it saves their professional players and provides them with a huge platform to play their abilities. There is nothing wrong with it." Mo Xie understood him. Thought, smiled and comforted.

"That said, I fully support this annexation." Mo Xiaolang immediately understood when he reminded him.

What he struggles with is only his past feelings for the Mohist Guild, but he ignores the professional players who were forced to leave because they couldn't get their salary...

"Since everyone is not opposed, the first plan of our group to invest in Shenjie Studio is finalized today. The first investment will be used to acquire the world of sentimentality. After the acquisition is successful, the second step of investment will give you strength. Step onto a new level again, and then start the follow-up plan one after another." Mr. Ma said lightly.

Although he didn't say so in detail about the future plan, Mo Xie and the commanders can guess that this will be a good opportunity for the God Realm League to stand at the top of the region, and it must not be missed.

And this opportunity was somewhat reluctant to rely solely on Uncle Guang’s investment in the past, but now it’s different...

Uncle Guang will also become a member of the God Realm League because of his previous investment. Even if he does not participate in daily operations and management, he is already sitting in the same boat.

The appearance of President Ma was like installing a jet engine on the big ship under construction in the God Realm League, depending on whether Mo Xie and their heading were correct.

"Okay, the plan is finalized, I hope our cooperation has a bright future." Ma said with a smile.

"Mr. Ma, do you need to look around?" Mo Xie asked with a smile.

"Okay, I have to fly back in the afternoon to have an important meeting, half an hour to see it." General Ma stood up and smiled.

Mo Xie hurriedly led a group of teammates, led Mr. Ma and Uncle Guang to visit the factory...

After watching the life studio and then visiting the player studio, President Ma was very satisfied with the basic conditions of the God Realm League.

"They are all newly built, and the conditions are very good, but the place is a bit smaller, and it will be expanded in the future," said Mr. Ma.

"Yes, but I still have a reserved space. If it is not enough, I will find a way." Moxie said.

"I am very satisfied with the location here. Since your God Realm League studio is here, maybe my global virtual plan is here, and the headquarters would also like to be located here." Mr. Ma looked at the large abandoned factory area and seemed to have a new one. Thoughts.

"Mr. Ma meant that you want to transform this into an office area?" Mo Xie asked with a smile.

"I have this idea, but the price here needs to be studied carefully. So, Mr. Cui will ask the relevant department to inquire about the price of this abandoned industrial park during this period. If it is suitable, he will take it all." Mr. Ma said lightly.

"Understand, I will settle down and do it immediately, and I will tell you the price by phone." Cui nodded.

Take it all?

A group of people followed, all stunned by Mr. Ma's words.

Sure enough, he is a rich man, a single word almost determines a large business of hundreds of millions or even billions!

But Mo Xie was also very clear in his heart that President Ma's vision was very vicious. Since he had taken a fancy to the location here, he must have other more business plans. In short, he won't lose money.

"My time is almost here. I must return to the airport as soon as possible. This time I have a good impression of this place. The guy continues to cheer. I can leave my right-hand man behind. Just ask her if you have anything to do."

Mr. Ma said with a smile.

At this time, the driver had already drove the car over, and Mo Xie hurriedly helped to open the car door and sent Ma Zong and Uncle Guang to sit in.

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