The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 991: War crusade

Mo Xie's words really frightened the General Zhen Guo, and the survival of the country was already imminent!

"According to the current distribution of troops, our numbers are at an absolute disadvantage. The Protoss has three locations for Tibetan soldiers outside the three locations of Jinwu Three Towns. We must guard against the occupation of the barracks and the surroundings of them in the wild. , It's a little difficult to fight." Moxie said.

"Then you come to see this general, there must be some thoughts, even if you say it, you can help as much as you can." The general Zhen Guo said thoughtfully.

"If you promised my ten thousand soldiers, I still need more troops." Moxie said.

"Under the supervision of the Protoss, the Imperial City Guard Corps has taken a great risk by drawing 10,000 soldiers. If there are too many people, the Protoss will immediately guess our intentions. This will be detrimental." The general shook his head.

"Then how much reinforcement can you give me at most?" Mo Xie asked.

Now the strength of the two sides is indeed too big, he must have enough strength to be sure to fight the orc army.

"Well, I'll give you 20,000 soldiers. This is already the limit. Even this general's guard will be sent to you." General Zhen Guo said embarrassedly.

"Well, twenty thousand is twenty thousand. I am not embarrassed by the general, but what is the nature of this battle, and the general must be asked to grant a military order." Mo Xie said with a serious face.

This is the real purpose of his coming. The nature of the so-called battle is directly related to the ultimate benefit of fighting the orcs tonight!

If it is only to eliminate bandits, it is not considered to be a camp battle, but if the general authorizes and issues a military order to destroy the enemy legion, the nature of the battle becomes to deal with the enemy of the camp, and the rewards of the system will be completely different...

"A military order is granted...This is a non-war period. How can this general issue a combat order can only be done in secret." The General Zhen Guo frowned and said in embarrassment.

"But the general, the enemy is already far stronger than the imperial army. Do you still treat them as ordinary bandits?" Mo Xie asked anxiously.

"You don't know that for the anti-bandits in the empire, the guarding generals can fight on their own, but if they are upgraded to camp battles, they must be ordered by your majesty before this general can sign the battle order." General Zhen Guo shook his head.

"I know that signing the order requires your majesty's will, but now your majesty is controlled by the Protoss, and the nearly 200,000 emperor groups outside the city are facing extinction. Under such circumstances, you must show your determination." Mo Xie advised.

"But even if I sign the order, you can guarantee the victory over those orc legions?" The town general was anxious.

"General, I can guarantee that as long as you sign an order to divide the orc legions into camp enemies, I can find a way to defeat them." Moxie said.

"Tell the general of your thoughts first, if it is feasible, this general will also spare no effort!" said the General Zhen Guo.

"That's it. With the strength of becoming an emperor regiment, we can only protect ourselves at the moment. Once we leave the barracks, we will suffer a disaster. Therefore, the defense of the imperial city can no longer count on the three towns of Jintang. If this continues, the Protoss can Unscrupulously expand in the major cities, once the three major cities also send troops to support the imperial city, then the destruction of the three towns of Jintang will only happen overnight, and then the human royal family will be completely wiped out!" Moxie said.

"I understand this situation. I need your countermeasures." General Zhen Guo asked.

"I have mastered the location of the orc army's hidden soldiers, and know their detailed routes, this time I intend to let all players come to help, in this way, our strength plus the strength of the barracks, there is enough possibility to deal with Orc Legion." Mo Xie said.

"This is a good note, then you should hurry up to gather all the combatants." General Zhen Guo said in surprise.

"But you also know that if it is just to eliminate bandits, no one will be interested in this kind of battle. After all, it is too dangerous, and it will also offend the Protoss. With the current rights of the Protoss, it can cause us trouble at any time, such as Lord City Lord. Have dealt with me several times." Mo Xie said, shaking his head.

"I understand what you mean. You have to turn the orc army into a camp enemy to ensure that everyone will join the battle." The General Zhen Guo suddenly realized.

"Yeah, if it's not for the enemy of the camp, who wants to offend the Protoss, risking it but not doing any good." Mo Xie reminded.

"But the orcs are not from the Holy Moon Empire after all..." The General Zhen Guo was still considering it.

"General, the people of the Holy Moon Empire are already active outside the city. It is also true that the Protoss colluded with them. Now that the hat is put on the head of the orcs, who will call them wrong?" Mo Xie asked with a weird smile.

"Yes, the secret agent token of the Holy Moon Empire is in my hand. Even if the Protoss is to blame through your majesty, this general has something to say..." The general Zhen Guo's eyes lit up.

"Hurry up and give the order, General, time is precious." Mo Xie urged.

"That's fine, the general will give you this order, but in the first place, this general cannot bypass your majesty and directly determine the identity of the opponent, but can only define them as suspected enemy forces." General Zhen Guo said.

"Suspected enemy team? What does this mean?" Mo Xie asked puzzledly.

"That is to say, I can only give you military orders to attack suspected enemies. If the suspected enemies you killed are determined to be enemies of the Holy Moon Empire, you can get the full military rewards, but in the end you find that they are not. Get half of the military merits that kill the enemy in the battle." General Zhen Guo said.

"I see, that means we can only give us half of the reward..." Mo Xie touched his head, his face was speechless.

"How about it, this is already the biggest concession within this general's power, otherwise I can only go to Huangcheng Mountain to meet with your majesty and ask for his will." General Zhen Guo asked.

"Well, half of it is a reward. General, please give me a military order." Mo Xie nodded, being able to win this way is already considered a favor from the system.

"Wait a minute." General Zhen Guo waved his hand, a golden light shone, and a golden token suddenly appeared in his hand: "Take this token, go to the garrison location on the south side of the imperial city, and find the guard general to hand over the token. , He will assign 20,000 soldiers to be commanded by you, and you must leave the city quickly from the south gate without being discovered by the Protoss."

"Understand." Mo Xie happily accepted the token. With 20,000 soldiers, at least the defense of the two military camps doesn't need to be too worried.

At this time, the General Zhen Guo waved his big hand again, and a spreading golden scroll slowly appeared. When all the scrolls were displayed, the general waved his hand and the scrolls were automatically rolled together and flew in front of Mo Xie...

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