The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 992: Tough pet type

After receiving the transfer token and crusade document, Mo Xie immediately took in the package, and after leaving the general, turned and quickly walked towards the direction of the merit control.

After a short run, Mo Xie came to the quartermaster. Now that he has a crusade document, he doesn't need to worry about the merits. Maybe he can get a lot of merits tonight.

Opened the exchange interface, looked at the advanced hunting ground pass token, Mo Xie thought for a while, first exchanged one, and then exchanged the token of Ten Thousand Beast Mountain for three.

All of a sudden, it cost nearly 10,000 merit points. Feeling a bit painful, Mo Xie immediately turned and rushed towards the gate of the General's Mansion.

As soon as he rushed out of the door, he immediately summoned the mount and flew towards the pet instructor's position.

The current Xiao Fei Dian has reached level 29. Although the upgrade speed is not fast, the flying ability is still very fast. After a while, he flew over a large city and landed in front of the pet instructor.

Spending 100 gold coins to choose to teleport, his eyes flashed, and Mo Xie appeared on the sunny verdant grassland.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he was startled by the situation in front of him.

The entire grassland is suppressed by the player group, and the three characters of the God Realm Alliance are all staring at the top of the head. The players of the entire alliance are all here to catch pets this afternoon.

Hurry up and contact Mo Xiaolang and others on the Legion Channel. They are now waiting to capture the mount before the Ten Thousand Beast Mountain enchantment at the end of the grassland.

Mo Xie hurriedly rode a flying eagle across the large grassland, and moved quickly toward the side of the map until he saw a light curtain of light in the air. Among the large groups of players on the ground, the core commanders were all there.

Seeing the familiar mounts flying in the sky, Mo Xiaolang immediately sent out a team invitation to draw Mo Xie closer to the ordinary team of 20 people.

According to the rules of the system, only a team of 20 people can enter the middle and high level hunting grounds, otherwise it will not be allowed.

"How is it, how many passes have been redeemed?" Lianna asked excitedly.

"Three Longevity Mountains, a sky island, but I don't know where the sky island is." Moxie said.

"The island in the sky is a small island in the sky. I remember that there are countless small islands floating on the top of the mountain on the other side of the grassland. It should be there." Ouyang Jiaojiao said.

"Well, let's go to Wanshou Mountain first, and finally to the flying island in the sky." Mo Xiaolang suggested.

The group of people immediately walked towards the transparent light curtain in the distance, Mo Xie walked in the forefront, had already drawn out a token in his hand, and led the team quickly to the front of the light curtain.

After using the token, the light flashed, the barrier broke through a big hole, and the token disappeared.

Everyone hurriedly passed through the holes in the barrier, and when the last person entered, the light curtain returned to its original state.

Looking at the vast mountains, everyone was pleasantly surprised.

"Remember, don't mess around with pets here, as long as we catch our entire team once, we have to teleport out." Mo Xie reminded.

"My God, one token can only catch one pet, and the system is too stingy." Mo Xiaoyuan said angrily.

"The pets here are not comparable to the Royal Hunting Grounds. They can only grab mounts. Here are combat mounts. They can fight and serve as mounts, and they are more powerful." Mo Xie explained.

Everyone climbed the hillside, and soon saw some giants...

His whole body shone with silver light, he was wearing a hard armor, a single horn with a sharp head, and a giant rhinoceros with a strong stature.

Don't look at these silver-armored rhinos who are stupid and cute and bloated, but they run fast, like silver lightning.

And their name happens to be...Silver Armored Lightning Rhinoceros!

This kind of battle pet has strong defense and physical attack power, and a pet with a fast speed and a large size is far more fierce than the fiery bull and the metal war wolf.

If the Silver Armor Lightning Rhinoceros quickly rushed and slammed into it, even an elephant would have to be knocked into flight!

"I like this! It looks so mighty. I have merit, grab one for me, and I will exchange tokens." Zhou Jianing smiled and pointed to the rhinos.

"Don't worry, take a look and talk." Mo Xie said with a smile.

"Okay." Zhou Jianing nodded and continued to explore with the team.

Over a mountain, a large puddle and grassland appeared in front.

Dark shadows flickered in the puddle, and bright eyes peeked out of the mud to look at the uninvited guests coming in the distance. Some even opened their mouths in the blood basin and made a whining sound, seeming to warn the players. do not come.

"A big group of hippos." Mo Xiaoyu's beautiful eyes lit up.

Most of these hippos are wrapped in silt, only a few can see their appearance.

Of course, this is not an ordinary hippopotamus in the animal world. Their bodies are dissatisfied with large pieces of black flashing scale armor. Their bulging bodies are full of explosive power. Although their limbs are short, they move very sensitively, although they are not as good as silver armored rhino Fast, but its body is stronger, and it looks like a tank pet!

This black armored hippopotamus seems to have strong protection against magic and physical attacks. With such a pet around, it can help players withstand most of the damage.

"The pets here are really good, more than a hundred times stronger than the previous pets!" Mo Xiaolang said with a sigh.

Players have often recruited pets to fight together in the first 20 levels since they entered the unfinished business. However, after the 20th level, the growth rate of pets' attributes is far lower than the strength of high-level monsters. The attack is not strong, and a lot of blood is required to be attacked by a monster.

So later, players hardly recruit pets to participate in the battle, and only summon mounts when running the map.

Now it seems that the situation without the help of pets can finally be resolved.

"This hippo is also good, with high defense and high blood volume, and a huge size, which I just need." Ouyang Jiaojiao said.

"Continue to look at it a few more times, everyone first determines what they want, and then distributes them together." Moxie said.

"Okay." A group of people smiled and nodded, continuing to explore new pet types.

In a short while, a variety of new pets entered the players' sight one by one, so that everyone quickly found their favorite pet...

There are fierce saber-toothed tigers, black-striped cheetahs that can hide, unicorn deer that can jump forward, and fierce giant pythons...

As a result, Lianna fell in love with a giant piebald python, which made everyone feel puzzled...

This python is more than ten meters in length, has a bucket-like waist, a huge head, a mouth full of steel teeth, and a huge tail like an iron whip. It has a lot of attacking skills up and down, and it slides extremely fast.

But the reason Lianna chose it is very simple. This kind of python looks terrifying and can be used to scare people...

"Xiao Mo, although these pets are all good, we still want to know if your flying pets can still be caught." Mo Xiaolang reminded.

"Yes, there are flying pets, everything else is cloud." Zhou Jianing smiled.

"We are about to get close to those peaks now, Xiao Mo caught it on there." Ouyang Jiaojiao pointed forward...

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