The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 993: Super pet golden lion king

As Mo Xie and Li Hong controlled the flying eagle to fly to the high mountain again, in the dense grass, it was now empty, and Li Wei's eyes were taken aback.

"What's the matter, there is nothing left?" Zhou Jianing asked in surprise.

"Did you find the wrong place? It should be on another mountain?" Mo Xiaolang asked in confusion.

"The place is right. Last time I chose the first mountain, and I ran into a hidden nest in the grass." Mo Xie frowned.

"Let's go down and take a look." Mo Xiaolang suggested.

The two flying eagles slowly landed on the top of the mountain, and found that there was no abnormality. Little Mo immediately jumped down and searched the grass carefully under the gaze of the three.

Confirming that he didn't find anything, Mo Xie pulled him on the back of Flying Eagle, and then continued to fly towards other mountains...

Flying past the tops of several mountain peaks in succession, Mo Xiaolang went down to check carefully every time, but unfortunately he found no more.

In this way, Mo Xie was suspicious that the last capture of flying eagle eggs was already the only story set by the system. As long as someone got a flying pet, Wan Beast Mountain would no longer refresh the nest of flying eagles.

"Well, Sister Hong will continue to explore the mountain. Let's go down and look at the monsters underground, so as not to waste time." Moxie said.

"Okay, then Miss Zhou and I will keep looking." Li Hong nodded.

"This is weird. Does the system consider flying pets so precious, and there is only one copy that catches pets?" Mo Xiaolang still a little puzzled.

"I have another view, I don't know if it is correct," Mo Xie said thinking.

"You said, what's the situation?" Mo Xiaolang asked.

"This kind of copy requires a token to pass each time it comes in, and it can only catch one pet each time. I suspect that the system will set each token differently. After each entry, this hidden setting The types are also different," Moxie said.

"What you mean is that if you use the Intermediate Token to enter the hunting ground, the system will reset the pets in the hunting ground every time you come in. It is possible that flying eagle lairs will appear, or other monsters may appear?" Mo Xiaolang suddenly understood his idea.

"We continue to look for it, maybe this time, Wan Beast Mountain will refresh another super pet, and the type will be different every time it comes in." Moxie said.

"Your idea is really different. Let's try to find out." Mo Xiaolang said excitedly.

Li Hong continued to drive the flying eagle and flew on the top of the peaks, while Mo Xie took Mo Xiaolang to the hillside and gathered with all his teammates.

After he informed all his teammates of his guess, he immediately got the approval of all his teammates.

"Since Xiao Mo stole pet eggs here last time, even if he didn't find flying eagles this time, he could still find the remaining nests. Now there is nothing. It must have been reset by the system. There may be some The existence of another super pet." Mo Xiaoyuan nodded.

"If this is the case, this is the biggest secret of the Wan Beast Mountain Hunting Ground, and you must not let others know it." Mo Xiaoyu said excitedly.

"Then we continue to search, don't be attracted by these ordinary pets, our goal is super pets." Lianna was extremely excited.

The group of people separated as required, scattered and marching towards the distant mountains...

They carefully bypassed the vigilance of the beasts, and constantly fumbled in the peculiar environment...

After more than ten minutes of exploration, Li Hong took the lead in sending a message, stating that she had checked all the tops of all the peaks, and indeed there was no Feiying Lair.

Mo Xie immediately asked her to return to the vicinity of the team and, with everyone, thoroughly explored the entire situation of this Ten Thousand Beast Mountain...

Mo Xie asked his teammates to focus on the map environment they saw, especially those hidden places. Even if no super pets were found this time, maybe the system will refresh another pet type next time.

The terrain remains the same, and the type of pet changes. This is Mo Xie's idea.

The teammates marked the half-mountain caves found along the way, or hidden burrows in the bushes, and hidden tree holes, etc., and even if nothing was found, the terrain should be marked.

"Come on to me, guess what I saw!" The voice of the God Realm Dragon Soul sounded in the team.

"What's the situation, where are you?" Mo Xiaolang asked in surprise.

"I'm under a hill in the front, where there is a giant tree halfway up the mountain, and there is a big golden lion lying on the cliff platform under the tree!" God Realm Dragon Soul said excitedly.

"Go, let's go over and take a look." Mo Xie hurriedly summoned his teammates, and gathered towards the current position of the God Realm Dragon Soul.

When they rushed down a hillside and bypassed a valley, the topography of the map ahead suddenly became clear. The tall hillside of a magnificent mountain range was clearly visible. Under the hillside, in the vast valley and grassland, there were green grass, gurgling water and countless monsters. Wandering back and forth in the valley grassland.

However, the God Realm Dragon Soul stood at the foot of the hillside, raising his head and looking over the sky.

The teammates also looked up curiously, and saw that on the sloping hillside 500 meters high, suddenly there was a cliff on which a huge old tree grew, and the crown of the old tree was facing a huge sun umbrella. , Covering half of the hillside.

And on the cliff platform in front of this big tree, lies a huge lion with golden hair and dazzling golden light in the sun!

This male lion is more than twice the size of an ordinary bison, with a wide back facing the players' sight, lying sideways and taking a nap lazily.

"My God, it really is a huge lion, and the name on the top of the head seems to be golden too!" Ouyang Jiaojiao exclaimed.

"Don't worry, everyone, let's take a look now." Mo Xie stopped everyone's urge to climb the mountain to visit, standing there quietly watching...

Within two minutes, something even more surprising happened. I saw a little furry head suddenly stretched out from the lion’s chest, followed by one or two. Three little guys poked their heads out, the front hair swelled and shook. Jumping up and down on the lion with his little tail...

The three little lions were playing there. The strange scene made everyone who saw them dumbfounded.

"I understand. This is the super pet of Wan Beast Mountain this time. The real target is the little lions. Just like Mo Xie stole the pet eggs last time, let us steal the little lions this time!" Li Hongjiao shouted.

"It's true, uh, but how to steal those little lions, in case they shout, this lion is not easy to provoke." Zhou Jianing reminded.

"Xiao Mo stole two pet eggs under the eyes of Mother Eagle. We are behind a lazy lion and stole a few little lions. Is it so difficult?"

Mo Xiaoyuan smiled.

"For this kind of action, the fewer people, the better, lest the lion is awakened, and I will go up there with Brother Wolf. You are below, ready to meet us at any time."

"Once we get down, we must be chased by the lion. At that time, you must find a way to save our lives and your own lives." Moxie said.

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