The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 998: join in the fun

It's a pity that good things don't last. Mo Xie grabbed Li Hong's hand, finally mustered up the courage to say what was in his heart, and strode towards the door.

Unexpectedly, in the hall, the middle and high-level commanders of the God Realm League who had been unified off the assembly line had just left the studio, and the entire hall was crowded and it was extremely lively.

The thin-skinned Li Hong drew his hand back, and was immediately led away by a group of beauties rushing up, leaving only a helpless look of Mo Xie.

"Let's go, I can't eat hot tofu in a hurry. It will develop slowly. I am optimistic about you." Mo Xiaoyuan laughed.

"Don't worry, say something nice every day. This is how your sister-in-law was seduced by me." Mo Xiaolang smiled and pulled Mo Xie's arm as the three walked down the stairs...

It was early for the meal, and Mo Xie and Mo Xiaolang went to the office of the complex, first went to meet with Mr. Cui and asked her if she had anything to help.

Knowing that everything has been arranged, a dozen or so members of President Cui's team will arrive by plane tonight, and that the accommodation has been completed, Mo Xie and Mo Xiaolang are very satisfied.

Because from now on, the God Realm League is no longer a general generation, but a large-scale professional player alliance that will rise to the sky with the backing of the country's largest consortium!

Saying goodbye to Cui, the two returned to the apartment, took a big bath first, and cleaned up their personal hygiene.

When the time came to 17:30, Mo Xie had already put on a new set of clothes, opened the door and went out amid the constant knocking at the door, and went to the restaurant for dinner with a group of teammates.

The dinner ended quickly, followed by the laughter of a large number of players back to the studio, preparing for a key battle tonight.

Even the life studio opposite did not rest tonight. Brother Zhao knew that the Battle Legion had a big action tonight, and ordered the Life Legion players to be consistent with the Battle Legion, and led all the Life Legion players to follow the Battle Legion to act together.

Life players who have not reached level 50, stay in God Realm Town to guard, and are always ready to clear the full warehouse.

Life players who have reached level 50 can simply act with the battle corps to help clean up the battlefield and repair city defenses in battle, and even control some machinery to participate in the battle.

The big action of the entire God Realm League, of course, also stunned the attention of other alliances.

As soon as Mo Xie went online, a private chat application popped up, calling someone... Luo Feng!

How did he find it?

Mo Xie knew in his heart that it was mostly because of the alliance's eyeliner that he quietly reported the big action today to Luo Feng.

There was no way to conceal an action like today, and he did not intend to conceal it.

"Mr. Luo, do you have something to do with me?" Mo Xie connected to the private chat application with a smile.

"I heard that your God Realm League will have a bigger action tonight, more powerful than today's monster siege, and you are too friendless. Don't you call me such a big thing?" Luo Feng took the lead and asked with a smile. Tao.

"Oh, why is it? This is one of my main missions. It just happened to be in an internal fight. Of course, I had to kick in, but I didn't expect to trouble others." Mo Xie pretended to be embarrassed.

"Since we are friends, if your task is in trouble, we can also help you tide over it." Luo Feng smiled lightly.

"I didn't dare to bother Mr. Luo, but since you asked me personally, I'm embarrassed to decline, it's like this..." Mo Xie simply told the other party that hundreds of thousands of troops might be fighting over tonight.

And he made it clear that tonight, the God Realm League is to help the Emperor Army block the orc army, and the orc army is stronger. Whether it can win depends on the participation of the players.

"Such a big task, that is, if you can provoke it, you need our arrogant alliance to do whatever you want," Luo Feng exclaimed.

In such a large-scale battle, you have to get in anyway!

Let alone the experience points and trophy rewards of this kind of battle, being able to participate in such a large battle is a huge improvement for the players themselves, and he has to join in the fun.

Moreover, Mo Xie deliberately revealed just now that this time the empire regarded the orcs as the enemy of the enemy country. Killing the orcs can get merit points. If this is the case, it would be silly not to participate!

Luo Feng certainly understood that it was Moxie deliberately letting him know, and waiting for him to come to help, but he did not complain at all.

And Mo Xie also knew in his heart that the other party is now guarding himself, as long as the God Realm Alliance is active, I am afraid that the Arrogant Alliance will find ways to follow suit every time...

But this time, it was indeed Mo Xie who deliberately asked the other party to take the initiative to help. In this battle, he could only win but not lose. There was an arrogant alliance to help instead of making trouble. This was already the best result.

"Uncle Luo, if you really want to help Xiao Mo, then I have a battle plan. I don't know if you want to listen to it." Mo Xie smiled.

"Of course, we are here to help mainly to see your face, you can tell in advance what plan you have, and just say what we need to do." Luo Feng smiled.

"Well, I want to encircle the orc army tonight and annihilate it in one fell swoop. The terrain and battlefield environment are ready. I will send you the terrain. Then you only have to take all the brothers from the arrogant alliance and lie there. Once you fight Turn on and block Taniguchi immediately, and then how many orcs you kill will get how many rewards." Moxie said.

"Of course we are willing to do such a good job, and you will send me the coordinates soon." Luo Feng said excitedly.

"Okay, I'll take a screenshot for you right away." Mo Xie was overjoyed.

The ambush place he gave Luo Feng was the area on the left side of the mysterious canyon that he had stepped on.

Because the location is very complicated, it is difficult to block all of them just by relying on the power of the God Realm Alliance. However, if you want to draw out all the orc legions, you must concentrate most of the fighting forces in the three towns of Jinwu. Too hard.

Now the Arrogant Alliance is willing to help. With their numbers, it is absolutely no problem to block one side of the canyon. This also helped Mo Xie solve a big problem.

Looking at the situation on the screenshot, Luo Feng, such a smart person, immediately understood some of Mo Xie's deployment and was very satisfied with the mission given by Mo Xie.

In this way, it is equivalent to the Arrogant Alliance is responsible for blocking the left channel, the God Realm Alliance is responsible for blocking the right channel, and the canyon channel leading to the imprisonment of the Elf King is taken out by the Imperial Army as the main attack, attracting all Attention of the Orc Legion.

Once the soldiers of the Imperial Army exceed the enemy's expectations, it means that the three major barracks are exhausted, and there is no reason why the orc army should not send troops.

Even if the orcs don't send troops, Mo Xie can take advantage of the situation to rescue the Elf King, always taking advantage.

"Thank you, Xiao Mo, for giving us such a powerful task." Luo Feng laughed.

"Mr. Luo, let's take people to arm the defense now. Please remember that when the orc army is not passing by, don't let them find you, otherwise a piece of fat will slip away." Mo Xie reminded.

"Don't worry, who dares to let me go of the fat in his mouth, I will let him go around without it!" Luo Feng smiled.

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