The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 999: Four-way ambush

Mo Xie asked in the Legion Channel, and Brother Zhao, who was busy deploying manpower, responded quickly.

"Manpower is tight today, and Brother Zhao also has a task to do." Mo Xie said with a smile.

"Mo always has any instructions, we will do our best to complete the task." Zhao Ge promised, patting his chest.

"In fact, it's not that difficult. I need you to take a team of professional players to a barracks. When the guard general starts to set off, you will follow at the end and find a way to lead the orc soldiers secretly following to the south of the city..." Mo Xie immediately told the other party about the task requirements in detail.

"Understood, let us lure the enemy into the encirclement of the south of the city, this should not be difficult." Zhao Ge replied.

"This mission is really not difficult, but don't let the orc soldiers discover your number and occupation, you must do everything possible to take them to the ape sorrow, as long as they have passed, the orc army in the west of the city will be wiped out. One part." Mo Xie reminded sternly.

"Don't worry, I will choose my clever brother and follow me to the barracks." Brother Zhao smiled and nodded.

"Remember, you must send more people, otherwise it will be difficult to successfully attract the attention of the orcs, preferably more than 20,000 people." Moxie said.

"So many people, well, I will try my best to adjust." Brother Zhao replied.

"Once you complete the mission and bring the enemy into the encirclement, your mission is complete, quickly return to the vicinity of the Golden Crow barracks, ready to clean the battlefield." Moxie said.

"Yes." Brother Zhao led away excitedly.

Following such a far-sighted commander who can control the overall situation, for Zhao Ge and his life team, it is a comfortable experience that has never been expected for so many years.

Since officially signing a contract with the God Realm League and merging into the God Realm League, Brother Zhao and his core business team were surprised to find that they originally thought it was an adventure, but they did not expect that the strength of the other party was far beyond their imagination, and the life army was very Quickly step into the formal, a steady stream of resource points assigned to them, so that they can quickly start to catch up with the life army of those professional guilds.

Now it is even more serious. The God Realm League has even occupied several professional mining areas. On the contrary, the development speed of the life team has not kept up with the construction speed of the God Realm League, which made Brother Zhao and the commander a little embarrassed.

In recent time, as the mining skills of life players continue to upgrade, a large amount of materials have swarmed in, and the manufacturing team is working overtime day and night to make props. Skill proficiency is rising rapidly. Senior caster, senior alchemist, senior sewer, senior spellmaster There are more and more players in advanced professions, such as senior agency engineers, senior builders, and so on.

Coupled with the various production maps continuously sent by the Battle Corps, the players of the life team are extremely happy and the future is getting better!

Moreover, this commander named Mo Sad is too good at coming, and he will start a big action every three to five, which makes the players of the entire God Realm Alliance a rapid increase...

Even the bosses of the arrogant alliance couldn't stand it, and voluntarily lowered their worth to negotiate, just to join in the fun with the God Realm League, and it was a little cheaper.

Brother Zhao immediately arranged the work at hand, and then carefully selected nearly 20,000 people from the casting team!

Because in the life profession, the foundry is more burly body than other professions, and they either carry a sledgehammer or an iron hoe. It is most suitable to imitate the combat army, and it is more difficult to lure from a distance. The enemies found out.

After drawing a team of nearly 20,000 casting divisions, Brother Zhao personally led the team to the right barracks...

At this time, the 20,000 soldiers supported from the south of the city also entered the west of the city from two directions, and then carefully bypassed the location of the orc barracks specified by Moxie, and quietly came outside the other two barracks.

As for the entire God Realm Combat Corps led by Mo Xiaolang and the core team, except for the 30,000 people from the outer regiments who went to the Golden Crow Barracks to replace the defense, the others quietly went to the periphery of the canyon and took the lead in controlling most of the area on the right side of the canyon. stand up.

Mo Xie had flown into the Golden Crow Camp and met the guarding general again.

It's almost 19 o'clock, and the sky in the wild is still like daylight...

This environment without dark night really gave Mo Xie some headaches. Many of the wonderful countermeasures in the dark environment are now impossible to implement within the scope of the emperor city.

Mo Xie also asked General Zhen Guo, why is it that it never sleeps in the imperial city forever?

The answer is that there is a solar altar on the top of the imperial city mountain, which is the power of the human imperial city. It is precisely because of the existence of the solar altar that there is always daylight near the imperial city, and the gods can stay in the imperial city because of the magical power of the altar. maintain.

After receiving this news, Mo Xie once had a question in his mind. Once the altar of the sun was temporarily extinguished, would the Protoss have to return to the temple to continue to linger, and never get involved in the human empire?

But this idea is just a guess. After all, Huangcheng Mountain is under the control of the Protoss. If you want to stop the altar, unless you kill all the Protoss of Huangcheng Mountain...

"Xiao Mo, all the legions are setting off according to the designated position. Four ambushes have successfully deployed three. It depends on the side of the arrogant alliance." Mo Xiaolang said.

"Don't worry, they must have already arranged it. It's only strange that they don't take advantage of such a big thing." Mo Xie smiled.

"Tell you good news. After the crazy monster spawning in the afternoon, our super pets have reached level 20, and all the mounts of the Knight Army can be ridden." Liana said with a smile.

"That's better, let the orcs also taste the power of our player cavalry tonight." Mo Xie smiled.

"The time is almost here, how's the situation on your side?" Mo Xiaolang asked.

"I'm about to talk to the guard general. By then, when the large troops set off, the orcs must be alarmed, and the action tonight will officially begin." Moxie said.

"It's 19 o'clock, and the action is fully started at 19:10." Mo Xiaolang nodded.

After the conversation, Mo Xie also hurriedly looked around the barracks. Thanks to the efforts of the generals, the nearly 60,000 golden armored soldiers of the entire Golden Crow barracks have all lined up around the barracks. Numerous golden armored figures shined with golden light, and the scene was particularly spectacular.

At this time, the more than 30,000 players from the outer legions of the God Realm Alliance who were ambushing outside the Golden Crow Barracks were waiting for the moment when the barracks door opened.

When soldiers leave the city, they will enter the city quietly.

The same is true for the other two barracks. The support troops from the south of the city have already arrived outside the city, waiting for the defenders in the barracks to leave.

"General, time is almost up, you can tell the other two generals to start their actions now." Mo Xie immediately walked to the guard general and said.

"Okay, it's time to act." The guard general waved his arm, and the two officers behind him immediately raised their hands and untied the flying eagle chains on their arms.


The two flying eagle arrows rushed straight into the sky and flew quickly towards the other two military camps...

Now that Mo Xie's strategy has been fully implemented, it is only waiting for the actions of the other two barracks to attract the attention of the orcs.

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