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At this moment, her body is also slightly tightened, and the look is more dignified and serious than ever!

Because Sushen instinct feels that this is very dangerous!

Even endangered her life!

A little careless, maybe this life will be lost here!

For a little while, the people who had been chasing down the Soviet Union had come together.

At the beginning of the ten people, after missing the adult and the bald head, there are still eight people left.

The red robe teenager walked in the front, and he rushed over to see the Soviet Union shrouded in iron cages!

Behind him, soon everyone else came over.

"Hey, isn't this locked up?" The blue-eyed man saw the Soviet Union in the cage and suddenly laughed out: "It's hard to fly here!"

The red robe boy was gloomy with a face, and the eyes in the eyes shot the killing of the monks!

"You killed my brother! Come on!"

The red robe boy wants to rush in to kill the Soviet Union, but is blocked by the iron cage, how can he not go in!

At the moment, Su Luo is sitting on the ground with his legs crossed, his eyes closed, his brain running fast.

For her, the most important thing is to find a way to live!

"Oh, do you think that you can escape in a cage? You can’t be innocent!" The red robe boy screamed at the fall, murderous!

Kill the brother's hatred, don't share the sky!

The red robe teenager spread his hand, and his palm was lying with a bunch of flying knives!

The flying knife is as thin as a flap, and it looks very little. However, when he spreads the flying knife in the palm of his hand, the eyes of the people around him are amazed!

Blue Dao: "You, this is a trick for you?"

The red robe boy’s voice is cold and hateful: “Break the brother’s revenge, if you still don’t offer a trick, it’s a shame to your elder brother!”

The Lan Dao people frowned: "Mu adults have given up their lives, and they have to catch their mouths."

The young man in the red robe sneered: "I don't know if I can live alone, and still live alive? Innocent!"

It’s not a night’s long dream, but the red robe’s eyes are dangerously half-smashed, and the flying knife in the hand burst out!

Hey -

The flying knife crossed a curve in midair!

It’s like a starry sky, bright as white!

The powerful flying knife!

Everyone, including the Blue Dao, now looks at the Soviet Union with a look of regret.

Poor little girl, this is really going to be tied into a hedgehog.

Inside the screen, the black robe girl saw this scene, and the corner of her mouth raised a slight arc!

I originally wanted to leave a living, and I would like to ask some things to come back, but if this girl can't get through the front of the scene -

Does she still have the value left behind? !

The black robe girl shook her head as she planned to close the screen -


The scene that appeared in front of us shocked everyone!

The flying knives are shot into the iron cage, but just as they are about to shoot in the Soviet Union... Time and space are still!

Those flying knives seem to be solidified in the air, and they can't move.

The sharp edge of the front end of the flying knife is cold.

But even if you can't move, you stop at an inch's distance around the Soviet Union!

The red robe boy’s eyes are amazed!

How could this be? !

He mobilized all the spiritual powers of the whole body, trying to control the aura, and let the flying knife advance another inch!


But nothing at all...

The flying knife is like being still in time and space, stopping there, and it doesn't move.

"How do you feel... I can't control the flying knife?" A red scarf appeared in the eyes of a young boy!

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