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"This is not... time and space are still?!" The blue-dao people exclaimed, "This should not really be... time and space in the realm of the realm?!"

The red robe teenager was surprised and wide-eyed.

"The realm of the field? How can her current strength have a realm of realm?"

The Landao people are also shaking their heads.

The red robe juvenile: "It is us, we can't control the field!"

The Blue Dao again shook his head silently.

Red robe teenager: "..."

Shocked, is it more than the eight people in the formation?

The black robe girl behind the screen, at the moment, her deep eyes, also a shock!


A realm of realm!

"The Emperor's Spiritual Realm, Time and Space Static Field... Who are you?" The black robe girl's evaluation of Su Luo is a bit higher!

"However, do you think that the realm of the realm can resolve the crisis? It’s naive!"

The black robe girl snorted smugly, and she held the black elliptical original stone. She could use this piece of rough stone to control the whole array!

"Time and space still field, give me broken!"

The black robe girl’s eyes are dangerously half-squatting.

She wants to see how this **** can escape!


The primary field that Su Luo was not able to comprehend, with the sound of the black robe girl, instantly fell apart!

The space around her is like a water ripple, and she twists into a smashing **** at a speed visible to the naked eye.

There is a surprise color on the face of the red robe!

"Sure enough, it is the most original level of time and space in the static field! I can't hold it for a minute!"

The Lan Dao looked at the red robe.

It is the realization of the static field of time and space, and it has been very, very powerful.

Just at this time, rubbing and rubbing -

A strange voice came.

The red robe boy looked at it for a moment, so he saw it at a glance!

"Space captivity!" The red robe teenager laughed loudly. "Look, space is imprisoned! The black spirit is not a black spirit!"

"Hei Ling adults actually shot? This gimmick can actually force the black spirit to personally shoot? Great." The Blue Dao also followed the exclamation.

The black-winged adults in their mouths are the long-haired black robe girls, the only maids of the national teacher who are with them.

Although she is a maid, the Chinese teacher has pointed out that she is quite a lot. It can be said that the black spirit is a personally pointed out by the national teacher and is also a teacher.

The national teacher is mysterious and almost never on the road, so the black spirit is equivalent to his spokesperson.

As the Black Spirit adults took a space to imprison, the Soviet Union felt that the crisis was coming!

Space captivity is shrouded in an iron cage, and it doesn't look too much, but everyone knows that this down is really a difficult wing!

"Poor little girl, stared at the black spirit, what other life roads does she have?" The Landao people sighed and expressed their regrets.

The red robe teenager has some regrets.

Because he is very clear, there is nothing that can not be done by the black spirit, but unfortunately, he can not revenge for his brother.

"Rain comes!"

The black spirit mastered the elliptical rough stone. After she whispered, the iron cage where the Soviet Union was located began to patter and rain.

It was still drizzling at first, but soon the rain was enhanced at a rate visible to the naked eye!


The downpours are rolling down and all are poured to the top of the Su's head!

Because the space is imprisoned, the entire iron cage is wrapped in a layer of transparent aura, and the colon is wrapped in it!

The rain is rolling down, and soon, the ground begins to accumulate water, and the water accumulates -

Ps: codeword, ask for the next month's ticket at the beginning of the month~~

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