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The feeling of Emperor Shao’s feeling is not really care. She cares about the national teacher.

However, when Su Luo stretched his neck and looked behind the emperor, he found that the space that was torn by him was closed again. The uniform was seamless, but where is the figure of the national teacher?

"National Masters..."

Su Luo did not ask for the exit, the emperor came from the front, and when he passed by the Soviet Union, grabbed her hand and walked straight ahead!

There is a touch of anxious color on the face of Lingda!


Princess Royal Highness can't go!

If you go this way, you will not be able to catch up with that big chance! ! !

Su Luo understood the hints of Ling Daren.

If it is in the past, I will go out with the Emperor and go out. Anyway, I am now recognized by the Lingren. Is it not a matter of minutes to enter the National Division?

You can listen to the meaning of Ling Daren, the big chance is close at hand, if you miss it, you really miss it.

Although I don’t know what the big man’s so-called big chance is, but when the big man is excited, he knows that the big chance is very important.

I must think of a way to stay here!

Su’s eyes turned quickly, and soon she saw the golden dragon carvings not far away.

It was a one-person medicine tripod, and a white smoke spit out in the dragon's mouth, lingering in the air, and the aroma came out, making people feel relaxed and happy.

Refining medicine Dingli -

As soon as the Soviet Union heard it, it was a god-level remedy.

God-level Pei Yuan Dan, because it was not made in one eve, so that it can be used to absorb the aura of the spirit, and at this moment, it’s fast-seeing.

Su Luo stood still, and the emperor was less anxious, so -


Emperor Shao took the hand of Su Luo and pulled it forward. Su Shi’s intentional sole was a slap in the foot. When the jingle sounded, her body went straight to the medicine tripod!


Su Luoyi’s head hit the medicine tripod. For a time, he only felt that he was staring at Venus, and the whole person was dizzy.

Just now, Su Luo is really hit!

Her goal is to knock the medicine tripping!


Su Luo, who spared no effort, suddenly knocked the medicine tripping over. The medicine tripod fell to the ground, and when the jingle rolled out, it rolled all the way, and finally the door panels collapsed.

The spirits are screaming at the fall, and the eyes are coming out!

Their Royal Highness Princess is really... this is God-level Pei Yuan Dan!

Guoshi adults have been working hard to refine the god-level medicinal herbs. However, the half-step god-level peak is always a half-step god-level peak strength. How difficult is it to promote to a god-level refining pharmacist?

This is the ninth ninety-nine refining of the god-level Pei Yuan Dan.

This time, the success rate is very high, because it is not abolished near the final stage, but now -

Not to mention the medicinal herbs, the whole medicine tripod has been dumped, rolled, and even rolled out of the door...

For a time, these captains were all stunned, as if they were thundered!

They stared at the Soviet Union, and the gaze was like watching a dead person.

Lingda people are somewhat helpless.

However, the Emperor did not take it for granted. His first reaction was to look back and hold down the Soviet Union. His eyes were filled with the color of concern that he himself did not notice.

"Are you an idiot?! You can hit yourself by walking!"

It’s really painful to fall down –

Is it easy for her not to be taken away by the Emperor?

Su Luo licked his mouth and licked his mouth, while screaming at the emperor.

The Emperor did not take a good breath and smacked the hand that had fallen on his forehead. It was a mistake. It was her aura, her bright forehead, and she was knocked out of a bag.

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