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The emperor is speechless: "Are you a pig?! Are you walking unsteadily? How did you grow so big?!"

The fierce murderer, the blame, the Emperor’s hand did not stop, and the great effort to help the Soviet Union’s forehead squat.

"嘶 - 嘶 - pain and pain -"

When I hit it, it didn't hurt so much, but it was so violently swayed by the Emperor, and the tears of the pain of Su Luo were really crying. It was really painful!

Even if you are used a knife, you are not so painful now.

The Emperor did not have a good sigh of relief and looked down: "You don't look at yourself, where is it hit? If this position is blocked by congestion, then when you are promoted to the starry world, the blood is not smooth, and the fire is gone. Enchanted, believe it or not!"

" so serious..." Su Luo whispered.

"It is so serious!" Emperor Shao took a shot of his head, "Give me a stop, don't move!"

The fiercely imperial emperor, his face seems to be thunderous, dark clouds, and the Soviet Union shrinks his neck and decides not to care less about the emperor under the wrath.

And at the moment -

The air inside the hall seems to be lowered to the freezing point!

Because a white robe figure appeared in the eyes of everyone.

This time, the Soviet Union finally saw the face of the national teacher, and it may be that the national teacher under the wrath was too lazy to cover up his face.

The pair of cold men of the national teacher, staring coldly at the fall!

The first person who perceives the existence of the National Teacher is the Emperor.

As soon as he raised his hand, he pulled the Soviet Union behind him and looked back at the national teacher in the position of the protector.

For a time, the surrounding air is like a condensed frost, and the frozen people are almost suffocating.

Lingda people have physical injuries, even if there is spiritual power to protect the cold, she is also frozen with frost.

The worst is the captains outside the door.

Originally, they stayed outside the hall and would not be affected. However, after the medicine tripped out, the door was broken, so that they stood in the door and there was no difference.

Rubbing and rubbing... This is the sound of their teeth tremble.

Su Luo could even feel that if he did not stop it, within a minute, the captains would be frozen to death, and she and Ling Daren would not be able to stand for two minutes.

"It’s so cold..." Sue sneezed, "I’m going to be frozen to death..."

"Shut up!" Emperor Shao and the national teacher are all out!

Sue **** the nose: "..."

But I have to say that the words of the Soviet Union are still very effective.

After she said this, the cold chill... really eased a lot, and even faded away.

However, the swordsmanship between the Emperor Shao and the National Teacher did not disappear.

"If you want to fight... Can you go inside?" Su Luo stretched out his fingers, poked the Emperor, and made a very small proposal.

In fact, if Emperor Shao and the National Teacher can enter the space of the different planes, that would be better, because she still has a lot to talk to the Ling Daren.

However, the emperor is less fierce and stunned, and this eye is fierce!

"Oh..." Su Luo lowered his head and dared not say a word.

Lingda people are in a hurry!

Guoshi adults seem to be because of the god-level Pei Yuandan and the princess... No, it is angry with the fallen princess... However, it is the fallen princess, everyone is looking forward to the fallen princess for so many years!

The Ling Daren desperately gave the National Master a dazzling look, and the eyelids that were hit were cramping, but the National Master did not care about her, just staring at the Soviet Union!

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