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The pressure of the superior was shrouded in the top of the Soviet Union.

If there is not an imperial guard, at this moment, fear that the fall is the wicker that is bent down.

"Drug Ding, are you knocked down?" The voice of the National Division sounded in the ear of the ear.

The Soviet Union did not speak, and the Emperor’s eyes were half dangerous.

"Su Mubai!" The voice of Emperor Shao lost a warning!

However, the national teacher did not seem to be threatened by the eyes of Emperor Shao, he stepped down the steps, stepped forward to the face of Su Luo, and finally stopped.

Lingda’s urgent forehead is sweating!

My national teacher is great!

This is the fallen princess, she is the little master we are looking for... you must not be impulsive!

At this moment, Emperor Shao is pushing Su Luo behind him, and he himself is staring at the national division!

For a time, the sword is arrogant, murderous, and the battle between the peaks seems to be on the verge!

"God-level Pei Yuan Dan, how do you pay for it?" The national teacher's eyes stared at the Soviet Union.

Emperor Shao is about to talk, but the national teacher is waving his hand. He only stares at Su Luo: "How do you pay for it?"

The words of the national teacher are just like the heart of the Soviet Union.

Why is she going to overturn the drug tripod? In order to have the opportunity to stay in secret dialogue with the national teacher.

Therefore, the Soviet Union said with pride: "You are not a god-level Pei Yuan Dan, and at most it is a half-step god-level Pei Yuan Dan."

National Teacher: "After half an hour, it can be refined into a god-level Pei Yuan Dan."

Su Luo sneered out loudly: "After half an hour? National teacher, are you sure?"

The National Teacher’s eyes were half-squinted and stared at the Soviet Union in danger.

Su Luo laughed: "The activity of P. persica has not been fully stimulated. The original leaves are placed a little earlier, and the result is that when the 454th drug is fused, Lingyuan The grass is not completely integrated, and finally... I missed it. I don’t know my opinion. What did the National Master think?"

The National Teacher’s eyes were half-squinted and staring at the Soviet Union for a moment.

It is not difficult to know the name of the Plein grass solid original Ye Lingyuan grass. It is not difficult to know the god-level Dan Fang. It is not difficult for the Princess Sissi who has the status of an imperial princess.

She can tell where the mistake is, even she even said the steps clearly.

The inscrutable in the eyes of the National Teacher Masters, no one can understand...

The emperor turned back and took a look at the Soviet Union: "Don't mess, shut up!"

Su Luo: "Hey..."

But what the Emperor did not expect was that the aggressive eyes of the National Masters were a little bit gentle at the moment: "I don't know who the Sissi Princess is from?"

Su Luo laughed: "My master's name is not impossible to say, Jianghu people call the deliberate master, I do not know the national teacher can listen to?"

Deliberately, the homonym valley one, and then add a few more is Rong Yun.

Emperor Shao never doubted, so he did not know.

However, since the National Teacher has doubts at the beginning, he will understand.

However, after listening to the name, the National Teacher faintly shook his head: "I have never heard of it."

Emperor Shao also shook his head in his heart.

The national teacher said coldly: "But since you are talking about the head, then leave it."

Su Luo: "When is it left?"

National Teacher: "Leave you to refine the medicine you said."

Emperor's face suddenly became ugly!

"Su Mubai, you don't have to take a inch!" When the Emperor saw it, he would turn his face.

In his view, the national teacher is really hard to be strong, you must know that this refining is a god-level medicine.

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