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Wang immediately blinked and screamed: "What? Five silver coins?!"

Zhao Auntie is also anxious.

Wang turned his head and said to Zhao Auntie: "Mother! Mother! This money can't be made out of the public! This is what Zhao Erzhen himself brought back. If you want to pay, you have to get them out!"

Li almost cried: "Mother, big sister, how much money we have... We have all the money paid to the mother..."

Wang's sneer: "I don't care if you have any money in the second room. Anyway, this silver money doesn't want to involve our big house, don't think about tiring our big guy!"


For a time, the entire dining hall was noisy again.

Zhao’s angry face is green: “Give me shut up!”

Father Zhao is still very prestigious. As soon as he speaks out, everyone is quiet and stares at the Zhao family.

Father Zhao frowned: "First eat, this thing will go back!"

Zhao Auntie’s face was indignant, but she was afraid of the majesty of Zhao’s face, and she could only scream for everyone.

The porridge spoon is in the hands of Zhao Auntie, so she controls the right to porridge.

Her first one was the spoon to the second room of Li.

The spoon was placed on the top of the spoon and poured into the thick porcelain bowl in front of Li. The porcelain bowl broke a gap and was originally dissatisfied. Zhao Auntie moved the water level down.

So it seems that there is only a small bowl of broth and water, and the teeth are not enough.

Zhao Er’s anger is not working. She is about to open her theory. Li’s mouth grabbed her mouth and gave her a serious look.

"How, what is too little?" Zhao Auntie voiced indifferently.

"No, no, it's good to eat. Where are the children who dare to be picky?" Li's busy and respectful answer.

Zhao Auntie snorted and ignored it and continued to add porridge to the rest.

The two rooms of the big cockroach, the second cockroach, and even the small five... are all the top porridge water, but the four children who are the big house, Zhao Auntie used to fish from the bottom of the pot.

Because the polenta is not boiled, it is easy to sink to the end. When it was used to fish in the bottom, a spoon went down and the spoon came up with thick porridge.

The two envy and the small five envy are sad, but there is no theory. It can be seen that such an unfair distribution has formed inertia.

After the porridge was finished, Zhao Auntie began to divide her face.

Zhao’s males are all awkward, while women...have only half, but Xiaoguzi’s Zhao Xiuli can get a whole black face every time.

In the middle of the small broken wooden table, there is a small bowl of dark pickles, without any oily water, but in the Zhao family, this is the only meal.

A meager meal was quickly resolved in silence, and it took less than three minutes.

Zhao Dazhao, Zhao Erzhen, Zhao Xiaowu... They all tacitly left the last black face in their hands and sneaked into their sleeves.

"Hey!" Father Zhao put the tableware on the table, and the pair of majestic eyes stared at Zhao Er: "Talk, what is going on in your mother's mouth?"

Zhao Er is a very honest farmer. Where does he know what is going on? Suddenly there.

Zhao Erzhen quickly said: "Grandpa, when I went to the mountain with firewood yesterday, I saw the injured sister-in-law under the cliff. My sister is still angry. She is not dead! At that time, the sky was hovering with vultures. If we don't save her at the time, she will be torn by the vultures into pieces to eat!"

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