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"Grandpa, you don't often teach us to be kind, do you want to be a good person? At that time, Wu Shu, who happened to be next door, we asked Wu Shu to help and bring her sister back."

"At that time, my sister was unconscious, so we invited Dr. Lu to come to the doctor. Lu said that her sister fell off the cliff and fell on her head and legs, but it was not fatal, so she was really not dead... ..."

Father Zhao frowned: "I really owe the five silver coins of the Lu Dafu?"

Zhao Erzhen: "...Yes, it is true..."

Father Zhao swayed his hand: "Let the girl come to see me."

Zhao Erzhen: "Grandpa, my sister broke her leg and couldn't walk, she couldn't come..."

Father Zhao blinked.

Wang of the big house is greedy, and she is good at calculations. She suddenly blinks her eyes: "How can we give back the money of the doctor? How should we let the girl back? The medicine is used on her, we Why should she help her with the cost of the drug? Ask her where she is, let her family pick it up, and her family can not give gifts to thank us!!"

Wang’s words are reasonable and reasonable, just...

Zhao Erzhen wants to stop.

Father Zhao glared at Zhao Erzhen: "If you have anything, hurry and say, don't support me!"

Zhao Erzhen: "Grandpa... Hey sister, she... She sister broke her leg and broke her brain, so... she doesn't know her own family... Where?"


The old man hasn't spoken yet, and Wang has already picked it up!

Because this means that not only does not thank you, but also help pay off debts!

"That's broken and the leg is broken. It's a woman. If you sell it in the ravine, it's worth a few dollars..." Wang told Zhao Aunt.

Zhao Auntie’s eyes turned a bit and I didn’t know what to do.

Off screen -

Qinglong Emperor is full of anger!

The niece of the Qinglong Emperor, who is in the hall, is actually going to be sold to the ravine? This group of people!

The anger of Qinglong Emperor was released, and the surrounding air was solidified. Ning Zai was equal to one person.

They are worried...

These days of pride, once they have lost the family's shelter, and there is no aura to repair, how should they live...

In fact, the Soviet Union at the moment is also erecting ears.

Because they are all wooden houses, the sound insulation is very poor, and the Su can clearly hear the sound coming from the dining hall next door.

According to Zhao Erqi's previous description, coupled with her own discernment of the sound, Su Luo clearly knows who is represented by every voice in the dining hall.

It seems that Zhao Auntie is really difficult to get along with. The big sister of the big house is greedy and savvy. The two-room Li is soft and sturdy. The three-bedroom three-person singer does not say a word from beginning to end, and does not allow the war to spread. She, so this is a person who protects himself.

Su Luo closed his eyes and touched the Zhao family.

At this moment, the people in the dining hall finally dispersed, and Zhao Erqi ran back in a few quick steps.

"My sister, eat and eat, eat the food first, and then have the strength to talk." Zhao Erzhen sat in front of the bed, looking at the Soviet Union with concern.

Zhao's three sisters, all have a tacit understanding, did not finish the porridge in their bowl, leaving the bottom layer, so after the merger, the porridge has a small half bowl.

As for the black-faced cockroaches, all three people squat down and have a small half.

"I also stole some pickles!" Zhao Erzhen was very proud, took a small oily paper bag from the sleeves, opened the oil paper bag, there are ten five or six thin pickles.

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