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Zhao Eryi hesitated...

But I thought of my sister who was lying on the bed, thinking that my sister saved myself and my brother’s life...

Zhao Erzhen took a step back with the blood grass, and stared at Lu Dafu with vigilance: "Do not change!"

Lu Daren’s eyes showed a touch of surprise!

Was it actually rejected? !

"You are a dead girl!" Zhao Da Niang can't!

She took off her shoes and rushed to shoot Zhao Eryi: "You are standing dead for me! Hurry and change it for me! You stand for me! Look at the old lady who can't kill you, a stinky girl!"

Li Shi and Zhao Dazhao were afraid of the loss of the second squat, and rushed up, holding Zhao Auntie on the left and right!



"I don't change me, I don't change it. I don't change it! This is the sister's herbal medicine. My sister said, this **** grass can cure her broken leg. She can stand up after he has cured the leg, so why not? change!"

Zhao Erzhen rushed to the yard.

Zhao Auntie pointed to the four grandchildren of the big room: "You four, quickly stop this stinky girl!"

But Zhao’s four sons, all of them are strong guys. Where did Zhao Erzhen run? Immediately stopped in it!

These four people are like the eagle catching the chicken, and they are watching Zhao Er!

"Give me!" Zhao Erlang extended his hand to Zhao Erqi.

Zhao Erzhen stared at them with vigilance: "No! This is the herb I have tried to kill, why should I give it to you!"

Zhao Erlang sneered, and when he rushed, he would take back the herbs from Zhao Erqi.

Seeing the people around you pointing fingers, Lu Daren frowned: "This herb can refine the strong muscles and strengthen the bones, but the sister in your mouth is already broken, and more **** grasses are cured. Not good for her, you are purely a waste to her!"

Li looked at Zhao Erzhen: "Two, or you..."

"No!" Zhao Xiaowu's small head, standing still has not reached Li's waist, but he is firmly in front of everyone: "This is my sister's sister, is my sister asked us to pick, do not sell I have to ask my sister again."

Zhao Xiaowu was only five years old. When he spoke, his look was serious, but his voice was milky.

Lu Daren frowned: "I don't want to pay for your family's arrears?"

Zhao Auntie is naturally 10,000 willing, but Zhao Erzhen: "No! Just like Xiaowu said, this is what my sister asked us to take, we have no right to sell."

"You are stinky, there is no cheaper than the bastard, do you know?" Zhao Auntie picked up the soles and had to take a second shot.

Dr. Lu was impatient: "Okay, so, ask the girl, lest the old man buy strong. Please lead the way."

When Zhao Eryi heard Dr. Lu’s words, she had not waited for them to act. She had already flexed in from the courtyard wall.

"芸 sister, sister--"

Zhao Erqi rushed in like a gust of wind, and he smothered the **** grass into the quilt of the Su: "Hey sister, you are hiding, the bad guys are going to steal your blood grass."

Su Luo looked at the sweat in his eyes, the whole body was dirty.

Her eyes are as gentle as ever.

There is no such thing as no reason in this world. It is really rare that this little girl is flexible and has the simplicity of a child.

"I almost rolled down on the cliff?" Su Luo licked her head and asked distressedly.

Zhao Erxi smiled brightly, revealing eight white teeth, as bright as the sun, she shyly grabbed her head: "It's okay, nothing hurts."

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